Part 46

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Natasha's POV

"Come lets watch some movies" he said dragging my hand "ok" i said he got a variety  of snacks while i chose some good Christmas movies...... Hours and hours pasted and we have watched over five movies watch are funny "why don't we out some where"  he said getting up "where?" i asked "too get some food other plans will come  later" he said dragging me out.

So we drove to the restaurant he took  me to the same restaurant he brought me to before we started dating "awww i love this  place" i said smiling "yeah i know you have me to thank" he said "whatever" i said getting out of the car, we the place wasn't to crowded which i like

"hello my name is veronica i will be you waitress for the day, what can i get you" she said looking at Shawn we ordered  she walked away "damn if looks could kill she would be six feet under" he said i rolled my eyes he placed his hand on top of mine  "you look so sexy when your jealous" he said "really" i said sarcastically he put his hand in mine and brought to his lips and kissed it  I looked at him "your so beautiful" he said i smiled causing my dimples to come out "here is your food" she said "thanks" i said she nodded and walked away

my food

Shawn's food

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Shawn's food

we ate talked after we were done and walked out he drove to an ice skating rink "you know i can't skate right" i said looking "that why i am here" he said i opened the  door

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we ate talked after we were done and walked out he drove to an ice skating rink "you know i can't skate right" i said looking "that why i am here" he said i opened the  door

we got our skating shoes i wore  mine shoe he held my hand once we reached the rink he placed his hand on my waist and was skating backwards "how are you so good at this?" i asked " i played or play hockey" he said "damn why didn't i know this" i said "you never asked" he said slipped and fell on top of him I laughed "your good" he's said helping me up.

We continued skating I was getting a hang of it "Natasha is that you" I heard a voice say I  slowly turned "oh my gosh Kyle" I said "come and hug me I can't move" I said he skated towards me and hug me "hi" I said smiling wildly "hey how are you" he said in a British accent "I am good, what are you doing in New York" I asked "visiting the rest of my family members" he said I heard Shawn clear his throat "oh, Shawn this is Kyle and Kyle this is my boyfriend Shawn" I said "nice to meet you" they both said "he is Blessings friend long before she started dating Justin or Cam" I said " speaking of Blessings please don't tell am here I want it be a surprise" he said  "sure" I said "I have to go but it was nice seeing you" he said "it was nice seeing you too" I said giving him one last hug he walked away

"What?" I asked "nothing" he said I put my arms  his neck while his hands on my waist "we need to leave" I said look at the time 7:52 "yeah but before we go don't freak out it's not what you are gonna think" he said I was confused but I kept quiet he took out a black box and placed it in my left hand cause he was holding my other hand "open it" he said I did it had two rings

"What's this" I asked he took one out which was a ladies ring out "this is a promise I am promising you that I will be there for you in every way possible even if you decide to leave me I will be there for you" he said I smiled "aww baby I love th...

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"What's this" I asked he took one out which was a ladies ring out "this is a promise I am promising you that I will be there for you in every way possible even if you decide to leave me I will be there for you" he said I smiled "aww baby I love the ring" I said he slid the ring on my finger and breathless by Shayne Ward started playing "and i am guessing this one is yours" I said grabbing the ring and sliding it on his fingers.

We kissed it was slow but made me lose breathe "I want to keep you by side but I know you have to go" I said "yeah" I said we gave the skating shoes back and drove to my house and reached and we both got out of the car " I would love to come inside but I need to go see my mom and dad" he said "in Canada" I said "yep man and I really wanted to have tonight to myself" he said I gasped "you know everything your thinking" he said smirking "we would watch movies drinking hot cocoa" he said I burst into laughter " what?" He said " you and I both know I wasn't thinking about movies"I said catching my breath

He pulled me closer by my waist I placed his lips on mine  his hands went lower and squeezed my ass, I moaned into the kiss he slid his tongue, into my mouth he explored my mouth  I pulled away I looked at him "when are coming back from your parents" I asked "after three days" he said still "okay" I said  I was a little bit sad but family comes first "don't worry darling I will be here in no time" he said "I know just call me" I said "I will,  I love you " he said "I love you" I said he got in the car and drove off I walked into the house....

Blessings Pov

"What are you doing?" I heard a voice behind say "nothing" I said looking at Jayden "it looks like you are spying on Nat and Shawn" he said "ok fine" I said "now leave me alone" I said walking away from the door

"Hey Jay and Blessings" Natasha said "what are you doing at the door" she asked "we saw you and we decided to welcome you" Jayden said "ok" she said "am going up stairs to freshen up" she said walking "hola mi familia" she said "hola" they said she ran upstairs.

I sat alone for a little and thought about what Cameron said was I being selfish, maybe I need to control myself but can blame me I was far form my sister for so long I could only talk to her on phone and not face to face.

I love my sister but maybe I need to give her some space "hey" she said "hi" I said looking down " are you ok?" She asked "yes" I said looking at her "don't lie to me" she said "Cam and I had a fight that is making me think maybe I'm selfish I shouldn't dictate how you choose to spend your time and Shawn is your boyfriend I should respect that" I said "B you felt you haven't been getting enough attention from me and it was my fault I should have paid attention" she said holding my hand "I love you and as your sister I need to pay attention to you" she said " you know when we moved to England and we had to leave you there I was upset but then you called everyday" I said when I was really young my family moved to England it was  because of Dad's job i made friends and i made friends the i when i was thirteen almost fifteen we had to move back expect my sister cause she wanted to with aunt Sarah and she got into this fancy ass boarding school so chose to stay "yeah but i am back now i should pay attention  to you cause i love you and i will" she said "and when you need to be with your boo i will respect that" i say

"ok es hora de abrir los regalos (ok its time to open the presents)" i hear mum say we walked to the leaving room and sat around. My sister decided to get a glass of wine while i stuck to cocoa "ok lets get this started" i say.

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