Part 31

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Natasha POV

So after the encounter with Trevor my sister tells me that she knew that he was here but i shouldn't have slapped her "i am sorry i shouldn't have slapped but you should have told me" i said upset "i am sorry i gonna tell you but he came faster than i thought" she said "it's fine but next time this happens God forbid it does tell me, okay?" i said "yes"she answered i nodded

I am so tried today was supposed to be a good day i sat down Shawn put his hand on my back "are you okay?" he asked i looked at him i can't lie to Shawn "i-i don't know this whole thing is frustrating" i said, my friends looked at me "of course it's frustrating having your ex come back and claim your still together in front your boyfriend is just like sin" Mable said i looked "wow thanks for summarizing what went down" i said sarcastically "your welcome on a serious note we are gonna protect you" she said "yeah absolutely, Shawn move"Lauren said sitting next me "we are have a sleep over and-"Becca started "i just want to be with Shawn" i whispered only for girls to listen "awwww" they cooed loud enough for them to hear "i think that can arranged" Mable said

I am in Shawn's room and time flew by quickly now its 8.30 pm "hey" i said "hi" he smiled "i-i um i was wondering if i could a stay with you tonight " i said "baby you don't have to ask me" Shawn said gripping my waist i was so close to him i could feel his breath on me "i am gonna go get changed" i said "sure" he said

I came back and he was sitting on the bed with sweatpants "damn baby" i blushed "you cute when you blush" he said "i wanna watch a movie, i heard 365days is a good movie" i said biting my lip "you do know that is an erotic romance, right" he said ...

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I came back and he was sitting on the bed with sweatpants "damn baby" i blushed "you cute when you blush" he said "i wanna watch a movie, i heard 365days is a good movie" i said biting my lip "you do know that is an erotic romance, right" he said smirking "i know that why i am watching with you" i said sitting on his lap "or we can make our erotic romance" i whispered his ear while pushing him on the bed i kiss him on his lips the his neck while grinding on him, he grabbed my waist and filiped me over "hey no fair" i said pouting he smiles pressing his lips against mine, our lips move in  sync he licked my bottom lip i moaned he slid his tongue in my mouth, they was knock on the door but didn't that stop us from making out he going down on my neck i whimpered but knocks got louder "who is it" he hissed i giggled, he got up and opening the door "what do you want Justin" he said "i don't appreciate you making love in  our room" Justin said walking in and looking at us "well i do-" Shawn started i cut he off "boys behave, why don't we watched a movie?" i said "sure" they both agreed we watched a number of comedies i feel asleep and cuddled Shawn


Its 10.30 and i am not fully awake then i realized i was alone "morning honey" Shawn said "morning i thought you left me " i said sitting up "i wouldn't do that to you"   he said sitting next to me, i saw Justin is still sleeping "shoot its 10.35 i need to ready get i have class 12.30 so bye" i said "baby its at 12, wait a little while" he said he kissed very slowly i don't where its  going but we were building something explosive "ugh you guys are always at it" Justin groggily "good morning Drew" i said smiling "morning" he replied "baby i am gonna bye" i kissed his cheek

I reached my "hey Nash" i said "hey" he replied"how was your date i know its been some time" he asked "it was great" i said "anyway i'm gonna get ready" i said i took a long shower and wore

I reached my "hey Nash" i said "hey" he replied"how was your date i know its been some time" he asked "it was great" i said "anyway i'm gonna get ready" i said i took a long shower and wore

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Blessings' POV

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Blessings' POV

My sister slapped me and in front of everyone, literally i deserved it so i never caused a scene but i just held my cheek and tears were the only thing i could see "i shouldn't have slapped you but you should have told me" my sister said "am so sorry from now on am gonna tell you" i said and we talked it out. "Cameron i think we should leave now seen that we have to prepare for class" i said " sure" he said "bye guys see you later" we both said and left. "wanna go shopping with me after class?" i said holding Cameron's hand as we waked to class "why not" he said "so that's a yes" "absolutely" he said.

3 hours later

Class was finally over and i was so tired "babe can we go shopping after we rest?" asked Cam " i was thinking about the same thing but we could take a nap if you like" i said " yeah" he said. "Damn" i said throwing my body on the bed "that was so tiring and that was the longest lesson we've had this week" he said laying next to me "these clothes are so uncomfortable sleeping in" "let me go change I'll be back" i said getting up,getting some clothes and walked into the bathroom and changed.

"Now i can finally sleep" i said " damn! what do you want to do to me? kill me" he said licking his lips "oh come on it can't be that tempting""you just don't know how to control you God damn body" i said " "oh yeah, come here and I'll show you wh...

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"Now i can finally sleep" i said " damn! what do you want to do to me? kill me" he said licking his lips "oh come on it can't be that tempting""you just don't know how to control you God damn body" i said " "oh yeah, come here and I'll show you why i can't control my body and how i can't control it" he said "well damn you're dirty alright" c'mon now i wanna rest so that we can go to the mall" i said "seriously how do you always talk me out of it?" he said "to prevent us from fucking in front of the whole school, cause you're always talking about it""and if i don't talk you out of it ,it will be chaos cause we literally can't control ourselves when we do it-.-.Wait what why am i even talking about this.Cameron you need to stop this--you know what let's just go to bed cause i have a feeling that if we keep taking like this things are gonna get nasty...

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