part 42

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Nash ^^

Natasha's Pov

My sister is so childish and selfish she always wants me to do or act the why she wants which is unfair to me anyway hours and hours pass and it's now nine thirty pm and I am tired of watching Hulu.

I went to pack mine and Shawn's bags even though I am mad at him I gathered everything and I'm done I set the bags aside "hey" he said "hi" I said then I got a text from Mable saying she needs help I started walking away "look I know you don't want to talk me but at least don't go out of the room, you maybe mad at me but I still love you and at least if I can't talk to you looking at you is enough for me" he said and that type of shit makes my heart melt "I gotta go" I said walking out feeling angry with myself now anyway I wanted to Mable's room

"Bitch I think I'm pregnant" she said "what!?!" I screamed "did you take a test" I asked "no but I have morning sickness and ridiculous cravings like pickle juice bitch I don't even like pickle juice" she said "you need to take a test" I told her "what if it comes out positive and Jace leaves then" she said  "I hunt down his ass and kill him, do it just to be sure" I said  she got the test "you already had one?" I asked surprised "yeah I have been thinking for a month now" she said "well do it then" I said she went to the bathroom after  five minutes she came back "well what does it say" I asked "I'm pregnant" she said I screamed in excited and hugged her "this is great I get to be God mother" I screamed she smiled "what's wrong?" I asked "this is scary" she said sitting on the bed "of course it is but Jace and I will be there with you every step of the way" I said sitting next to her "yeah now I have to tell him unless you do it for me" she said "no" I said then the door  opened "hey Nat, babe" Jace  said to the both of us "I'm pregnant" she said real fast wow and to think she say they need some privacy  I rolled my eyes "what?" He asked "I am pregnant" she said slower everything was quite you could hear a pin drop the screamed "this better not be a joke" he said "no it's not" he lifted and spined her screaming I'm gonna be a dad "congratulations" I said "I need to leave" I said "thanks for being here" she hugging me"no prob I'll be there even when you don't want me to" I said opening the door

I went to my bedroom changed

  I was about to leave "you don't have to go" he said "this our last here and to be honest I didn't expect to spend it fighting with my girlfriend its not how I pictured ending our little vacation" he said  I crawled into bed and I laid down and f...

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  I was about to leave "you don't have to go" he said "this our last here and to be honest I didn't expect to spend it fighting with my girlfriend its not how I pictured ending our little vacation" he said  I crawled into bed and I laid down and faced the other side he switched off the light and I drifted to sleep

In the morning

I woke at 4am knowing the flight is at 6am we wanted to be early even though we are going via private jet we wanted be early since you know it Christmas Eve

I took a hot shower which felt good I just put on my robe

I took a hot shower which felt good I just put on my robe

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