Part 47

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Natasha POV

I am exhausted i just want to sleep but i can't, i just took a long shower the hot water soothed my muscles and relaxed them i hopped out of the shower and brushed my teeth.

I dressed in comfy clothes I walked down stairs I saw that something was bothering my sister....

We went to open the present my sister got books, custom grad cap and new phone cause that what she asked for and I got a macbook pro, new phone, books and custom grad cap "oh my Natasha is that an engagement ring" my grandma screamed all the attention shifted to my hand " ahh-" I started " oh my did Shawn propose" Jayden asked "what! No! He gave me a promise ring" I said "oh ok" my dad said "any thanks for presents good night" I said walking upstairs I got a text from Shawn "good night princess" I smiled and laid in bed....

In the morning

I got out bed and my phone is ringing baby requesting a face time "hola papi" I said " hey" he said "I miss you and hasn't even been a day" I whine "baby I miss you too" he said "how are your parents?" he said "good" I say "Shawn honey Hannah just said breakfast is ready" a voice said "ok mom I will be there" he said "love I need to go" he said "it's ok" I said "bye princess" he said "bye papi" I said smirking he growled and I cut the call

I went to shower after an hour I was done and I changed

I went to shower after an hour I was done and I changed

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I walked down stairs "morning" I said "morning" they said "where is B" I ask "here" she said "you ready" I ask "yeah" she said "where are you going" my aunt asks "umm girls day" I said "ok but aren't eating breakfast first" she said "no" we said r...

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I walked down stairs "morning" I said "morning" they said "where is B" I ask "here" she said "you ready" I ask "yeah" she said "where are you going" my aunt asks "umm girls day" I said "ok but aren't eating breakfast first" she said "no" we said running out

We took mom's car and drove to the spa it was very nice so we're the workers I was laying on my stomach masseuse's running her hands on my oily body "this is amazing" Blessings moaned "now I know how the kardashians feel" she said I laughed it went on for about two hours "you mind if Mable joins" I ask "no" she said

So Mable came in with Lauren "hey" they said "hi" we said "I am ready to get pampered" she said. I sat in a tub full of mad we talked "you know what, you Mable have been in a relationship with Jace for a long time, do you never grow tired?" Blessings said "no his my person" she said "I had to give the biggest news of my life and I got scared but he was and he still is there for me and once you have that you can with someone for as long as ten years" she said "you like a married woman" I said "ah fuck you" she said "why are you asking?" She asks "do you feel your getting bored of Cameron?" I asked "yes, no I don't know" she started " we just don't have the vibe you and Jace have or you and Shawn have" she said drinking her champagne "yeah sometimes a vibe matters, you and Cam may have just lost one you just have to find it" Lauren said "Lauren is right, look you are just going through a certain phase you will get through it" I said

Blessings phone started ringing "hello" she said "hi Kyle I miss you" she said "where is my Christmas present?" She asked "really okay I will be there in about fifteen minutes" she said "ok bye" she said cutting the call and getting up from her chair "where are going?" I asked "I will tell bye" she said leaving the room.... Just after the I received a text saying "hey" "hi" I replied "you wanna meet up" it read I was doubting for a while "okay, what time???" I reply "5:30" it read "okay ☺️" I replied I looked at the time it was 3:45 "we got go" I said "yeah" they said "wait who was texting you?" Mable asked "um Nash" I said putting on my clothes "why" she asks even further "he wants to met up" I say......

Blessings pov

So I left to go to this park where Kyle asked me to go to I went there and finally arrived "took you long enough" a voice said I turned "Kyle" I said I ran to him and hugged him like my life depends on it " what are you doing here?" I ask I pulling away " I came here to visit my family and you of course" he said

"You know I missed you" he said grabbing my hand they locked "I know I missed you" I said "so tell about than family and friends and school you got a boyfriend?" He asked "I do" I answer "why haven't I met before, are you hiding him like Natasha with Trevor or his not real" he asks "no I am not and he is very real you will met him eventually" I said

We talked about random stuff and it was time to go "I have to go" I said "I will see you tomorrow?" He asked "um actually I am going back to compass after tomorrow so I need to prepare" I said "sad I will see you eventually" he said we walked out he paid for my Uber and went home

I arrived my house "hi Jay where is Natasha" I asked "she came and she left shortly after" he said I went upstairs I showered and changed into

I arrived my house "hi Jay where is Natasha" I asked "she came and she left shortly after" he said I went upstairs I showered and changed into

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Three hours later *in spongebob's voice*

I was watching marlon on Netflix and ran heard some one running upstairs I walked out of to room door shut "chica que puertas estas cerrando de golpe (girl who's doors are you slamming) " my mom screamed, I walked up to my sister's door and I heard her crying.

Why is she crying? What could be wrong and I heard the shower in her running "you know ease dwopping is vewy bad" I heard a small voice say "Ariel what are you doing here?" I asked her cause she usually asleep this time "I couldn't sweep" she said "ok lasts go take you to bed. I took her to her room I read her a bedtime story and she was asleep then my phone started ringing I quickly walked out answered "hi Cam" I said "I feel your avoiding me" he said in a raspy voice on the other side "what? No" I said.

"Really you haven't talked to me since the little fight in the car" he said "cause I have been busy and I don't see you putting in any effort" I said in slight annoyance "I have called you, haven't I?" He said I scoffed "are we really fight about this" he asks " your the one who brought it up" I said defending myself "I brought it up because you were being crazy" he said "look I know you an attention seeker but if your not if your not careful this could break what Shawn and Natasha have built" he said "if you called to lecture me I am cutting the call so bye" with that I cut the call and walked to my sister door leaned in and heard her laughing. I swear this bitch is bipolar.

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