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"Cameron, stop  let go of me and let me teach him a lesson l......" i said been cut off "enough"Cameron yelled " just look at what you are doing to yourself,pretty girls like you aren't meant to cry Justin is just stupid for cheating on a girl like you he does not know what he's missing now please give me a smile and stop crying " he said "huh you know what Justin does not deserve me " i said "so do you wanna go out for a drink to clear your mind?" he asked "i guess it won't hurt" i said so we headed out and went to the cafe at the mall on our way out i saw my favorite music shop was still open so i dragged Cameron and took him in "i love this place i feel at ease every time i come here" i said "really?" he asked" yeah "i said suddenly my old  time favorite song began to play 'end of the road' by boyz II men  "come on let's go" i said "were are we going?"he asked "to listen to my song" i said we had so much fun that night.

It's now 10:00 pm so i said " shall we head back now my sister must be worried sick" "sure" he said so we started off "hey,thanks" i said "for what?" he asked "uhm for taking me out and supporting me through times like this" i said looking in his eyes "that's what friends are for, we look out for each other"he said coming close to me his lips an inch away from mine and we eventually kissed passionately in the middle of the road i wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer and we eventually pulled apart for air.........

"baaaa-"we both tried to speak at once "ha ha ha ha ha! " we both laughed "Ca......" i was cut off by my sister "Blessings!!!" she yelled coming were i was standing so did Shawn and Justin, Justin punched Cameron "what the hell, have you lost your mind?!" i yelled at Justin while helping Cameron get up "but....."he started " but what, did anybody hit your ass when you cheated? or did anybody cut your dick off and who gave you the right to hit any of my friends?" i asked "we were worried sick and........." i cut him off with a slap in the face "since when are you worried about me, or even if you were then why did you cheat on me if you are so worried,you are not worried about me you o........" i was cut off with a slap by my sister" what the fuck is wrong with you, look you have no right to shout at the person who was looking for you like his insane "  Natasha shouted " " looking out for me ? the only thing he has done is cheat on me by fucking my friend and he also wants to fuck you so Justin does not look out for any one  he only cares about satisfying he's stupid dick a........"i said but been cut off by my sister "that's enough"she yelled "Shawn please take them to their room and as for you your coming with me" she Shawn grabbed my wrist and took me away " let go of me, Shawn! let go of me"i said "let go of her Shawn please" Cameron begged "you want me to let you go?fine" he said letting go of me "come on Cam let's get out of here nobody cares about us here everybody is a monster "i said "stop, we can't just ran away from every one like this you are better than this and we can fix this,we are going to face this problem together" he said "why do you even care so much about how i solve my problems? are you......."yes i am, i love you Blessings that is why i care about you so much and i used to annoy you so that you could love me i couldn't tell you because i was afraid you are gonna refuse and you were with Justin"he said " no you are just making fun of me Cameron you don't love me i mean who could love me no"i said confused "just....."he tried to say but i cut him off"no Cameron i have to go i just ii am sorry......."i said running away "Blessings!!"Cameron yelled but i ran as fast as my legs could carry me without looking back........

Natasha's  POV

"Shawn please take them their to their room and as for you your coming with me" i said pointing at Justin so i dragged him to his room and said "why the would you cheat on her and whose the slut?!!!" i asked "Selena" he said " i knew something was wrong with that girl the day i set my eyes on her" i said "why would you cheat anyway, that's not the Justin i know" i said disappointed " i love Blessings i really do......just not in the a way you think" he said, i sighed "you could have just told her how you felt --" he said "and have her hate me"he said defeated "so you thought cheating was the best idea?" i asked " i'm sorry i know it was a stupid idea"he said "its not me you have to apologize to, it's her i believe she will eventually forgive you" i said " i gotta go " i said "okay"he said  walked knowing am going to see Selena's room i finally arrived and i knocked on the door "hi Selena"  i said knowing what gonna happen "umm hi Nat come in"she said "why  did you do it?" i asked "sorry?" she asked confused " helping Justin cheat" i said "i don't kno-" i cut her off with a slap on her face " you don't know she's been crying since"i screamed "she's supposed to be your best friend and you have clearly proven that your best friend can be you worst enemy" i shouted while she cried " i have to go and nurse the heart you helped break"i said.. i walked  back to my room and i found my sister crying " why Nat, why would he do that wasn't my love enough" she said sobbing even harder " his an idiot you don't need him focus on law school  and remember our anthem 'messy females  talk noise, stupid hoes chase boys, ignorant tricks fellow dicks, bad bitches like us get rich" she smiled "thanks sis"she said "no prob now sleep you need to get to class good night" i said

Blessing's P O V

I ran to my room and jumped on my bed "no this is not happening why does this only happen to me " i said to myself as i sobbed harder my sister came in she walked close to me and sat on my bed "why Nat,why would he do that, wasn't my love enough " i said sobbing even harder than i already was but she was there to hold me through it all and she told me to go to bed and concentrate  on my studies and so i went to bed but still thinking about what Cameron  said to me, i woke up very early the next morning i brushed my teeth and showered and i put on this out fit

I ran to my room and jumped on my bed "no this is not happening why does this only happen to me " i said to myself as i sobbed harder my sister came in she walked close to me and sat on my bed "why Nat,why would he do that, wasn't my love enough "...

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So i started off to class,when i entered i saw Cameron sitting next to my chair which was not a surprise because that's were he usually sits but after what happened the previous night i did not have the guts to talk to him and neither did he..........

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