chapter 8

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Natasha POV

I woke up to find my sister gone, she's probably gone for class i took shower and wore a lazy outfit,  as i  was waiting for my class at 7:30 pm and  i fell asleep in my room and woke up at 6:45 so i decide to freshen up and change my clothes and  my phone case to this :

I woke up to find my sister gone, she's probably gone for class i took shower and wore a lazy outfit,  as i  was waiting for my class at 7:30 pm and  i fell asleep in my room and woke up at 6:45 so i decide to freshen up and change my clothes and ...

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I headed out and as i was walking, i bumped into a hard body and it was Shawn " i am sorry" i said "it's okay" he said "i should be the one saying it's okay, my beautiful phone almost broke" i said "i would have easily paid for a new one" he said ...

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I headed out and as i was walking, i bumped into a hard body and it was Shawn " i am sorry" i said "it's okay" he said "i should be the one saying it's okay, my beautiful phone almost broke" i said "i would have easily paid for a new one" he said cockily "oh really is that so" i said whilst he was nodding "i need to go for class" i said trying walk away  he held my wrist and  turned me around and i hit chest again "well your class doesn't start until 30 minutes" he said " i don't want to-" he cut me off " come on i want my best friend back" he said "Shawn when i left when i was six years old" i said "exactly i missed out on everything " he said "fine but you have to follow me to the library" i said " fine" he said.......

Blessing's P O V

So after my  awkward class with Cameron i came to back to my room to find my sister still sleeping, since i had another  class at three AM i took advantage and slept again with my sister who loves sleep so  much that she want's to sleep for hours on end so i woke up at 1PM  to get ready for next class. i found him sitting next to me again and this time i need to talk to him.....

"Hey" i said after pulling myself together "hey" he said i sat down and class began

2 hrs later class was finally over so i packed all my staff and began heading out but before i could i heard a voice call my name i turned to see it was Cameron "hey" he said "what?" i answered "well could you at least drop the attitude"he said as we headed out"huh fine" i sighed "am really sorry about last night, i did not mean to say that just got out"he said " it's okay i understand how you feel and i can't blame you after all you are human so you were meant to feel that way" i said "so friends again?" he asked "yeah friends" i said giving him a hug and he walked me to my room as we walked i saw Justin coming in our direction "hey" he said as he walked close to us we stood in the middle of the hallway "can i please talk to you for a moment?" he asked"and why would i want to talk to you" i said "just hear me out this once"he said "whatever just make it quick i have to do something with my friend as you can see" i said " know what let's just talk " he said "Blessings i know you are mad at me now because of what happened, but i did not mean to hurt you or let you find out the truth like that it's just that i well i well......"he started but i cut him off "can you quit dick thinking and get straight to the point cause you're wasting my time"i said " well look i really love you but not in that way any more what i mean is that am in love with Selena and i've been in love with her the day i laid my eyes on her "he said "then why did you not tell me?"i asked "because i thought i would hurt you" he said "so you thought cheating would solve everything?" i asked " am really sorry" he said " yeah you better be  because what you did was as stupid as fuck and it really hurt me more than you can imagine it really hurts to see your partner cheat and his proud of it" i said" am really sorry i was been a dick and did not know what i was doing "he said " well if you put it like that i forgive you and i understand " i  said " so i guess this is the end for us"i said "but it does not have to be we could still be friends or even best friends" he said "yeah i guess " i said in a sad voice as i hugged him "hey hey stop am here and i won't leave you" he said hugging me also "uhm see you around" i said letting go of him and running towards Cameron "shall we carry on?" i asked " sure" Cameron said so we held hands and walked to my room we arrived "come in" i said wait here let me change"i said and this is what i wore

"he started but i cut him off "can you quit dick thinking and get straight to the point cause you're wasting my time"i said " well look i really love you but not in that way any more what i mean is that am in love with Selena and i've been in love...

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"so what do you want to do?" i asked "uhm i don't know" he said looking at me from head to toe  after talking to Justin i realized how Cameron felt so i decided to give him a chance so i said "Cam uhm i really wanna say something " i said "yeah what is it ?" he replied " well i was thinking about what you said last night and i know how you feel and yes i will be your girlfriend"i said looking deep into he's eyes and so did he,he was so happy that he lifted me up and kissed me and i wrapped my hands around his neck to pull him closer he laid me on the bed without breaking the kiss i pulled him even closer as he ran his hands on my sides playing with the hem of my shirt, since my shoulder was bare, he kissed me from cheek to my neck  until he found my sweet spot making me moan his name, i helped him take-off his t-shirt and he took off mine tracing his kisses on my chest almost playing with my boobs as i traced  my hands on  his abs.  He took off my shorts and his trousers "damn your beautiful" he said  and  damn he was huge, he used his tip to separate my fold " you ready" he asked i just nodded, he slowly lid in me "oohhh"was all i could say, it was beyond blissful pleasure as he quickened the pace, he hit my g-spot" oh shit Cameron " i screamed "right here?" he asked "yeah" i said while my thoughts clouded from the pleasure i was receiving "i am gonna cum" i said " not until i say so love" he said "i can't-" i tried saying he give me 3 more powerful thrusts "let go baby" he said kissing my lips and i exploded like a tropical fruit in the summer and he cum on my stomach, i breathed as he laid next to me, after catching my breath "you wanna go for round two" i asked "yeah" he answered the second round only moans , grunts and slapping skin was what could be  heard from room in short it was one amazing night........

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