Part 30

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Blessings' POV

"Uh for starters am Blessings and what did you just say?" i said confused "i said am Natasha's boyfriend" he said. I did not wanna create a scene cause this whole thing was driving me mad like Nattie is dating Shawn and this nigga pops up and says his her boyfriend, damn this girl is is gonna kill me with her issues "um Trevor Nattie is not around right now can you come back tomorrow " i said getting out of thought "alright then and thanks for the info" he said "welcome" i said getting in and locking the door behind me.

Natasha's POV

After shopping i want to my room and i got a text from Shawn

S: meet in 5min in my room

I got up, i reached his room I entered cause it was open and no one was here "hey" i heard i turned "geez you scared me" i said hitting his chest "i can see that" he said "what are you hiding behind you?" i asked "um so i realized that i hadn't asked you the question-"he said "what question?" i asked he got on a bent knee "please make me the happiest guy in the universe and be my girlfriend" he said i breathed a sigh of relief "for a second i thought are gonna ask me to marry you and hell yes i love too" i said he give favorite flowers white orchids and necklace

I got up, i reached his room I entered cause it was open and no one was here "hey" i heard i turned "geez you scared me" i said hitting his chest "i can see that" he said "what are you hiding behind you?" i asked "um so i realized that i hadn't as...

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"Thank you" i said "your welcome" he said he kissed me it was slow and very passionate and we apart for air "wanna watch a movie" i whispered "sure" he said after hours  i found myself sleeping here

*in the morning*

It 8am and now am trying to get out Shawn's grip and i did  but he woke up "hey your leaving me" he said in his raspy voice "not really i need to freshen up so i gotta go" i said running out and closing the door behind me went to room and took a long shower and changed

I went back to Shawn's room and we back to the cafeteria holding hands  "hey" i said "aww" said Justin i smiled "so what's the tea" i asked "you are the tea" Mable said "what-" i was cut by a male voice calling my name "Natasha" i turned i saw him...

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I went back to Shawn's room and we back to the cafeteria holding hands  "hey" i said "aww" said Justin i smiled "so what's the tea" i asked "you are the tea" Mable said "what-" i was cut by a male voice calling my name "Natasha" i turned i saw him but i didn't believe it so stood up took two steps forward he walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me,i  was shocked i didn't move or do anything i felt the world stop and not in a good way like when Shawn kisses or hugs me but made my blood turn cold "i missed you baby" he said loud enough for my friends and boyfriend listen "Trevor what are y-you doing here?" i asked still shocked "i came to see and surprise you" he said "why?" i asked him "since when can't i see my girlfriend" he said "WHAT" and i knew that was Shawn's voice "we broke up" i said "yeah but it was on a technicality and who the fuck is this" he asked pointing at Shawn  "i am HER boyfriend" in a matter of fact voice "oh shit is getting real"Lauren  said "so this is what are doing now dating white boys-" he said "don't you dare and this is exactly why i  broke with you, you are so possessive that you didn't let me do shit, go out or dress in a way i wanted, you wanted control  me i don't like to be controlled you should know that no should have known that" i said "so what are you telling me?" he asked me "we are done there is never gonna be an us again and i have moved on" i said calmly i tried walking away but he my hand "if you ever touch my girlfriend like i will fucking rip your throat out and feed it to you" Shawn said while grabbing arm, Trevor chuckled "i am gonna have you back-" he started "no, don't, just leave" i said walking away....

Blessing's POV

"Who was at the door?" Cam asked "there was this nigga called Trevor and he said he was looking for my sister cause he's her boyfriend" i replied "what the hell!" he said " i know, right"i said "anyways we'll talk about this shit tomorrow can we go to bed now,am really tired" i said getting on the bed "good night honey" i said " good night" he said. So i closed my eyes and went to bed, a few minutes later i turned and Cam was not there,i got up looked at the door it was still closed,i looked at the window and he was standing there looking at the sky and the bright moon.I got off the bed and walked towards him i tapped his shoulder, he turned and was looking right at me "hey what's wrong, what are you doing here this late?" i asked "no reason"."i was just looking at the beautiful sky and i wasn't sleepy anyway" he said " then why didn't you say so than worry me?" i asked "well you were tired and you already have to think about your sister's issue and--"he said but i cut him off "don't, look you are just as important " i said getting close to him and kissing him passionately and he kissed back, i pulled away " c'mon  let's go to bed and I'll pillow talk you to bed " you are a wild girl and it makes me like you even more" he said "ok then my wild man let's go to bed now" i said he laughed a bit "ok" and so we went to bed.

It's 10:36 AM i the morning i wake up and go to the bathroom to take a shower and put this on:

I finished dressing up and Cameron woke up "morning" he said i a cocky voice " morning" i said he went into the shower and i sat on the bed waiting for him so that we can go to the cafeteria since we had class at 1:35 PM

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I finished dressing up and Cameron woke up "morning" he said i a cocky voice " morning" i said he went into the shower and i sat on the bed waiting for him so that we can go to the cafeteria since we had class at 1:35 PM. i waited for about 30 minutes " finally" i said he just smirked and took his clothes from the wad rope and went to change. "I'm done now" he said " great we kissed disgustingly "now we're ready" i said "ready indeed" he said, we held hands and begun walking to the cafeteria. we arrived where all our friends were sitting and they all had weird expressions on their faces as if somebody had come and said something they were shocked to  hear or did he? "um hey guys and secondly what happened?""did Trevor come hear?" i asked and nobody answered my sister got up from her sit, she walked towards me "Nat-." she cut me off with a slap straight through my face "so you knew all this time and never bothered to tell me? you could have at least called if never felt the need to come to my room" she said with tears in her eyes...

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