Part 25

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Natasha 's POV

"Shawn i-" i was cut off by a kiss, and i am shocked but now i am kissing him...... his hands are on my waist and his kissing me, am holding shoulders and he lifted me and made me sit on a table in the room, he kisses trailed down my neck "ummm" i moaned and felt a smirk on his face his hands went down to my clothed clit and start moving his fingers and lips kissing my cleavage "ahhhh what the freaking hell" B said "B what are you doing here" i said "don't B me" she said "you guys came all the here just to fuck i am so disappointed in you, i always felt ashamed and looked up to you but on second thought you are not as innocent as you seem" she said almost cryin " B it's not what it look-" i tried to she started walking away "B" i walked after she was gone "gurl you lo-" Mable started i just walked away all my friends expect Cam and Blessings followed me "what happpened?" Justin asked Shawn explained what went down everyone he sat next to me

"Nat this is all my fault " he said "no shit" Mable said i gave her the really look "look the point is i am really sor-" started "look Shawn it's not your fault" i said "let them some time all alone"Justin said "look if anything happens just scream" Mable said i rolled my eyes they walked out "am still sorry" he said "it's fine" i said "i just wish she didn't walked in on us i like i did on her" i said "yeah but karma is a bitch" he said, i laughed and he smiled "you have a beautiful laugh" he said looking in my eyes "you should sleep" he said "yeah good night" i said "good night love" he said and kissed my cheek, i changed my and i was out like a light

It is morning and Saturday which meant no class i went to shower, brush my teeth i decided to wash my hair so that it can become curly again and change to this

my outfit

my outfit

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my shoes

my shoes

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my hair

i headed out, i went to the cafeteria and i found my sister andthe rest at the table "hey" i said "hi" they said "Nat i am sorry for the way reacted at the party last" she said "and i am sorry you saw that" i said "and so i followed you and Shawn ...

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i headed out, i went to the cafeteria and i found my sister andthe rest at the table "hey" i said "hi" they said "Nat i am sorry for the way reacted at the party last" she said "and i am sorry you saw that" i said "and so i followed you and Shawn upstairs" she said "you what!!" i screamed "am sorry i was worried-" she said "you what i forgive you" i said, "anyway your early" Mable said "whateva bitch, i'm going to get my caffeine of the day" i said standing up " no need" Cam said "why" i asked "you'll see" he said i sat back down a few seconds "hey guys" Shawn said "hey" we replied "Nat i got mocha frappe" he said "aww thanks love"i i said "so yo acting nothing happened" Mable said "hold the hell up are guys dating and we didn't know" Becca said"nope" i said with a popping p "but if you were i would apporve of Shawn than Trevor" Mable said i haven't heard of him since i left Europe "he actually DMed me and asked for you" she said bluntly "what" i asked "who's Trevor?" Shawn asked

"he's my ex" i said "the possessive one" Shawn asked i just nodded "i don't blame if i was dating you i'd be possessive too" Lauren said "can we talk about anything else" i said "well thanks giving is coming which means a tone assignments are coming" Justin said Shawn placed a hand on my back and said "we need to talk in private" he whispered............

Blessings POV

It's Saturday in the morning i wake up and went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and took a shower,i put on a slick ponytail and changed into this:

After doing all this i decided to wake Cameron up "Cameron wake up we have to go to the cafeteria" i said he groaned "it's morning already" he said " of course it is what do you want it to be" i said he got up "and hurry up in there or am gonna co...

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After doing all this i decided to wake Cameron up "Cameron wake up we have to go to the cafeteria" i said he groaned "it's morning already" he said " of course it is what do you want it to be" i said he got up "and hurry up in there or am gonna come woop your ass" i said "oh really" he said "ah so you think i can't do it, alright then if you don't believe me then try taking as long as you want" i said and he went into the shower and i sat on the bed waiting for him

30 minutes later

"Cameron how long does it take !" i screamed "relax am done" he said "i wonder how it whould have been if he was a lady" i said to myself "what did you just say?" he asked and my eyes popped out of my head"uh nothing" i said quickly and he raised an eyebrow "you know what forget it" he said and damn that was close if he heard what i said it would be war it's like starting a wild fire.

He dressed up and we headed to the cafeteria there we found Justin and Selena " hey" i said "hi" they answered " you are the only ones here?" i asked Selena and she nodded "uh these bitches are always late" i mumbled to myself "well since there not here let's carry on they will come and catch up" i said and we got our food and sat down to eat "so Justin how was last night?" i asked "it was great but why did you leave early?" he asked "well it-" i started but was cut off by Mable "hey guys" she said " hi" i said she Lauren and Becca sat down with us " where is Natasha?" i asked "she will be coming very soon" Mable answered " i hope so" i said worried and Cameron wrapped his arm around me "it's alright she will be here" he said in my ear and i hopped she would really come and she did " hey" she said " hi" we all said "Nat am really sorry for the way i reacted at the party last night" i said "am sorry i let you see that" she said and everything went perfectly from there......

"Hey guys i have an idea, why don't we go to the art gallery" i suggested "yeah great" Becca said and that's the first time i heard her speak or agree on something and i began to suspect something and i happened to be sitting next you Mable who likes to detect stuff like this "hey Mable can i talk to you real quick?" i wipered in her ear " sure" she said and we got up " where are the both of you going?" my sister asked "we just need to talk about something" i said and so we went outside "Mable i was wondering does Becca go out and like talk about someone or stuff like that?" i asked her "um as far as i know she goes to the art gallerry atlest 4 times a week and talks about some guy" she answered " do you know what this means" i said excited " what" she said "Becca has fallen for someone" i said "oh that, wait what she has" she said " but how do we know that?" she asked " well we have to go to the art gallery and see what happens there" i said " am so proud of her" Mable said and i smiled "kids grow up very quick" she said which was quite weird " she ain't a kid" i said " well am like her elder sister" she said " i undersatand, now come on we have two souls to unite" i said and so we went back in "to the art gallery everyone" i said "but why?" my sister asked " it's a suprise you'll see when we get there" i said..........

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