Part 18

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Natasha POV

As the night went on i got drunker and drunker which made me to get more loose, then the take by Tory Lanez started playing i grabbed Shawn's hand, walked to the dance floor and i wrapped my hands around his neck and we danced until Justin said it time to go, at point am so drunk i can't even walk

We walked to the uber "WAIT, wait were is Bllllllleeeesingssss " i said "she went with Cam" Justin said "okay" i said the drive back to campus was quiet short than usual so got out i was still holding on to Shawn's hand, he walked me to my room "we should knock" i said i knocked no one answered i tried opening it wasn't opening so i took out my key and opened the door "um Nash must have left" i slur "yeah well good night" Shawn tried walking away but i stopped him "please don't go" i said he smirked "why?" he asked with a naughty look on his face "i want you" i said walking closer "really?" he asked and now we are so close i could feel his breath "you just said you want me" he said i pulled him closer "aren't you gonna stop me like you did last time?" he asked and we so close that the next movement would be a kiss.

"no not this time" i said and we kissed i wrapped my hands around his neck which made it deeper hands wandered my body like he was looking a hidden only he could find, so i pushed him on the bed and now i was on top of him, he took off his shirt and sat back up while i sat on his laps and wrapped legs around his torso, he pulled the strings of my dress he kissed cheeks and my neck"umm"......

He laid me on the bed, kissing my neck, marking it and started slowing down on the kisses eventually stopping "why did you stop?" i whined "as much as i would like continue, you are a virgin and i know where this is going" he said "but i want it, doesn't that matter?" i said "it does but it's the alcohol talking" he said "but i-" i started he cut me off "tell you what if you still feel the same way tomorrow*he leans closer to my ear* i will treat your body right" he said i just bit my lip and nodded he looked in my eyes and we kissed again this time much slower "good night Nat" he said "good night Shawn" i said and he left

It's 10 am and it feels like body was ran over a by a truck thousands of time, my phone started it was only adding to my pain and  it was my sister

N: what

B: well good morning to you too

N: look i have an hangover so make it quick

B: fine meet us in the cafeteria

N: fine

B: bye

N: bye

i walked straight in the shower and  decided to take of my locs i walked out and realized Nash isn't here anyway i wore:

I grabbed my purse and phone, i walked and 5 minutes later i arrived at the cafe and i saw them  walked towards table and i sat next Shawn " hey" i great them "hi" they replied "here some mocha for the lady" Shawn said "thank you mi amor" i said w...

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I grabbed my purse and phone, i walked and 5 minutes later i arrived at the cafe and i saw them  walked towards table and i sat next Shawn " hey" i great them "hi" they replied "here some mocha for the lady" Shawn said "thank you mi amor" i said with a small smile while my sister rolled her eyes  "ah Drew why are you looking like you haven't slept, are you okay?" i asked "no i am never drinking again  " he said "i feel you" L said " that's what they all say-" Blessings tried to say  who was cut off by L "woah i'm sorry B but Nat, who marked you?" she said "i don't know, i don't remember what happened last night" i said Shawn seemed upset by what i said , everyone went back to their conversations, i placed my hand on his lap "are you okay?" i asked with concern "i am fine" he said with a small smile but i knew he was lying.....

Blessings' POV

It's 9:00 in the morning and i woke with a hang over i lifted my head and pictures of last night began to come back i turned to my left and saw a shirtless Cameron laying next to me i looked under the sheets and i was nude " oh my god" i said getting, grabbing a towel and going in the bathroom to take a shower

After having a 30 minute bath i came out of the bathroom and i found Cameron sitting on the bed "do you have any memories of what happened last night?" he asked " i think we got too drunk and we fucked" i said " but.." he started but i cut him off " but nothing, what happened,  happened " i said " now go take a shower we have to go to the cafeteria" i said and he got up with a bed sheet wrapped around his waist and he entered the bathroom and i put this on:

After dressing up i decided to call my sister and told her to meet us at the cafeteria ten minutes later Cameron came out of the shower "how long does it take for you to take a shower?" i asked "uh as much as it can" he answered  " whatever just h...

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After dressing up i decided to call my sister and told her to meet us at the cafeteria ten minutes later Cameron came out of the shower "how long does it take for you to take a shower?" i asked "uh as much as it can" he answered  " whatever just hurry up everyone is waiting for us" i said so he took his clothes and went to dress  up in the bathroom while i sat down on the bed and began watching tiktoks minutes later he came " shall we" he said " sure" i said but before we got out i said " wait just one quick thing" i kissed his chick " now we can go" i said " what was that for?" he asked " it's not for something it's your morning kiss" i said " whoa i guess am being a good boy friend huh" he said " yeah, now c'mon let's go" i said and so we went to the cafeteria and everyone else was there except my sister so we got our food and sat down a few minutes later she arrived " hey" she said " hi we all answered " here, a mocha for the lady" Shawn said " thank you mi amor" she said and i just rolled my eyes to the back of my head ' she is such a drama queen' i thought to myself somehow Cam saw me do what i did and he said " what's happening" " nothing, and why did you ask" i said " because you rolled your eyes while your sister was talking to Shawn" he said " well because she is dramatic" i said " oh i get it you are mad because you aren't" he said " no am not" i said rolling my eyes again " you know what let's just drop it" i said " fine" he said  so we both stopped talking and there was silence for a while until my sister said "uh Drew why are you looking like sleep, are you okay?" " no, am never drinking again" he answered.........

" So what are we gonna do today?" i asked since everyone was in there own world and mostly my sis she her hand was on Shawn's thigh and i was getting suspicious " Shawn do you have any ideas?" i asked " uh the water park" he said a bit distracted  " great idea" Cameron said and he wanted to tease me because he knows i hate water parks, all the sliding the screaming and the kids "NO!!! we are not going to the water park" i sad nervously everyone's eyes popped out " i mean no we aren't going there cause it's boring and it's just water" i said " exactly" Cameron said " see he agrees with me" i said sweating " no not that i mean it's just water it won't hurt you" he said and my sister laughed " no she is not afraid of the water, she  is afraid of the sliding, screaming and the kids" she said " you hate kids!, butt i love kids and i want a lot of em and only after we are married" Cameron said " WHAT!" i screamed freaking out " i mean i don't hate kids it's just that they scream too much and i am afraid of sliding it's just so freaky and disturbing" i said in a low voice " that is why am here and we are going there for fun and to get rid of your fear" he said i looked at everyone and they gave me baby face " fine i guess it won't hurt" i said and everyone cheered " and you if i get hurt it's your fault" i said to Cameron hugging him " aaaww" Mable said " oh please enough already, now let's go" my sister said............

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