Part 20

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Natasha's POV

"let's go have some fun" i said said  we went on the slides and everything they had to offer and my locs are wet "my going on  that one" i screamed "okay"they screamed i was walking, reached the line it wasn't that long and i felt someone touch my lower back i turned quickly "Shawn" i said "me, you want some company?" he asked with a smile "yeah" said the line moved rather quickly i pulled his hand and walked there "couple?" the advisor asked "yes" Shawn answered he gave us instructions with had to follow i sat front of Shawn he held my waist, i screamed and giggled my lungs out, the ride came to an end "that was so fun"  i said "really cause you were screaming like a little girl" he said "hey i am a little girl" i said pouting "really? cause to me you are fully grown" he said i bit my lip he stepped closer and i stood frozen "still don't remember what happened last?" he asked "no" i said "oh" he said started walking away but i held his wrist "Shawn do you know something from last?" i asked

"what makes you think i know something from last night?" he asked "i-i don't know your the last person i remember being with last night" i said "so you really don't remember anything huh" he said "yeah it suck i feel like  i was in an accident and lost my memory" i said "well let's go" he said he walked in front of me and i jumped on his back "what the hell" he screamed "calm down hottie it just a piggy back ride" i said smiling we, well he walked us to where our friends were "oh here they come" Mable shouted i got off his back and said "thanks for the ride" everyone looked at me "what" i said "what you just said sounds dirty" my sister said "yo just corrupt most of all you" i said pointing at my sister "whateva now let get dressed am hungry" Blessing said 

After we change we went to potterhouse steak house, we ordered "man this is the reason why i can't stick to wanting to be a vegan" i said "bitch you couldn't be vegan if yo life depended on it" Mable said  we ate telling stories and joking it was fun but it had to end my friends and class tomorrow  so we went  back on campus i went back to room i sat on my bed and i was still thinking about what happened last night night i decided to go to sleep............

It now morning and i decided to check the time it was 10 am Nash still sleeping and went to shower today am hanging out with me, myself and i, so took out my outfit for the day

It now morning and i decided to check the time it was 10 am Nash still sleeping and went to shower today am hanging out with me, myself and i, so took out my outfit for the day

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