Part 44

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Natasha POV

So after Cameron left my sister came in she about to go upstairs "where are you going" my mom asked...

"Sorry about Blessings' behavior" she said to Shawn "it ok, actually i will take my leave now and thank you for the food it was delicious" he said getting up "thank you for visiting us Nattie does not bring any boys around" she said "mom" i groaned "just let me walked him out please" i said grabbing his hand "oh you should came over again my dear" my grandma said to him "maybe i will tell some embarrassing stuff about your girlfriend" she said "oh my" i said "shush girl see him  out" my grandma said  " let's go" i said laughing we reached outside he leaned on his jeep and pulled me closer by the waist "i am sorry about my family there something" i said

"it was ok they are fun to be around and your grandma is gorgeous" he said "are you thinking of replacing me with my grandma?" i asked playfully hitting him on the chest "no but she is a possibility" he said "good to know you have options" i said the it started snowing "its cold" i said "you better go in side but before that" he started than he  kissed so with lust and love he pulled a little closer and i pulled away for air

I saw someone watching and it was grandma "i gotta go, i will call you" he said "okay be safe" i said "i love you" he said kissing my cheek "i love too'' i said while he getting into the car, he drove of i waved  i got into the house

i walked inside "you and Shawn are a  cute a wonderful couple and you will have some cute babies" my granny said "hmm, Natasha por que están peleando  tu y tu hermana? (why are you and your sister fighting)" my mom asked "mama esta siendo inmadura y egoísta me esta culpando por pasar demasiado tiempo con Shawn  lo cual no es justo la deje joder con Cameron(mama she is being immature and selfish she is blaming for spending to much time with Shawn which is not fair  i let her fuck around with Cameron " i said making coco "entonces esto es de lo se trata esto de los chicos(so this is what this is about? boys" my granny said

"no no se trata de pasa tiempo con  (no its not about you spending time with shawn ) its about not spending time with me since you started  dating Shawn" Blessings said coming down stairs "are you still stuck on this camila shit i already told you the reason she got her ass beat" i said "you beat someone up" aunt and dad said "yeah that's what she gets for putting her nasty hands on the
my man" i said "and i told you the reason why"i said looking  "your a bitch" she said "mom hold your child before i fuck her up the way you taught me" i said

"Blessings don't say such stuff to your sister" my dad said "look i am sorry for not telling what was going on up front i was mad at confused and it was my problem i didn't  want my little sister getting involved" i said looking down "and you are right i should spend more time with you" i said "that all i was asking for" she  said hugging me "okay personal space" i said

Its 10pm i was preparing for bed, i was brushing my teeth my phone started ringing I rinsed my mouth and looked at phone screen baby is requesting  face time I smiled and  accepted it

N: hey daddy
S: you really wanna start me up and that's new
N: yeah well wanted to try a new nick name for you
S: I love it
N: I am glad
S: so how is going with your sister?
N: we worked it out
S: that's great to hear
N: I am going to change
S: you can do it in front of me it's nothing I haven't seen before
N: ok

I quickly changed

S: the things I would do to you if I was thereN: well unfortunately daddy you aren't, I miss you and now I wish I didn't spend all that time arguing with youS: don't worry princess I will see you soon N: I know but it still doesn't change anything...

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S: the things I would do to you if I was there
N: well unfortunately daddy you aren't, I miss you and now I wish I didn't spend all that time arguing with you
S: don't worry princess I will see you soon
N: I know but it still doesn't change anything
S: so Cam, Justin and I have been talking and we are throwing a party for new year and graduation
N: ok that sounds great speaking of graduation I need start studying for my final exam
S: me too there goes our plans to see each other
N: we will baby just in a little bit
S: can we see each other tomorrow
N: I would but Christmas is family time
S: fuck I have a present
N: you think you can bribe me with material things
He looked at me and lifted an eye brow
N: ok ok what is it
S: I don't know princess you didn't seem interested so why now?
N: please babe tell me
S: this something you have to see yourself my love
N: I am exhausted
S: have some rest princess I will call you tomorrow
S: good night princess
N: good night daddy

I blew him a kiss and cut the call I went to sleep...

Blessings POV

Even though i don't give in that easily with arguments this time i did for the sake of my family cause it's Christmas and they're suppose to be happy so i let Nat get away with this one------

i went to my room and texted Cam "home?"- instead of replying to the text he faced timed and i answered:

C:hey baby


C:yeah i'm home and i'm having dinner with my mom

me:you never get tire do you?

C:she was mad when i told her i couldn't so i had to

me: laughs

C:why the hell are you laughing?

me:you crack me up *still laughing*

C:let's see you laugh about this

C:Hey mom, wanna see my girlfriend? Blessings

me: no no no no no.Cam please

C:*turns camera to mom**

M:Hey Blessings i'm Gina Cameron's mom

me:hey. nice to meet you

G: *smiles* so you're the one who has stolen my son's soul?

me:*chuckles nervously*

C:okay mom that's it--*turns camera*

me:you bitch

C:don't you mean the opposite?


C:okay i'm sorry.but you're coming to my place tomorrow right?

me: *nods*

C:see you tomorrow then

me:bye. love you *blows kiss*

C:love you too

I then went to bed--

in the morning

i woke in around 9 in the morning brushed my teeth took a shower and changed:

i woke in around 9 in the morning brushed my teeth took a shower and changed:

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i looked outside it was snowing and i went downstairs "morning everyone" i said walking into the kitchen. i made a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows and walked over to the dining table where grandma and Dad where sitting "morning sweetie"Dad said  kissing my forehead i went over to grandma and kissed her cheek and sat next to her.

a few minutes later mom came over with half of the breakfast "will you give me a hand in the kitchen please?" she said "sure" i said getting up and leaving my phone on the table "you grab the bacon,potato and egg casserole and I'll bring the rest" she said okay................

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