chapter 5

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Natasha POV

So my sister took Camila out living me and Shawn  alone "sooooo" i said trying to break the silence "you have changed a lot" he said "really?" i asked "yeah,puberty and adulthood hit you in all the right places"he said " wow for someone with a girlfriend, you're very bold" i said surprised "what? were is it written that someone who is dating can't compliment another person" he asked " anyways, how has life been?" i asked " good "he said "come on it has to be spicier than that" i said " well i have girlfriend now, i am studying business administration and i may or may not became a CEO of my dad's company"he said with a proud smile "wow now i know why Blessings was saying that you are the ladies man well besides the looks" i said

Shawn POV

Blessings just comes in with her sister and  took Camila with her and Natasha has changed i may have called her cute but she is gorgeous and is quite a sight to see, i  haven't seen her in seventeen years so she's changed i mean bigger breasts, wider hips, thick thighs, snatched waist and a fat ass "wow now i know why Blessings was saying that you are the ladies man well besides the looks" she said " so are you saying am handsome?" i asked " well would be lying if i  said no" she said confidently " your so gorgeous i bet you have a line of men  chasing after you" i said "well am not sure of  that but i am  sure am not ready to date  again or just yet" she said looking down "what?! we can't let all this beauty go to waste" i told her " so you and Camila how long have been dating?" she asked "year and 3months" i answered "why do-" i was cut off by her phone beeping "OH MY GOD" she screamed "what happened" i asked "nothing my brother just texted when i haven't talked to him in months" she said excited " would you mind if i went to call him" she asked biting her lip "sure" i said still not wanting her to leave "thanks and give me your phone " she said "umm sure" i said handing it to her and a little confused as to why she wanted my phone "so i have put my number in your phone so you can call me when you're free" she said smiling. She walked out. I looked at her as she saved her as it's just  Natasha, i dialed Cameron's number to see if he wanted to hang out he answered after the first two rings

S: hey man

C: hey, what have you been up to?

S: you sound like a girl.....

C: ha ha very funny

S: look i want to see you soon

C: yeah, me too

C: we invite Justin too

S: yeah sure, i 'll call him too

S: later dude

C: bye


S: what's up

J:  what's up

S: dude you sound like a broken record, what happened?

J: a lot, i need to talk to all of you

S: okay then, lets meet  in the frat i will get the drinks and you can bring the snacks

J: yeah

S: okay bye                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

J: bye

So i went to the to the mall i bought beer and whisky, and i went to pay for it and drove back to the frat and i saw Cameron sitting outside " dude what are you doing outside" i asked curiously "waiting for you" he answered "oh okay" i said we both walked we saw Justin sitting with his fingers in his hair" hey Justin"  i great him "hey" he said " now tell us  what's wrong" i said " i have been cheating on Blessings with Selena and she found out " he said in a low voice "YOU WHAT" I screamed on the top of my lungs " why would you do that you did shit she's beautiful she put up with your crazy ass, she was prefect for your crazy, stupid, dumb ass you idiot"  i said " yeah i know-- " he said "no you don't know, that's why you acted stupidly and betrayed the most beautiful girl in the world who loves your dick brain" Cameron shouted  " whoa you sound like you love her" i said " yeah cause i do " he said " whoa what happened to 'bros before hoes' " Justin said "yeah! except she's not a hoe, asshole" Cameron said "guys focus "  i said  " Blessings deserves so much better than  you have done you  asshole.... but i need to know, do you even love her" i asked " of course i do........but not like that anymore"he said "why didn't you just tell her than being a coward  and cheating on her" i asked "because she is too good to be true so i thought if i did something idiotic she would break up with me herself and Selena was really hot since the day i set my eyes on her  so i thought why not and i was really horny that night so i just went with the flow" he said "of the people in the world why  the place that's supposed to be her comfort zone" i said " well what did you want me to do use her sister cause she's hot with a body lik....." i cut him off with a slap in the back of his head" you  cheated asshole that to with her best friend and now your thinking off Natasha's magnificent body"i said


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