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I woke up early in the morning trying to call my sister because  i heard she is transferring to my school but she was not picking up i tried again but she still was not answering so i just gave up and stopped, thinking she must be busy so i got out of my room but before i could go out i saw Cameron, just great i thought " hey baby" he said "i am not your baby" i said angry " no need to yell" he said i began to walk away but before i could take another step he grabbed my wrist i yelled by luck Justin was passing by and Cameron let go of me so i ran up to Justin and he gave me a hug "what's wrong" he asked " nothing" i said so we held hands and he walked me to class "bye" i said pecking his chick.

4 hrs later i tried calling my sister finally she picked up "hello" i said excitedly" hey" she said i asked her if she was really getting transferred to my school and she said yes i was so excited because i could not wait to tell her about my boyfriend Justin and Cameron who always annoyed me.

Finally my sister arrived together with her friends Mable and Rebecca i was so happy thinking of just how much fun we are gonna have,i woke up very early the next morning   so did my sister "why are you up so early? she asked "it's just that am worried about Justin he has been acting so strange lately and maybe he is seeing some other girl" i said "don't worry maybe something is just bothering him cause he looks like a good boy and i just wish Trevor was the same but he just cared about himself and he was over possessive so i just broke up with him before coming here" she said " then why did you not tell me am sure you must be broken but am here for you and we are sisters no stupid boys will separate us " i said hugging her "oh did i tell you that Shawn also goes to this school he has missed you over the years how would you like surprising him by paying him a visit besides today is Saturday " i said "fine" she said

3hrs later i went to see Justin to see if he was okay and to ask him if he was okay before i entered his i saw my best friend Selena coming out of his room "why would she be here so early?" i asked myself as i walked into his room i entered his room and he was nude, i tried to contain my anger so that i could ask him why " what the fuck have you done " i yelled "if you wanted to be with someone else why didn't you fucking tell me rather letting me fucking find out like this and why did it have to be my fucking best friend, if you fucking knew that you fucking like her why did you not tell me?" i asked in tears Justin tried to stop me and explain but i ran out of his room before he could say a thing hence i could no longer control my feelings  while running away i ran into Cameron i hugged him with so many emotions that he was worried after a few minutes i got back to my senses and  i realized  that i was hugging Cameron the person who always annoys me so i let go of him and ran to my room but he followed me he was very worried, he came close to me and asked me " what's wrong" "nothing that concerns you" i said in a broken voice "look i might bug you but i have never seen you like this, i know something is wrong just trust me this once and tell me what's wrong" he said "it's Justin he was fucking my fucking best friend Selena and........"hey hey don't cry it's okay " he said comforting me, he wiped my tears "look Justin is an idiot for doing what he has done he clearly doesn't deserve you " he said he looked in my eyes leaning slowly  and  finally our lips touch, we kissed for 2 minutes  but i got back to my senses before things got nasty, " what the hell" i said breaking the kiss " you thought i was weak so you took advantage of me because of my situation, how dare you" i yelled"what? no i did not i was just got carried away am sorry i didn't mean to make you feel that way" he said i knew he was telling the truth but i covered it up because Cameron and i only argue so i just said "you know what just get out i need to be ......" my sister came in before i could complete my sentence so Cameron said" bye" and left, i quickly wiped my tears because i didn't want to worry her hence she was going through so much already "hey" i said "hello" she said "uuhhhmm do you wanna go see Shawn? i asked her "sure" she said  so we changed our clothes

" my sister came in before i could complete my sentence so Cameron said" bye" and left, i quickly wiped my tears because i didn't want to worry her hence she was going through so much already "hey" i said "hello" she said "uuhhhmm do you wanna go ...

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her outfit

So we began to walk towards Shawn's room we arrived and i knocked on his door, he came out "hey" he said "hello" i said "come in "he said my sister and i went in "uh Shawn do you remember my sister Natasha?" i asked "of course who can forget that cute....."he started but being cut off " honey whose there?" said the voice coming from the bathroom "uh Shawn are you married in college?" i asked "of course not it's just my girlfriend Camila" he said"oh" said my sister i wanted Shawn and my sister to catch up on what  they have  missed over the years so i distracted Camila and took her out "have fun you two " i said while going out...........

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