Part 16

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Natasha's POV

Shawn was still choking on his spit so Cameron said "here have some water, man" my sister said "lets talk about something else"Justin cleared his throat "so there is a new club it's called the marquee club and Shawn and i where thinking we should, you know check it out and no one has class on Monday" Justin said, "yasss i am gone get white girl wasted" i said "and i'm gonna get laid by a brunette" Blessings said Cameron looked at her "what? if want you can join us" she smirking "you guys are just  ugh"Shawn said with a disgusted look and Justin  was in shock because she was never that bold"now am leaving" i said "why??" Justin asked "because i need to get ready if we are going " I said in a duh tone "but it's only 9AM" Shawn said "look i need to find an outfit to wear and these locs are a bitch to style" i said "okay but at least stay until 3pm" Justin said "sure" i agreed

we were talking making jokes until Blessings big eyes saw Camila "isn't that Camila" she said we turned and saw Camila but she wasn't alone she a guy laughing at he said "she's with a friend" i said after a while of watching them, the guy was whispering something in her ear she just bit her lip and looked in his eyes and kissed him "well he ain't just a friend" Blessing said Cameron was fuming, Justin was looking like he going like he ready to kill, Blessings was confused, Shawn just stood up so did we, we walked up them they where still kissing "Camila" Shawn called her in an angry voice, she was looking scared "S-S-Shawn w-what a-are y-you d-doing h-here?" she asked "to have some coffee and you?"he answered and asked "well i-i-i" she started but couldn't finished Camila was looking scared but the asshole she with was staring at Blessing  with lust"if you ever fucking stare at my girl again i will removed your eyes and feed them to you "Cameron said "Camila we are done, have fun with him"he said walking out she didn't even follow him "you better pray to whoever it is that you pray to that i don't find you" i said to her i started following Shawn and the rest followed me they came in a car, we all hopped in and Cameron drove in silence we reached campus Shawn walked to his room upset Cam and Drew wanted to follow him but i stopped them "i'll go" i said they nodded

i knocked on the door "Shawn please op-" i didn't even finish the door opened i enter it closed "why would she do that to me?" he asked "she doesn't deserve you" i said "a part of me felt like i knew she was cheat"he said "your gonna be fine, i'll make sure of it " i said wrapping arm around him, i look at the time it was 4:30 pm "we should start getting ready for club"i said he fell on the bed "i don't feel like going anymore " he said with a groan "no no no you are going and getting laid and forgetting about that trick" i said with a stern voice "but-" he started "look its 4:33 i'll be here to pick you at 6:30pm and i need your fine ass to be ready by then" i said walking out

I knocked on the door of my room and Nash opened the door "hey" he said "hi" i replied "can we ah talked about what you saw?" he asked "um look what happened doesn't bother me i just suggest you lock the door next time" i said "sure " he said

i went to take a shower around 5:05 and came and wore this

i went to take a shower around 5:05 and came and wore this

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