Part 23

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Natasha POV

 After my fun day that my idiotic sister ruined i decided to go to sleep, i want to the bathroom and took a shower and change into this

I came out someone was knocking on the door i opened it to find my sister, she hugged she sobbed even harder "hey what happened?" i said concerned "why am i a screw up" she said "tell me what wrong" i told still holding her "i  told Cam not to tou...

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I came out someone was knocking on the door i opened it to find my sister, she hugged she sobbed even harder "hey what happened?" i said concerned "why am i a screw up" she said "tell me what wrong" i told still holding her "i  told Cam not to touch me" she said her voice was cracking "why did you say that?" i asked "a part of me feels that i should still be a virgin" she said "and why do you feel like that?" i asked "because of you" she said "me i have never jug-" i cut off "it's not that the fact your still one, your older" she said "in short it makes feel am a hoe" she said "your not a hoe" i told her " i know but  can't help it" she said  in a small voice "and  i fucked up with Cam" she said "he will forgive you" i said "thanks" she said

"So you still haven't explain why you and Shawn went out privately" she said "well are best friends, aren't we?" i said "yeah but why privately" she said "we can't always want us to hang out with you all" i said there was knock on the door it was Mable "hey gurl" she said "hey" i said tired "look i just came to drop off your fit for tomorrow, you know for halloween " she walking off "oh did you tell Shawn you got memories back" she asked i nodded my head no "you need to tell him" she said "and you need to go" i said "okay thanks for the help" she said "anytime" i said

i went to sleep.............................

It's 5am i took a shower and change into this

It's 5am i took a shower and change into this

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I put my long ass hair in a slick ponytail i grabbed my phone and walked "hey beautiful" i heard voice "hey Mendes" i said "why are you this early?" i asked "well i know that your last class of the week is on friday that i also go at this time and...

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I put my long ass hair in a slick ponytail i grabbed my phone and walked "hey beautiful" i heard voice "hey Mendes" i said "why are you this early?" i asked "well i know that your last class of the week is on friday that i also go at this time and i didn't want to go alone" he said i smiled "tu lal nino" i said still smiling he looked at me waiting for an explaination  "your such a child, that's what i said" i told him "look am going to be late" i said so we started walking "so you coming to the halloween party?"  he asked "well Mable did pull her card so i have to" i said " what are you coming as?" he asked "it's a surprise" i said "okay bye" he said "bye" i said walking into class...

After three hours of learning, class was done and went to my room 

Blessings' POV

After crying for a while a thought came to my head 'Natasha she will no what to do' so i took my evening shower and changed into this:

And headed straight to her room i knocked on her door and she came out, i hugged her and began sobbing she took me inside and asked me what was wrong and i explained and she gave me advice and i left i went to my room and Cameron was not there, i ...

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And headed straight to her room i knocked on her door and she came out, i hugged her and began sobbing she took me inside and asked me what was wrong and i explained and she gave me advice and i left i went to my room and Cameron was not there, i sat on my bed worried " i really have fucked up haven't i" i said to myself an hour pats still not back and i was very tired and sleepy so i layed down to sleep.

It's 10:27 pm i walk up and he was still not back i put my face in my hands and began to cry.

a few minutes later

the door opened i looked up and it was Cameron i wiped my tears and ran up to him and i hugged him "where were you?, i was so worried" i said "oh" he said " what do you mean'oh' i was worried doesn't that matter to you?" i asked "it does but i am the one who does not matter to yo" he said " what do you mean?" i asked "you see, you underestimated me you think i am stupid and only want you for your body" he said upset "no i don't i was stupid and i did not mean it like that" i said "what do you mean by you don't mean it like that!" he yelled and i was shaking and i closed my eyes thinking he was gonna hit me, i opened my eyes and he was just standing there "well what i meant was am sorry and i did not mean what i said" i spoke and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow "okay fine you want the truth fine here it goes" i said pulling myself together "i was foolish by saying what i said but i did it for you i thought i was taking things too quick so i did it but all becuase i love you can't you get i love you, you drive me crazy everytime you come close to me the world stops  that is why i said that cause i just wanna fuck you each day evryday i don't care what happens i-" i said but he cut me off by kissing me and my eyes popped out of my head in shock, he pulled away "  i love you too" he said " and i will try to keep my distance cause it might cause a disaster" he said "not tonight though" i said "i don't think that's a good idea" he said "ha ha ha ha just kidding" i said laughing " you better be, come on now let's go to bed" he said and so we went to bed.

It's 7:53 am and i wake up and find myself wrapped in Camerons arms i looked at him and he was so cute in his sleep " wake up sleepy head" i said pecking his lips his eyes opened slowly "hey  sunshine" he said smiling "morning" i said and he was still looking at me"what" i said "nothing am just looking at you" he said " well you can look at me all you want when we get back but as for now let's go take a shower cause we'll be late" i said pulling him he got up and we went to shower together.

After showering i changed into this:

After showering i changed into this:

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And him into this:

And so we began our day and went for our first class

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And so we began our day and went for our first class.......

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