part 40

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Natasha's Pov

After that we ate and talked about something else but  I feel like Shawn is hiding something because he keeps zoning out anyway after my sister's little statement I decided to go my room and am packing properly because I have nothing to do  and it's 9pm .... Then I received a text in fact pictures someone i don't know and its of Camila and Shawn hugging and kissing and it looks it was today

"hey babe why the fuck would Trevor following you all this way  especially when he knows his gonna get rejected?" He asked "I don't know" I said still packing and not looking at him "you know  what file a report against him cause this is fucking obsession" he said "hmm" I said "baby are listening to me cause you seem distracted" he said while I closed my bag and his  "babe are you ignoring me?" He asked

"Why didn't you tell me that Camila was here in fact is here?" I asked him"HOW DID YOU FIND OUT?" He asked screaming  "BOY YOU BETTER STOP AND IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW I FOUND I WAS SUPPOSED TO FIND OUT FROM YOU AND NOT FROM A FUCKING PICTURE" I screamed back "WHAT PICTURE?!?!" he asked I looked for the pictures I was sent and when found them I  threw the phone to him I saw he was scrolling through the pictures "Nat don't tell me you believe this" he said in a small voice  I didn't say anything "wow so you don't trust me" he said like his giving up" I trust you" I said "then are you questioning me!?" He asked "I am not questioning you I just want to know why you didn't tell me and if I was could you blame me you look like you are kissing and don't you dare lie to me and say that it wasn't you or that it was sometime back when you were dating this whore cause this is the same FUCKING outfit you have on right fucking now" I said "I can't believe you" he said "no I can't believe you, you know what I need space" I said grabbing my phone and  charger I and walked out slamming the door behind me

I sat by the shore it looked amazing

I started to think about what just happened and it scares me to death cause we have never a fought like that before then mum called

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I started to think about what just happened and it scares me to death cause we have never a fought like that before then mum called

M: hey baby
N: hey Mama
M: how are you?
N: I am good
M: I talked to your sister and she said you're all coming back on Christmas Eve?
N: yeah
M: baby what's wrong
N: nothing
M: well your brother told me you broke up with Trevor
N: he can't keep a secret can he
M: ahh you know him
N: mum I gotta go
M: ok bye
N: bye

I stood up and looked at the water for a while it looked peaceful "hey what are you doing here by yourself" a voice said behind " am thinking" I said "yeah it's calming to think like this with an relaxing ocean breeze" he said I nodded "Nat are you ok" he asked "fine am going to sleep" I said "if you don't want to talk about it it's fine" Nash said "yeah"  I said my voice is cracked a little "i-i-i am should go" I said wanting to go suddenly his arms wrap around my waist  and I break down and I am  crying so much I know I am gonna have headache in the morning then water  touched my feet then I realized what I was doing so I broke us apart "I am sorry" I said wiping my tears "it's okay you needed to vent" he said "yeah umm I need some rest it's been a long day" I said with I started walking away " look" he said I stopped and turned to look at him "I know this isn't the right time cause you have a boyfriend and everything but I need to tell you this" he said looking down "what is it?" I asked "I know all your ever gonna think of me is a friend or brother but I like you Natasha" he said walking towards me "I really like you I have ever since I saw for the first time but you only have eyes for Shawn so you didn't see me or you never see me" he said looking into my eyes "I like you so much I almost think it's love I love the you talk, laugh and care about others before yourself, everything you do is like a spell for me to fall harder for you" he said and he started leaning in and just when he was about to kiss me but I stopped him

"That's sweet but like you said I only have eyes for Shawn and I am in love with him" I said "I knew you were going to say that I am sorry for what I tried to do" he said "it's ok all is forgiven good night" I said to him, he nodded I decided to go Becca and Lauren room I knocked Becca opened "hey guys" I said "hey" they said "what wrong"  Becca asked  "am so confused right now can I just sleep here tonight" I asked "sure" Lauren said "thanks" i said...

Blessings' POV

It's now 8:32 AM in the morning i wake up and hit the shower and changed into:

It's now 8:32 AM in the morning i wake up and hit the shower and changed into:

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my shoes

I walked out of the bathroom and Cameron was still asleep

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I walked out of the bathroom and Cameron was still asleep. i walked out of the room i saw heard screaming near Natasha's room before i could even reach there i saw her and Camilla on each others throat "stop!" i screamed getting in between them but it was like i told them to add more pressure to their fight Shawn just stood there dumbfounded by what was happening "Shawn do something" i said "let go of my hair!"Camilla screamed "STOP THIS WET ASS SHIT RIGHT NOW!!" i screamed and pulled my sister off of Camilla "what the fuck is this all about" i asked her angrily "just let go of me. let me show this bitch what stealing a man really means and to never mess with me!" she screamed "just shut the fuck up!" i screamed back "you get your candy ass out of here before i do what she just said before she does it" i said pointing at Camilla "mark my words i will not stop until i have him back cause he is my man. Shawn belongs to me and only me!" "I'll be back cause this is not the last of me and watch your back" she threatened and stormed off.

"Now you tell me what happened" i said "you wouldn't understand" she said "JUST FUCKING TELL ME!" I screamed wanting to cry "you know what---if you don't wanna talk keep it to yourself cause i have had enough shit for the day" i said and walked away.

 i entered my room and slammed the door shut. i jumped on the bed and began to cry and crying only made my temper to rise even more so i grabbed the sheets and blanket and threw them to the ground "AAH!" i screamed falling to the ground and cried "BABE WHAT THE FUCK?!" Cameron screamed coming from the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist . He knelt down next to me "what is wrong with you?"he asked i hugged him "it's Natasha. she had this fight with Camilla. i  managed to stop them and when i asked her what was going on she didn't wanna tell me and i am just tired of all of this cause been sisters means trusting one another and been there for each other but what's the point of having a sister who doesn't trust you and doesn't wanna talk" i said against his shoulder and he hugged me tighter "oh i'm so sorry. but maybe she didn't wanna talk at the moment and maybe she needed some time alone she must be stressed" he said i pulled away "that's why i'm her sister. she's supposed to talk to me when anything goes wrong of cause they're some things you keep to yourself but this is different, she was a complete beast taring that bitch apart" i said.

"Something was wrong" i said "well what were they fighting about?" he asked "i think it had something to do with Shawn" i said "okay. then i'm sure she will tell you when she has to" he said "but now can you stop crying and let's fix this mess" he said i wiped my tears "it's fine i'll clean up.i'm the one who did this you just go put on some clothes" i said he hugged me "i really think you should put on your clothes before things get out of hand" i said he chuckled and pulled away. i quickly cleaned up the mess and sat on the bed scrolling through the internet.

there was a knock at the door....................................

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