Part 26

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Natasha POV

My sister and Mable were adamant on going to the art gallery so we went, we finally got there... we entered and looked at the art and noticed Becca talking to someone, i walked to Mable and B "what are you guys planning?" i asked "nothing" B said "don't li-" i was cut off by Mable "your one who's lying" she said "me, what am i lying about?" i asked "about you and Mendes over there" she said pointing at him "i mean i get the first time you were drunk but the second time" B said "look am talking about Becca, Shawn and i are complicated" i said "Complicated you don't even know your relationship with him" B said "look Shawn just got out of a relation-" i started but was cut off "so you thought fucking him would help" Mable said "no i just was in my own head space" i said "honey that  white boy wants you" Mable said "can we change the subject please" i said turned to Becca and she was kissing the dude "OMG" i said "i am out" i said walking out, i went to see other paintings "hey" Shawn said "hi" i said, he looked at a painting he looked at it confused "what's wrong Mendes you look like your battling a thousand things in your brain" i said with a chuckle "well that looks like scribbles which it is" he said "love, that's what your looking at an abstract  painting which means only the painter can explain it" i said

Shawn took my hand and took me to a covered place "look i wanna talk about last night" he said "what about it?" i asked "look as you know last night was not the first time for that to happen" he said i nodded "okay let me go  straight to the point, i want to take you out on a date and i have been attracted to you " he said "Shawn you just-" i said "just got out of a relationship i know, but it's different since it's you i promise i won't treat you like a rebound" he said "okay i will go out with you" i said " let's go " i said we walked out holdings hands, i let go and joined Mable and the rest of girls"gurl you are glowing, don't tell me you and Shawn did it" Mable said "why are you so dirty?" Becca asked Mable  "no we didn't" i said " but we are going for a date" i said they screamed "finally" B said "when is the date?" Becca asked "tomorrow" i said excited 

The boys decided to go play video games, we went shopping we bought a lot of things it's 8:30PM "i just want to go and sleep" i said "yeah let's go" B said we called an uber and went back to campus i went to my room and took shower brushed my teeth and changed into:

The boys decided to go play video games, we went shopping we bought a lot of things it's 8:30PM "i just want to go and sleep" i said "yeah let's go" B said we called an uber and went back to campus i went to my room and took shower brushed my teet...

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i started listening to music and i eventually fell asleep.....

Blessings' POV

Becca is finally with someone am shocked but it's worth it so after spending the day with the people i love we went back and i was tired like hell and i went straight to shower to calm my body down, after the shower i got my doggie doll and changed into this:

Becca is finally with someone am shocked but it's worth it so after spending the day with the people i love we went back and i was tired like hell and i went straight to shower to calm my body down, after the shower i got my doggie doll and change...

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And i went to sleep since Cam was out with the rest of the dudes.

1 hour later

"Cam you are finally back" i said getting out of bed "looks like somebody missed me" he said "oh stop" i chuckled hitting him a bit,i bent my head facing the ground and there was silence between us "um-" we both tried to speak at the same time "ha ha ha ha...." we both laughed and then there was silence again he looked into my eyes and i looked in his and before we could realize it we were only an inch away from each other and our hands had already intertwined, i came back to my senses "ahem" i cleared my throat interrupting everything " oh i forgot" he said letting go of my hand "i think we should go to bed" i said nervously while feeling stupid cause Cam and i can't keep away from each other and i wanted him so bad and i knew he felt the same way.

I walked to my bed and he walked to his, i was in my bed and i turned off the light but i could not sleep, i was still thinking about Cam so i kept on tossing and turning it was like my own body was against me 'i can't do this anymore' i said in my brain i got up and went over to Cam's bed and he was not asleep either i could tell cause he was tossing "Cam" i said he turned and got up " what's wrong?" he asked getting off his bed and standing in front of me "well i-" i could not finish and i just  kissed him passionately, i pulled away "am sorry i just could not hold it in" i said " no it's fine, i also could not resist like i can't keep away from you and i can't control myself" he said i smiled and kissed him again he kissed back to deepen the kiss and he lifted me up, i wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist while his hands roamed my back he made me sit on the bed and he kissed my neck which made me to moan i laid my body on the bed and he was on top of me and still kissing my neck i took off my shirt off and  ripped my shorts and panties off literally "Cameron " i screamed "i will buy you new ones tomorrow" he said went to down to breasts and took a nipple into his mouth and now kissing my tummy and he eating me out like it was the last thing he was gonna do

He sucked on my clit and i arched my back "ahh" i screamed i was gonna cum "i 'm gonna cum " i said and he stop he went faster and i exploded and he slipped in me without warning and started thrust like there was on tomorrow he was hitting places and i didn't know existed "baby you feel so good"he said "umm" i said and he more fast "baby am gonna cum" i said his sloppy but hard thrusts he was fighting for his climax "you can cum" he said i released all i had "fuck" i said "shit we didn't use protection" he said i laid my head on his chest "i have IUD" i said

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