Chapter 14

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Blessings' POV

After having a fun and long day with everyone we decided to head back

we finally arrived i was so exhausted and tired "bye guys see you" i said "bye" they all said "have fun you guys but not too much" my sister said teasing me " oh please" i said heading straight to my room with a grin on my face and i jumped on the bed while Cameron was locking the door "uhm Cam i was thinking and since tomorrow is Saturday can we go to the beach am so stressed and i've had such a busy week" i said " sure" he said " well that's odd you have never agreed on something so easily, have you found a new girl" i said " what if i told you i have " he said looking at his phone " oh really so who is this chick?" i asked jumping off my bed in anger " uhm do you want me to show you?" he asked " so you are taking this lightly as if it's nothing now come on show me this chick " i said upset " look in the mirror you will see her" he said i turned to see and only saw myself " you see that's my girl friend who i missed so much and finally i have her back" he said "huh you are such a drama queen some times i wish you were a girl but i love you just the way you are and i don't care what anybody thinks and if there isn't enough love to share between us i would love to give you all of mine" i said " good night Cameron, no kissing" i said going to bed " wait, good night" he said softly kissing my forehead

It's 7:30 am in the morning so i woke up and Cameron was still sleeping " hey stranger wake up" i said he pulled me into his bed " hey let go of me" i said " come a little fun won't hurt" he said "oh really take that" i said throwing a pillow on his face " so that's how you wanna play it" he said " no no no don't"i said closing my eyes suddenly i felt a kiss on my lips " i would never hurt you not even a bit" he said after the kiss and getting off his bed " now am going to take a shower and get ready to go to the beach" he said entering the bath room while i got my phone and  called my sister

" hey" i said

" morning" she replied

" uhm Nattie Cameron and i are going to the beach today i was thinking if you are not busy would you and everyone else come too?" i asked

" yeah why not in fact let me call everyone" she said

" okay then see you on our way out, bye"i said excited

" bye" she said

after 40 to 45 minutes Cameron was finally out so i went in for a 40 minute bath i came out " uhm Cam can you please excuse me" i said " oh sorry" he said heading out " and when you are done you will find me in Shawn's room " he said " alright" i said so after that i changed into this

after 40 to 45 minutes Cameron was finally out so i went in for a 40 minute bath i came out " uhm Cam can you please excuse me" i said " oh sorry" he said heading out " and when you are done you will find me in Shawn's room " he said " alright" i ...

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I carried my bag which had everything i needed at the beach in it and i headed to my sister's room to see if she is ready i opened the door " hey sis" i said and this is what was she wearing

I carried my bag which had everything i needed at the beach in it and i headed to my sister's room to see if she is ready i opened the door " hey sis" i said and this is what was she wearing

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