Chapter 9

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Natasha's POV

So Shawn followed me to the library "so why are you going to the library?" he asked "for a book"i said "a book?" he asked " yeah " i said annoyed "what book are you looking for?" he asked " the Concubine and Jane Austen stole my boyfriend" i answered "okay" he said i saw it on the shelf top shelf so i grabbed a ladder and started climbing and luckily i found them both and got down "you've got ass" he said "i don't want problems with your girlfriend" i said "don't worry she wouldn't hurt you" he said "yeah right" i said

We've been in here  for 20 minutes now that Shawn found inspiration to find his book on e-something, honestly i don't care, "Mendes, i have to go"i said " okay i will walk you to class" he said "sure" i said "so a boyfriend?"  he asked "no, not anymore"i said "what happened" he asked "i was transferred here and i don't want a long distance relationship" i said "right, cause you wont know whether his cheating or not and you have physical needs"he said " what? no and yes" i said "meaning?"  he asked  "meaning i yes i wouldn't know if his cheating and no don't have physical needs" i said........."i  have class, bye" i said "no kiss??" he pouted and i rolled my eyes

After three hours of learning anatomy and  class was finally over so i headed back to my room, after a four minutes, i touched the door knob the door opened and i walked,  i looked up  saw my sister laying on Cameron's chest and i could tell that underneath the sheets they were naked "aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh" i screamed running out of the room and as  i was running i bumped into Lauren one of my other best friend"hola Nat, why are you running like you just saw a ghost" she asked " sorry l i just walked in on my sister" i said disgusted and out of breath

"Gross" she said "you wanna stay with me for a little while?" she asked "yeah" i said "come on " she said after walking a little while we arrived and i dropped on the bed "so what's new?" i asked "Brandon and i broke up" she said, fun fact Lauren is bi-sexual  so she can date both girls and boys and rumor has it she  had or has a crush on me "awwww why did my one of my favorite couples breakup"i asked "it wasn't working" she a bit disappointed "oh sorry, are you okay ?" i asked she stared at me and she smiled "what?" i asked while smiling " what's wrong with you?"she asked i looked at her confused  "seriously you just broke up with Trevor and i heard you slapped Justin and Selena for B and now your asking if am okay" she said "yeah so?" i said "so are you okay" she asked " i am fine" i said in a small voice she the *you can talk to me* look "don't know i- i feel that now T and i are over, i can see all other things and choices" i said "CHOICES?! who?!" she screamed  "i d-" she cut me " bitch don't lie" she said "Shawn" i said unsure "OMG really"she said "you guys would have the cutest babies" she said "girl calm down he has a girlfriend" i said "wait *dialing some number* yes in my room " she said  

She doesn't talk me  five min straight just when am about to talk when the busts open Mable and Becca come in " what in the motherfucking hell" i screamed "bitch, shut up me and Jace where in lovey dov-" Mable started and was cut off by Becca"just stop" she screamed "rude bitch" Mable said Becca was about say something but was cut off by Lauren " you are here for Natasha not fighting" l said "shit, who died?" Mable asked "wha- no one" i said "she has feelings for Shawn" Lauren said the girls screamed "guys its not gonna happen he has a girlfriend" i said "fuck that shit you need someone" Becca said "and fact is that Camila is a gold digging hoe"  Mable said "and Shawn is hella fine" she finished her statement  "don't you have a boyfriend"i said "doesn't matter " she said "anyway i'm not sure i even like Shawn" i said

Blessings' POV

After having a pleasant night with Cameron i laid on his chest and fell asleep a few minutes later the door opens and it's my sister "aaaaaaahhhhhhh!"she screamed and ran away i got up "Cameron my sister just walked in on us i gotta go find her" i said looking for my clothes "what do you think she is going to do?"he asked "don't worry she is my sister am going to handle her just put on your clothes and head out i will see you tomorrow" i said putting on my slippers and pecking his chick so i headed out and began looking for her i went to Shawn's room thinking she might be there but she was not, i tried Mable and Rebecca's room but no one was there which left me with only one option Lauren so i quickly called her "hello" i said "hey" she answered "uhm is Nattie with you?" i asked "yeah" she answered " can you please give her the phone i need to talk to her"i said "sure" she said "hey Nattie some body wants to talk to you"she said over the phone "who is it " she said in the background "hello" she said "hey sis" i answered  "you" she said mad " look i know you are mad because of what you saw earlier but please just head back and i'll explain" i said "fine i'll be there in a minute see you then" she said exhausted "okay" i sad heading back to my room, within a few min she arrived and entered "uhm i......."i started but could not continue because of the look she gave me

"i started but could not continue because of the look she gave me

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"Nat...."i tried to say but she cut me off with a slap "how could you do something so disgusting?"she asked "what is wrong with you,what are Mum and Dad going to do when they find out" she said at once "we......"she cut me off with a slap again "you know what do whatever you want cause am not a child anymore am big enough and can make my own decisions so you can stop baby sitting me and don't act so innocent cause who knows how many boys have fucked that ass and...." she hit me again " how dare you think so ill of me?"she said " oh please don't be a miss goody two shoes,you must have broken the record at the previous college you were at,so just back off and let me leave my life" i said " but how am i supposed to sit back and watch my sis waste her body on stupid boys, i care about you, you...."she tried to finish but i cut her off " sister, care my foot since when did you care about me, you don't care about me you only care about yourself, your image and stupid dicks" i said opening the door "Blessings!" she yelled " i don't talk to hoes" i said heading out and going to Cameron's room "i knocked on his door and he came out" "Blessings what are you doing here?" he asked "well it's a long story but won't you at least let me in ?" i said " oh shit were are my manners come in" he said i went in " whoa your room is a mess how do you even sleep, cause i can't even see the bed" i said " well now that you are here you can help me " he said "well what choice do i have?" i said  so i helped him clean and we finished " so what brings you here?"he asked " well things kinda got rough between me and my sister so i said some bad stuff and could not control myself so i came here to avoid bad stuff from happening between me and her" i said " this is all my my fault i got carried away and we ended up fucking, can you please forgive me?" he said still blaming himself "hey stop being stupid, this is not your fault" i said holding his hand "can we go to bed now am exhausted" i said " sure" he said " oh one more thing good night" he said pecking my chick and turning off the light " you are such a dick" i said " for you i am" he said " alright i get it now sleep" i said shutting my eyes..........

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