part 35

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Natasha's Pov

My sister was mad "shut the fuck up" Blessings said telling Mable "let's go pack" she said dragging Cam "I need to go packed to" I said pulling out of Shawn's grip "I am going" he said "I will see you" he said walking out

I started packing while Nash busted through the door "hey I didn't know you were still alive" he said I laughed "I don't know you were now a comedian" I said smiling "well I try" he said smiling
I was done packing clothes and make up I want to shower, I washed my hair and I stepped out of the shower changed to

I started packing while Nash busted through the door "hey I didn't know you were still alive" he said I laughed "I don't know you were now a comedian" I said smiling "well I try" he said smilingI was done packing clothes and make up I want to show...

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I grabbed my bags and Nash was ready too the door opened "hey baby" I said to Shawn as he walked in "hey gorgeous"  he said while I was checking if I packed everything the I noticed my concealer was missing "Shawn do you know where my concealer is?" I asked searching "why would I know where your concealer is?" He said "because, you know what forget it I found it"I said bending over to pick it I felt a smack on my ass I looked at him "hey Shawn" Nash said "hi" he said "lets go" I  said Shawn grabbed my suitcase and I grabbed my backpack

And we left I sat in the passenger seat, Shawn is driving and Nash is in the back seat. We drove  silence with Shawn's hand on my thigh after 30 minutes we arrived at the airport got out of the car and we sat in the airport.

I crossed my legs, his hands on my thigh and put my head on Shawn's shoulder "aww aren't you two the cutest?" Lauren said  to us I smiled  'flight from New York to maldives is boarding in 5 minutes' we started gathering our bags 'the plane to maldives is boarding now' I got my bags and my baby's hand.

We boarded the plane, I sat in between Justin and Shawn "have I told you how sexy you look today?" Shawn whispered bringing his hand to my thigh, I bit my lip.

"This is a ten hour flight so what are we going to do? Cause I'm not sitting here watching you love birds" Becca said "how we talk about what Shawn and Nat did on there midnight date" my sister said "woah woah woah that's for us to know and for you not to find out" he said "speaking of dates I have never heard B say she going on date" I said looking at her

"Are you seriously turning this on me" she said "answer the question" I said "no we  have never been on a date" she said "has he even asked you to be his girlfriend?" Mable asked "of course he has" she said "still can't believe you haven't been on a date" I said looking at Cameron "wait what?" he asked "hold on am I the one whose suppose to ask that question" Shawn said "dude are you kidding ? you are telling me that you fuck but never taken her on a date" he said "oh my fucking god" Lauren said "guys! it's not like i don't want to take her on a date but she doesn't want to every time i talk about it she says no, so what do you want me to do" Cameron said "what!" i said looking at my sister she was looking at the window and had tears in her eyes, i looked at Justin he was facing the floor and i looked at Selena trying to connect the dots and she had the same expression "then why didn't you say something?" Shawn asked Cam "well there some things you keep to yourself and it's not that hell of a situation" he responded

"Guys what's happening?" i asked i am so confused right now "i umm" Justin started "i don't think we should talk about this" i said "but--" "i said i don't want to talk about this!" i yelled cutting my sister off and every one was silent "girl you better time it down before I throw you out of this fucking plane" I said "sorry i didn't mean to yell, it's just that i don't wanna ruin this vacation for you guys, we came here to have fun not to kill everyone out of boredom with my problems" she said and began playing with the hem of her shirt Cam wrapped his arm around her but what worried was her playing with the hem of her shirt she never does that unless something is wrong.

The rest of the flight I  slept "babe wake up" I heard some say "no" I huffed "babe we landed" the voice said "shit what time is it?" I asked "its 6:37 come on" Shawn said grabbing my hand.

We hailed a cab and want to the resort......

Blessings' POV

The flight was not what i expected it to be, i thought it would be fun but turns out to be taunting, i mean what my sister brought up if she only knew-- "babe?" Cam said walking into the room "uh-- u-- what?" i said getting out of thought "what's wrong?" he asked "nothing.

um-- nothing at all" i  said "WHAT IS WRONG?" he asked more angry this time and getting close, i cleared my throat  "i-i -um- i said nothing is wrong" i said "you are lying. what is wrong with--- oh" he said but stop as if he realized something "it's about what your sister said, am guessing this has to do with Justin,you two have been here before and--"he said "not actually--"i started " you know you are a bad liar right?" he said "you wanna know the truth?. fine! everything you just said, it's true and that's not even the worst part-" i said with anger but cut me off kissing me with so much anger and i kissed back angry too, he pushed me against the wall i wrapped my legs around his waist, he pulled away "so do you wanna go out on a date with me tonight?" he asked i pulled him closed and gave him one last kiss, i pulled away "actually now that I've thought about it YES" i said and he put me down "will you help me unpack? " i asked "absolutely" he said and kissed me......................................................

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