Part 17

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Natasha's POV

So after that little scene, we started walking towards the car. I was behind with Shawn, Selena looked behind and said "hey Natasha, can i talk to you?" she asked "sure" i said Shawn went ahead leaving us "look i'm so sorry for the way things went down" she said "it's fine am sorry for slapping you" i said "it's fine you were looking out for your sister" she said and i smiled we walked to the car hopped in an uber, after 10 minutes we entered. Sweaty bodies dancing against each we walked through crowd and finally found our sits, the bartender came and asked for our order " 18 tequila shots" i shouted i turned to my friend and said"first round on me" i said our shot finally drunk them in 2secs, he came back we all ordered Vodka, we kept drinking and i started feeling tipsy then Anaconda by Nicki Minaj started playing"shit that's our song, lets go dance" Mable said jumping of Jace's laps, we were walking towards the dance floor and started dancing then privacy by Chris Brown started and all hell broke loose, i mean Becca was grinding on some stranger, Mable was now with Jace and dancing but looking like they were fucking with clothes on like, you know in clout when Cardi was on offset any way i was grinding Lauren who grinding on another dude

Then wobble up started which i knew was Blessings favorite so she got up and started grinding on Cameron while he was just looking like he was gonna explode and i chose to leave the dance floor and let the couples dance, i walked up to Shawn "hey" i screamed  "hi" he said "i didn't know you could dance like that" he said with a smirk, the bartender came he didn't even have to ask "whiskey shots" he said "how many " the bartender asked looking at me "10" i answered he walked away"so you said you didn't know i could dance like that well i can" i said the bartender came with our alcohol "thanks"i said "you and i  have two minutes to drink five of these shots" i said "well am gonna win " he said cockily "okay go" i said finishing them in a go unfortunately we finished at the same time "ugh so have you found your girl for the night" i asked "no" he said "come on they are so many hot girls here and you get anyone" i said "look that blonde has been staring at you since we got here" i said "yeah but she not my type" he said "does it matter it's a one night stand" i said "forget about me you were looking like you gonna have a three way"he said "eww gross i would never" i said he gave me the really look "don't look at me like that " i said "focus let's find you a girl, how about her?" i said "no" he said "how about her then" i asked "how the one sitting in front of me" he said "no" i said "come on she's hot, smart, funny and i already like her-"  he said "Shawn i am a virgin" i said his eyes popped out "no way i don't believe you"

"i don't care" i said "didn't you have a boyfriend?" he asked "yeah but he was so possessive which was a turn off for me so.." i said "okay" he said "i want more alcohol" i said we drunk the night away just the two of us and now i was beyond drunk......

Blessings' POV

Finally we were at the club and the place smelt like alcohol,sweat and sex after surpassing a bunch of sweaty bodies we finally found our seats and sat down the bartender came over and asked us what we were ordering "18 tequila" my sister shouted " first round is on me" she said our shots arrived, i drunk about 4 and i was already feeling tipsy mainly because i don't drink my sister and everyone else called the bartender and they ordered vodka i went for one more and damn i was drunk then Anaconda began to play my sister and her friends got up and began to grind on people,but what shocked me was to see my sister grinding on Lauren and i wondered if she was bisexual a few minutes later privacy by Chris Brown began to play and my sister went wild and out of control i closed my eyes for a while hence i was so drunk Cam looked at me " are you okay?" he asked " yeah, it's just that.." i started but before i could finish wobble up began to play and it was my favorite song so i got up "come on that's my song" i said dragging Cameron to the dance floor though i was drunk and the moment i got up i felt like the whole world stop and i began to move it and shake it as well as grinding on Cameron like there is no tomorrow.

A few minutes later

I was so tired  i could not go any longer so i decided to take a break a few minutes later Cameron joined me " what happened?" he asked " well i was just tired and i decided to take a seat" i said " then why didn't you tell me?" he asked "but it's just resting it''s not like did anything wrong" i said then our song began to play thinking out loud and we went to the dance floor i wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist and we pulled each other close " sorry i got pissed" i said " no am sorry for been so strict" he said so we both forgave each other and continued dancing i put my head down he held it up and looked into my eyes and i looked into his we were so close if i took a step forward we would kiss so we stood in the middle of the dance floor staring at each other  my eyes were filled with lust i just wanted to fuck him right but i couldn't so i kissed passionately after 5minutes i pulled away for air "i think we should go" i whispered in his ear......

We called an uber and left. We reached our dorm and kissed again this time with so much fire, when we did meet it felt like everything in world was right. I don't know what it is but when he touches me it burns on my skin for days. His kiss traveled down to neck and all i could do was moan............. well the rest is history.

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