Part 50

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Blessings POV 

The moment Justin started to lean in something in my head told me that this was wrong but then why in the hell did it feel so right. I know I have a boyfriend that cares for me then why did this and at this particular moment feel so right even though it's wrong.

I could not wait, I wanted to feel he lips against mine, I want, no I need that feeling back so I lean too and our lips finally meet. Right now I feel  sparks all over my body how is it that I have never felt this way before when he kissed me.

I feel his arm wrapping around my waist so much possessiveness and care literally feel so fricking safe, my hands ran through his hair. I felt myself  wrap my legs while being placed on his couch around his waist the kiss just grew deeper his kiss went down to my jaw to my collarbone and his lips there for a while 

"wait Justin stop" I spoke up, I got up from the couch, about to leave "I should just go" I say grabbing my bag.

I felt him grab my wrist and say "don't leave i shouldn't have put you that position, you have boyfriend who's my best friend, am sorry".

"I am not leaving because you did anything I should have been able to control myself but most importantly because I feel guilty because it felt right to be in your arms because I never felt that way not even when we were together" I said looking directly into his eyes. I walk closer and I placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

I walked out of the apartment and am asking myself why I never felt that way him before and do I feel it now. Fuck why do I feel for guilty for knowing what it would break Cameron's heart but not for kissing Justin fuck this is so fucking complicated.

I need Natasha right now.

Natasha POV

I am trying to get out of his grip right now and I can't. Why am I turned on right now like right now is not time but don't me wrong I am very angry.

"what in the world made you think that you could put your hand on me and think that you could get away with it" he growled at me. Making me feel all kind of things anger, hurt because we never gotten physical with each other and  guilty because it's my fault that we are this position, in this place.

His grip on my wrist loosened, so I got the opportunity to break free so I did and pushed him back and he stumbled back " are you crazy why the hell would you do that" I scream.

"You just like getting on my nerve, don't you?" he screams punching the wall behind me. I flinched to be honest I am scared because I have never seen him get like before, but wasn't going to show it.

"So now you wanna hit me huh?" I screamed at him pushing him back "you want to punch me now" I said pushing him again. "Call me crazy but you hit me first" he said.

"You questioned my loyalty to you" I said trying to push him again but he caught my wrists "so did you" he said.

"You know what?!" I scream taking back my wrists "what?!" he screams "if you want to do a push down to shove, tug and war fine but am fucking done with these relationship" I said "fine" he says looking at me and I just stormed out of his apartment. 

I walked for a while until I reached an alley where I broke down, I just broke up the love of my life and all he had to say was fine. Did he not love me at all? As I was about to call an uber to home   I heard a car stop. A man with a mask got out and I dropped my phone and started running as fast as my legs could carry me but, unfortunately my legs couldn't carry me far enough. 

I felt manly arms wrap around me waist and put a handkerchief with drugs on it on my nose, lift me up from the ground  before I completely lost consciousness.....


I opened eyes thinking everything that happened me was a nightmare only to find myself in a white room. I felt something on my legs and i saw chains on my ankles and they were chains on my wrist too. 

"HELP!" I shout "Can someone help me?!" I scream.

"No one can hear you sweetheart" a feminine voice said  and i could hear her heel click on the marble floor. "You bitch" I said seeing her face "now that's not very nice" she says.

"What do you want from me Camila, why the hell am i here" I say "you are here so that you can be with the person you are meant to be with and i am going to be with my man Shawn" she says with a sinister smile "let me go" i say "you my love, are in no position to be making demands" she says.

"Baby girl just follow through then nothing will happen to you" another voice said and i know damn well that is Trevor's voice and i was right "wow when desperate meets even more desperate this is really pathetic" i said and he grabbed my chin "even with you being kidnapped you still have a smart mouth" he said and i turned away....

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