Part 22

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Natasha's POV

"so you ready" he asked "Shawn i love you alot but which psycho goes to the movies at 1:30pm?" i said "we are not going to movies first" he said "so where are we going?" i asked "it's a surprise" he said " i hate surprises" i said " well you'll love this one" he said  "i want to walk" i said "sure" he said "now that you are back tell me why want to be a doctor" he said "well Grey Anatomy insirped me in more ways than one" i said "so career choice is based on a series" he said "yep"......

We walked into west way diner "this place has the best food and cocktails" he said "i'll be the jugde of that" i said the waitress came "hello am waitress for the day what can i get you?" she said looking at me "i'll the chicken and avocado burito" Shawn said "and i'll have garlic butter steak bites with lemon zucchini noodles" i said "drinks?" she asked  "non alcoholic sangira" Shawn said "i'll have the same" i said "ok" she said

We walked into west way diner "this place has the best food and cocktails" he said "i'll be the jugde of that" i said the waitress came "hello am waitress for the day what can i get you?" she said looking at me "i'll the chicken and avocado burito...

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"so have seen jumanji?"  he asked "i have it's really funny" i said "i know alot about you but i feel like there alot more to discover" he asked "well like wh-" i cut off the waitress " here is food and drinks" she said looking in my eyes"thank you" i said "anything for you i mean it's job" she said smiling "what is with you attracting people?" he asked "people are just drawn to me and am a leo for fucks sakes" i said so eat talked alot, Shawn has great sense of humour and i love people who can laugh

It's 3 pm i really don't notice the time go by "shit it 3:01pm " he said "yeah" i said "why we go get some ice cream" he suggested "sure" i replied.....

 We walked into an ice cream shop called suger hill creamery "hi what can i get you?" the baritsa asked "hi i will a vanilla and choco ice cream" he said "plain vanilla" i said  yeah you do you have any hobbies" he asked "yeah photography, art and music" i said "can you draw or paint?"he asked "yeah i do actually" i said "oh we have a moive to see" he said we walked to the and he got then tickets and i got the popcorn, m&m and cola's "let's go" he said.......

we were watching  the wrong missy it was really funny and were almost done, i was having a good time until my phone started ringing and she needed me "Shawn i have go" i said "why" he asked "B needs my help" i said "i'll come with you" he said "no-" i was cut off by him saying "i will and you won't argue" he said in stern voice and i was turned on, he called an uber we got and i busted into the room "what happened" i asked "shiish girl you ain't here for" B said "look i left Shawn to come here so make this quick " i said "ooookay and since when did you start hanging out in private" she asked "will talk about that later let focus on what we' ve got " i said "okay" she said "Selena c'mon get she's here" she said and she got up "so i heard you have a problem?" i asked "yeah, i have cramps they hurt alot" Selena said i touched her forehead and gave her ibuprofen  "um  guys i'll leave up to it i have to go" B said "what wrong you look worried ?" i said concerned "nothing i just i-i well have to go" she said heading out i stayed and Selena some lemon tea "here have some lemon tea i help reduce the pain also drink it while it's hot"i said i"i have to go"i said "okay thank you" she said "no problem" i said

I walked to Shawn's room i knocked on the door "come in" i heard, i walked in to find a shirtless Shawn "hey" he said "hi, look am sorry we had to cut our day short" i said "it's okay" he said "did B get the help she wanted?"  he asked "yeah it's Selena who wasn't feeling so good" i said "and they called doc" he said i just laughed "is she okay now?" he asked "yeah" i said

We were quiet for a while "so about our day i will make it up to you" i said "you don't have to" he said "but i want to" i said he nodded"i need to go to my room mable has my costume so, well good night" i said "good night love" he said........

Blessings' POV

"Selena c'mon get up she's here" i said and so she got up " so i heard that you have a problem?" my sister asked "yeah i have cramps and they hurt a lot" Selena said in pain my sister felt her touched her forehead and did some other stuff i was not paying attention cause i had so much going on already " um guys i'll leave you up to it i have to go" i said disturbed " what's wrong you look worried?" my sister asked concerned " nothing i just i-i well i have to go" i said heading out.

I arrived at my room and entered and Cameron was still there just like i told him " so what happened?" he asked "nothing serious it's girls stuff anyway" i said " oh in that case can you now say what you wanted to talk to me about" he said "oh yeah" i said " um Cam i well am i wanted to talk to you about us" i said " what do you mean'us'?" he asked "well i love you and all but i think there is something we are doing wrong" i said " what do you mean?" he asked coming closer "Cameron stop" i said " what should i stop?" he asked " i mean don't come any c loser, cause evry time you come close to me i lose my mind and we end up fucking, am not saying it's a bad thing" i said " what do you mean it's not bad but you are complaining" he said coming even more closer " you said you lose your mind i wanna see you lose it" he said "Cameron stop am warning you you are going to regret this" i said "i have never regreted anything i have done with you" he said coming even closer and now i can feel him on my skin " Cameron please" i said in a cocky voice " come on now say what  you wanted to say am listening" he said " i know how you feel and i feel the same way i know you want it and i also do but don't you think it's a bit too soon i mean-" i started but he cut me off " i don't want you for your body but for you the real you" he said " i know but it's just that you drive me crazy every time you are close to me and everytime you touch me and am afraid we might end up fucking everyday" i said " so you are saying am stupidenough to fuck you each day" he said " no i am cause the way i act is what determines your next move in the situation" i said " okay then i will stop touching you" he said taking a step behind " huh" i sighed and he walked away "Cameron wait i did not mean it like that" i tried to say but he still went out anyway "ah" " am such an idiot, why did i say that" i said " aaaahhhh!" i screamed throwing away everything near me i grabbed the sheets and threw them on the ground while crying, i jumped on the bed and began to cry even more "why am i such a fool i have hurt him he hates me now" i cried out

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