Part 33

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Natasha's Pov

So Mable called the girls they came we sat around the food

So Mable called the girls they came we sat around the food

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"So you guys went out without us" Lauren said shoving food in her mouth "that's not why we are here" Mable said rolling her eyes "we met Trevor " she said getting a taco "why does the dramatic stuff only happen in your life" Becca said "I don't kn...

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"So you guys went out without us" Lauren said shoving food in her mouth "that's not why we are here" Mable said rolling her eyes "we met Trevor " she said getting a taco "why does the dramatic stuff only happen in your life" Becca said "I don't know" I said huffing "anyway Trevor started professing his love for her in front of everyone" Mable said "wow I wish someone would do that for me" Lauren said

"Yeah if you love the person back its sweet not when the love is one sided" i said "speaking of love have you told your boo thang you love him?"  Lauren asked "we just started dating" I said "so?" Mable said " it'd be weird" I said "Jace told me he loved on our fourth date" she said "weren't you a little freaked out?" I asked her  "I was then I realized I loved him too after two months in the the relationship" she said then my phone started ringing "Shawn is calling" Lauren said like a child "Lauren give me the phone" I said "you can share the details" she said answering and putting it on speaker
S: hey beautiful
N: hey baby
S: I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight
N: tonight? Where?
S: it's a surprise
N: okay
I grabbed the phone and removed it from speaker
S: I will call you okay
N: okay but what time?
S: at 11pm 
N: okay bye
S: bye love

"Beautiful that is the sweetest thing I have ever heard well next to that necklace" Lauren said "Becca when are getting a boyfriend?" Mable asked  "well I have a date with Marco" she said " finally he asked you out" I said eating my taco the day went by fast its 9:30pm then my sister walked in with hickeys on her neck  " woah some had wild night" I said smirking "what are you talking about?" She asked "you have hickeys all over your neck" I said "oh my God" she got up and ran into the bathroom "anyway I am leaving I have a date" I said "date? It's 9:56 who goes for a date this time?"  my sister asked "apparently Shawn and I do gotta go" I said running out

I went to my room took a shower and changed into this

It's now 10:50pm I sprayed some Chanel coco and some velvet petals from Victoria's secret I grabbed my phone and purse the was a knock on the door I opened the door " damn I have never seen someone who makes jeans look so so sexy" Shawn said "your...

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It's now 10:50pm I sprayed some Chanel coco and some velvet petals from Victoria's secret I grabbed my phone and purse the was a knock on the door I opened the door " damn I have never seen someone who makes jeans look so so sexy" Shawn said "your one to talk" I said

Blessings' POV

"I am so hungry" i said getting up "fuck!"i screamed in pain,my back was arching and there was pain in between my legs "damn!" i said and i put on some clothes

"I am so hungry" i said getting up "fuck!"i screamed in pain,my back was arching and there was pain in between my legs "damn!" i said and i put on some clothes

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And i went to the cafeteria to grab us some food.And i came back to my room "hey baby" Cameron said "hey" i said "food?"i asked and he nodded,i sat down next to him."Wanna cuddle while we eat our food?"he asked "sure" i said,i turned the TV on and laid my head on his laps and he ran his one hand through my hair and his other hand was sticking with mine. I looked up and smiled,we cuddled while we ate and watched movies. then I went to Mabel's room after watching Game of thrones season 7 and I found my sister and the rest of the girls there " woah someone had a wild night" she said "what are you talking about?" I asked "you have hickeys all over your neck" she said "oh my God"  i said running into the bathroom "anyway I am leaving I have a date" my sister said "it's 9:56 who goes for a date this time?" I asked " apparently Shawn and I do gotta go" she said running out

I looked at the rest of the girls "looks someone is still in honeymoon phase" I said smiling  and the rest of the night with girls.....

In the morning

"C'mon let's go we're gonna be late" i said "relax class is in 30 minutes"he said "ok but try to make it quick "i'm done" he said "finally" i said giving him a light kiss and we headed to class.

After hours of learning and observing class was finally over.We walked towards our room and met Jace and Mable "hey guys how are you doing?" i said "we're good, don't know bout ya" she said "pretty dope"i said "um Mable, can you do me a favor?"i asked "yeah, sure. what is it?" she asked "um can you arrange an emergency group meeting?"i asked "okay but why?" she asked curiously "ok thanks!" i said dragging Cameron and walking to our room without answering my Mable's question "hey stop" he said i drag him into our room and closed the  door behind us "WTF is this about?" he asked confused and damn he looked so cute in his confused "look baby,i only have a few days till i go home and i just want to have fun, a lot of fun with all of you so that while am gone i won't have to miss you guys that much and besides it has been long since we all hung out" i explained "oh baby, you're so sweet. why didn't yo tell me" he said "well i have told you now"i said he chuckled "let me quickly change my clothes and we can go" i said "okay" he said looking down to his phone, i went to my wardrobe,picked an outfit and quickly changed

 why didn't yo tell me" he said "well i have told you now"i said he chuckled "let me quickly change my clothes and we can go" i said "okay" he said looking down to his phone, i went to my wardrobe,picked an outfit and quickly changed

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"I'm done babe come on let's go" i said he pecked my cheek and we headed out to my sister's room assuming that's where everyone was.I opened the door "finally!!!!" they all exclaimed "hey guys" i said"so why'd you call all of us here?" Mable asked "okay here's the thing, we haven't had fun together as a group in like such a long i thought we could go out somewhere and you know have some fun what do you say"i explained "yeah, that sounds amazing"Selena said agreeing with me "yeah let's do this" everyone cheered.Cameron sat on the bed next to Shawn,i sat on his laps since there was no where else to sit and he wrapped his hands around my waist while i played with his fingers "so any ideas of where we should go? i mean anywhere cause we have a three weeks before Christmas and school closed today and we gotta have some memorable fun before going home"i said with one eye brow raised "girl i feel you and i know where you're at"my sister said and i giggled "ok what about the Maldives Island" she suggested "superb! you really know how to choose places" Becca said "so what do you think guys?" i asked "amazing" they all agreed "okay then we live tonight last flight leaves at exactly 8:35 pm so we must be there by 8:00pm so that we could have enough time to pick what we need and Natasha and I are gonna take care of the tickets just get ready" i said and Nattie and I went to buy the tickets"I'll be back soon honey"i said giving Cam a peck on the lips

I didn't think I'd be this busy" i said "pretty dope what you did back there am proud of you" my sister said while she drove us in Shawn's car " thanks and there our friends they mean the world"i said "okay enough of emotions, we've got 'FRIENDS' to spoil........................

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