chapter 11

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Natasha's POV

So after my what happened in the cafeteria and in my room with Shawn i just need to breathe i sat down for class waiting for it to start, finally class started after three hours of learning how to incise the human stomach, i went to my room and what i saw shocked me a boy with blue and had brunette hair,  standing into of me and it was Nash, Cameron's roommate "Nash what are you doing in here and how on earth did you get in?" i asked confused and curious "well we are roomies now" he said excited "WHAT" i screamed "well your sister and i swapped rooms"he putting his hands in his pockets.

I walked to Cameron room praying to God, saying these words

i walked in the and they were giggling "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" i screamed "bitch you should knock" Blessings screamed "why the fuck is Nash in my room?!" i screamed "because i don't to-"she cut off by Shawn coming in the room "why are y...

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i walked in the and they were giggling "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" i screamed "bitch you should knock" Blessings screamed "why the fuck is Nash in my room?!" i screamed "because i don't to-"she cut off by Shawn coming in the room "why are you yelling"he asked "she swapped rooms with Nash and Cameron allowed it" i said " she what!" Shawn screamed in surprise " "look it's my room too so i can leave if i want to so just screw and leave us alone, you made your choice and i made mine" she said opening the door and saying " get out" "okay fine but i hope you get pregnant with a monster baby!" i yelled "oh  so that's what you wish i thought Cameron was right when he said you care and i had some hope but you only wish bad for me and why don't you just wish death for me because i don't want to leave like this and do you know what hurts the most? to see that your own sister does not care about you"she said in tears "no i did not mean to say that and i really care i...." i tried to say but she cut me off " just get out i.." she tried to say but she could not help it but cry "but b..."i tried to say "did you not hear me get out you monster,i hate you ,really hate you get out" she screamed still crying " Blessings i.." " just go!she screamed slamming the door in my face "Cam i have to talk to you i will text you the place"Shawn screamed " sure" Cam screamed from the inside......"she's left, at this point i think she hate-" i was cut off by hug "she doesn't hate you she just needs some time" Shawn said kissing the top of my head"i am going to my room" i said.....

Blessings POV

"You see the person you said cares about me and wanted me to forgive she does not care she hates me" i said sobbing even harder " no i should not cry like this she does not deserve me as a sister or a friend now i hate her more than anything and i will never forgive her" i said wiping my tears and standing confidently " no no no Blessings don't say that she is your sister you are just saying that in anger you don't mean it" Cameron said " but i do mean it in fact am cutting all my ties with her" i stated " no you are not, cutting ties with your family does not solve anything you have to face your problems not run from them, in fact if you do then you will also lose me" he said " but...." i started " i mean it so i will leave it up to you to decide the choice is yours, am  heading out" he said living the room " Cameron!" i screamed but he did not turn and cried even more

Cameron's POV

So i headed out living Blessings alone because that's the only choice i had to make her realize that what she is doing is wrong, i headed to Shawn's room and i entered only to find Shawn and Justin " hi guys" i said in a low voice "hey"they both said " why are you sad what's wrong?" Justin asked "huh it's Blessings she hates her sister more than ever and she said she has cut all ties with her" i said exhausted " so what did you do?" Shawn asked " i told her that if she does that then am going to break up with her but i don't mean that am going to break up with her" i said " wait what ? Cameron is dating my girl?" Justin screamed "you mean your ex." i said " yeah but why? this does not make any sense" he said surprised " well because i love her and i don't care about her past" i said " guys focus this situation is getting worse we have to help them they are our friends and i don't know what Natasha is going to do when she finds out that her worst fear has come true we have to do something" Shawn said worried " Shawn's right this is kinda my fault i shouldn't have broken up with her and non of this could have happened" Justin said blaming himself " actually Justin this is my fault because i let us fuck that night and her sister walked in on us" i said " you what! she has not even..... you know what let's just find a solution" Justin said " but how are we going to help them and make B forgive her sister because we all know how stubborn she is" i said " yeah" Shawn said " but i know what you all don't know i have being her boy friend long enough i know her weakness we can use that to make her forgive" Justin said "no you are not going to weaken her who knows what she is going to do" i said " relax you haven't even heard her weakness yet you really love her don't you? Justin said " yeah" i said " okay her weakness is her heart, she can't leave knowing that she is hurting somebody she quickly responds to emotions and if we let her see what she is doing to her sister she might change her mind" Justin said " great" Shawn said " not too fast, we have a problem Blessings swore she will never forgive her sister no matter what happens and you know she does not go back on her word" i said " oh shit i forgot how can someone so innocent and kind be so difficult" Justin said "well at least we could give it a shot" Shawn said curiously " we don't have a choice" if this will help her am in........

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