Part 29

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Natasha's POV

I woke up with someone fingers in my hair eyes open slowly only to him "good morning beautiful" he said in his morning voice "morning" i said felling back into his chest "your sister called i didn't tell you cause you where sleeping" i said sitting up " i better call her back " i said trying to get out of the sheets only to realized was still naked so was he, i bit my lip and took his shirt and quickly put it on while he put on his boxers.

I quickly grabbed my phone and called my sister

N: hello

B: hey you ok

N: yeah, why?

B: just asking, we wanna see you at the mall

N: now?

B:yes now

N: i just woke up

B: then get ready

N: bitch

B: love you too. bye

She cut the call she's fucked up, felt arms warp around my waist "what did she want" Shawn whispered leaving kisses on my neck "she wants to see me" i said turned while his hand are still on my waist "i wanted to spend sometime with you tonight" he said "of course i will be back by  five, now I'm gonna get ready" i said peaking his lips  i walked in the shower turned it on and let  the water run down my body i washed myself with my vanilla body wash after thirty minutes i step out with a towel around my wet body as let my hair fall the memories of late night come flooding in again i couldn't help but smile , i brushed my teeth and moisturized my skin and wore

She cut the call she's fucked up, felt arms warp around my waist "what did she want" Shawn whispered leaving kisses on my neck "she wants to see me" i said turned while his hand are still on my waist "i wanted to spend sometime with you tonight" h...

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my hair

 I walked out "damn you look hot but i prefer you in my clothes" Shawn said i bit my lip "I'm going to shower here, change in my room and drop take to the then come back and talk to this idiots" he said "ok" i said  Shawn came back  after half an ...

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 I walked out "damn you look hot but i prefer you in my clothes" Shawn said i bit my lip "I'm going to shower here, change in my room and drop take to the then come back and talk to this idiots" he said "ok" i said  Shawn came back  after half an hour wearing this

"Ready to go babe" he asked "you know it's gonna take some time for me to get used to this babe thing so keep calling me that" i said "whatever you want senorita" he said walking we drove in comfortable silence "we are here" he said  "thanks love ...

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"Ready to go babe" he asked "you know it's gonna take some time for me to get used to this babe thing so keep calling me that" i said "whatever you want senorita" he said walking we drove in comfortable silence "we are here" he said  "thanks love see you later" i kissed him  and went out i saw my and my friends  "hola chicas" i said "hey" they said " so how was your date" Mable  "it was amazing" i said "is that way you glowing?" Becky asked " i guess so" i said "bitch spill you are hiding something" Mable said "he popped the cherry" i said "WHAT" they screamed and all eyes were on us "what the fuck are you looking at" Mable said.....

Blessings' POV

(A few minutes before)

I was already at the mall with Mable and Becca and my sis hadn't arrived "oh c'mon were's this bitch she should have been here ages ago" i said "be patient" Mable said "but i can't she's my sis and i have to know if she was treated right last night and plus i already have clue that Shawn and her banged last night so i have to know if she's ok and am also excited and i have so many questions uuuuh! i can't stop talking" i said all at once "ok  you can stop now she's here" Mable said "hola chicas"....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

"what the fuck are you looking at" Mable said "damn girl you don't have to be rude,c'mon let's go shopping and Nattie will tell us her story of last night while we're at it" i said and we all went in. i was going crazy cause everything i touched became my favorite thing "Nattie i...." i was cut off by my phone and it was Cam

B:Talk to me

C:Uhm when are you coming back, am lonely and i miss you already

M:Oh really

C:Yeah, so tell me when?

B:I'll be there in 30 minutes

c:Ok see you then,love you

B:Love you too

"so madame who where you talking to?""Mable asked teasingly "nobody" i said "oh really but that did not sound like nobody but like Cameron" Nattie said "yeah,yeah you got me" i said "so what are you waiting for? go and see your paparazzi he's waiting" Nattie said "but i want to shop" i protested "OH C'MON!" they all screamed i giggled and told Nattie to bring me the things i chose while walking out.

30 minutes later

I opened the door to my room "finally you're here" Cam said hugging me "oh am so sorry but i had to go see Nattie" i said hugging him back. i pulled away " can you sit down for a moment" i said " i have some news to tell you" "tell me" he said "well Shawn popped the cherry" i said "wait with Nattie?" he asked his eyes popping out "anha" i nodded " well damn" he said "what's wrong why do you look so low?" i asked "well it's not like am not happy am very happy for them but worried about us, like when are we gonna..."he said pulling me onto the bed and tickling me "Ahh!"i screamed and giggled all at once "stop!" i cried out running out of breath and finally he stopped and as i was catching my breath he came closer and gripped my waist and smashed his lips on mine,my brain was struck damn and i needed somebody to stop this and thank God there was a knock on the door and just in time to save my innocent soul "FUCK,seriously why now" he said and i giggled cause i wasn't ready just yet he slowly let go of me and sat besides me, i got up and went to see who was at the door, i opened the door and there stood a tall and hot young man "hey" he said with a smile "hey" uhm am looking for Natasha Martinez, do you know her by any chance?"  "yeah i do in fact she's my sister" i said "am Trevor by the way,her boyfriend, please take me to her I've come all the way here just to see her" he said,i was shocked to hear this and confused........

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