chapter 12

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Natasha's POV

After my little encounter with my sister, decided to go back to my room, sleep my feelings away and anyway i have an early class tomorrow

"hey Nash" i said walking into my room while his looking at his phone

"hey Natasha, are you okay?" he asked

"i am alright?" i said or asking cause i am not sure myself

"sounds more like a question than a statement"he said

"i am fine Nash, i am going to shower so goodnight"i said

"okay goodnight" he said

i went in the shower and shower for forty-five minutes and while i was in there i moisturized my skin, i changed into my night clothes....

i went in the shower and shower for forty-five minutes and while i was in there i moisturized my skin, i changed into my night clothes

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i plugged in my mac book on the charger and i plugged in my ear pods into ear and listened to shuffled playlist......., i was sleeping until i heard the door busted open and it was Justin

"what the fuck Drew" i screamed and he was with  Shawn and Cameron "what are you people doing  here?" i almost screamed again Cameron grabbed my wrist and dragged me to Shawn's room "Cameron let me go" i said he forcibly made me sat on a bed "don't touch me" i said

"look now is not the time to act like a diva"Cameron said i give him the really look"something happened okay"he said "what?" i asked and Cameron explained what went down between him and Blessings'

"so she said she cutting ties with me and she said hates me" i said tears forming Shawn noticed  and pulled me into a hug "don't worry we have a way to make her forgive you" Justin said "by using her weakness  when she's what doing to you she may forgive" he said

"what?! no "i said "your not using my sisters emotions to forgive me" i said "Nat this mig-"Justin started but i cut him off "might  work so your not even sure, no you are not using her emotions or her weakness to make her forgive me okay" i said

While pointing my finger at Cam"you are not breaking my sister heart okay if even think about it will murder you and shoot your dead body, am i clear?" i asked "crystal" he said shivering a little

"i don't know about y'all but i am taking my fine ass back to sleep cause the Lucifer decided to use his magic to give me a class at seven am and  a practical at the hospital tomorrow so i need to be well rested" i said pissed "good night" i said "Nat just think about it, if this work you and her will back to having fun and being reckless" Shawn said "but i-" i was cut off by Cameron "look this is hurting Blessing too and don't want my best friends being broken"Justin said

"fine"i said defeated so i went with them to Cameron and Blessings' room doubting whether this will work or not

Blessing's POV

After having a rough day with my sister and Cameron i decided to shower and wore this

And i went to bed, it is now 7:34 pm i woke up and Cameron is not back yet " is he still mad at me?" i asked myself " what if he does not come back maybe his right, no i can't think like this" i said confused " maybe he will come back soon" i thou...

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And i went to bed, it is now 7:34 pm i woke up and Cameron is not back yet " is he still mad at me?" i asked myself " what if he does not come back maybe his right, no i can't think like this" i said confused " maybe he will come back soon" i thought to myself  and i began watching tik tok on my phone, i was so bored because Cam was not here so i put on my house shoes and decided to go out for air while plugging in my ear phones

And i went to bed, it is now 7:34 pm i woke up and Cameron is not back yet " is he still mad at me?" i asked myself " what if he does not come back maybe his right, no i can't think like this" i said confused " maybe he will come back soon" i thou...

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I sat on a bench with these thoughts in my mind

'what have i become i have pushed away the people who have always being there for me, no what am i thinking she took advantage of me, she made me feel small" my brain was confused so i decided to head back to my room hopping Cameron would be there but he wasn't so i decided to go to bed not more than ten minutes the door bust open "what in the mother fucking hell! it was Cameron, Justin and Shawn " geez would you relax for a while" Cameron said "Blessing look you are stressed and in the past few days you have been bad" Cam said while sitting on the bed " meaning?" i asked " well look around see what you have become, so much hate has filled your heart this is not the way you used to be" he said " yes we miss the girl you used to be"Shawn added " please Blessings fight it you are stronger than this we will always support you no matter what" Justin said " yes Blessings if i hurt you am sorry you might hate me but am never gonna give up on you and i will always have faith in you" my sister added while holding Shawn's hand " huuh" i screamed pulling my hair " just stop!" i screamed " just as i thought you think am an emotional fool with her i wouldn't be surprised but you guys you have..." i was cut off by my sister " no you.." she started but i cut her off " if say another word i will throw you out the fucking window" i said "no you are not" she spoke " watch me" i said " enough you two we did not come here to see you fight no one is throwing the other out the window and neither are you gonna fight, cause i have had enough of you both" Cameron yelled " firstly Blessings you are too much you say you are not a child anymore but you only act like one i never say anything but support you because i know that you might look strong on the outside but inside you are fragile so i don't want to hurt you and i love you too much to do so secondly you Natasha you are supposed to look out for her and tell her if she is wrong instead of making her feel small and treat her like a slave she knows what she wants you two have grown but still immature if i see this behavior again i will be the one to throw you both out the fucking window so now quit been fucking kids and say sorry to each other and ..." he yelled at us but i cut him off by kissing him so passionately after a few minutes i broke the kiss, everyone's   eyes almost popped from what just happened and they were shocked "wow i was so blinded and i did not see what i was doing thanks for telling me the truth about how you really feel and never losing faith in me" i said looking into Cameron's eyes " and Natasha thanks for your support and am really sorry for everything i was just upset and let my anger get the best of me and i did not mean the words i said" i said with my head down " no am the one who should be saying sorry i was wrong i shouldn't have slapped you i was just afraid and i said mean words in anger and i made you feel small as well as treating you like a child and one last thing i was wrong about Cameron i thought he would not take care of you and was only using you but now i know my sister is in the right hands and will always be looked after better than i did" she said putting Cameron's hand on top of mine and we both hugged her and Shawn joined us but Justin didn't and i could tell he was sad and guilty because he could not take care of me and broke my heart  so walked up to him "Justin you don't have to worry you have proven yourself that you are a very good friend and don't blame yourself for what happened we were just not meant to be but look on the bright side you are still my best friend and will forever be" i said " but how do you know what i was thinking?" he asked " because i was your girl friend once remember?" i said " yeah" he said and gave me a hug " enough now can we all go to our rooms now and i would love to have my girl friend back please " Cameron said " aaaawww he misses her already" my sister said " okay am going now good night" she said "yeah like i said i'm taking my fine ass back to sleep so night" i said and everyone left " so what you wanna do? i asked " i just wanna go to bed am exhausted but first can i get my good night kiss?" he said " well since you asked so nicely why not" i said so i gave him his kiss " good night" i said shutting my eyes " night" he said also sleeping........... 


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