Part 49

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Natasha POV

" So how was Canada?" I ask "cold but it was nice to see my family again" he says "well I am happy for you mi amor" I say "What were you up to after I left" he asks "stuff" I said "I don't want to talk about me though" I say "come with me" he said "where?" I ask "to my apartment" he says "ok" I say.

We got into the car and he drove really fast and we were there in a matter of minutes "we are here" he says I got out of the car and walked behind him " I really missed you" he says " me too so much I didn't even want to change out of my PJ's" I say  "cute but psycho I like it" he said he stared me up and down I bit my lip.

He walked closer and closer until there was no space between us, I could his hot breath as he leaned to kiss me but I could not do it knowing what happened between Nash and I. "Babe are you ok" he asks "yeah am fine am just tired" I say "let's go sleep then" he said "I can't stay I-" I started but i was cut off "I know you are gonna say you don't have clothes, you can wear my  hoodie" he says "ok" I say      

I laid on the bed and drifted to sleep.......


 I  woke up with the sun shining in my face and an empty bed anyway I went to the bathroom and to shower and wore a hoodie I got from the closet, it reached my mid thighs and I wore the house shoes I came with.

I walked down the stairs "morning my love" he said kissing my forehead "morning baby" I say hugging him "so I made us breakfast" he said "oh my he's handsome, a freak and can slave in the kitchen damn I hit the jackpot" I said fanning my self  "my crazy girlfriend let go eat" he said dragging to the kitchen "sit" he says "here" he said placing the breakfast and coffee before me "you made croissant sandwiches and a sweet creamy coffee for me aww" I said

I walked down the stairs "morning my love" he said kissing my forehead "morning baby" I say hugging him "so I made us breakfast" he said "oh my he's handsome, a freak and can slave in the kitchen damn I hit the jackpot" I said fanning my self  "my...

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"Anything for my queen" he says eating his food we eat and finished and I washed the dishes

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"Anything for my queen" he says eating his food we eat and finished and I washed the dishes. We caught up on stuff that happened expect Nash thing which he what am about to do " baby we need to talk" I said "oh when a lady says that it means things are bad" he said with chuckle "look while you were gone something happened" I said and kept quiet "what happened babe your taking a pregnant pause and it's scaring me" he said " are you pregnant" he asked "what!?no" I say "ok so" he's says "so while were gone Nash and I met because he invited me for lunch or whatever...." I say "and we..... we kissed and before that in Maldives we had a moment but nothing happen " I say looking him in the eyes. He laughed which scared me "why did see him in the first place and when I explicitly told you I don't like him" he said getting up from the couch "no you said you didn't like the way he looked at me, so calm down" I say "calm down? really? you just admitted to cheating on me and you were flaming my ass about the same thing a couple of weeks ago!" he says "what! your situation with that trick is completely different!" I say "really?! how!?" he screams "first at all mind your tone when you talk to me!" I say "you know what you are right  it is different because you did this twice and you had the audacity to kiss him!" he says "I didn't kiss him back he kissed me and about the Maldives you and I were fighting-" I say "so that means you jump into another man's arms-" he started but I cut him off with a slap 

 He laughed which scared me "why did see him in the first place and when I explicitly told you I don't like him" he said getting up from the couch "no you said you didn't like the way he looked at me, so calm down" I say "calm down? really? you ju...

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"THE WHOLE TIME I HAVE BEEN IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU I HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT BE FAITHFUL TO YOU, HOW DARE YOU QUESTION MY LOYALTY TO YOU" I screamed at him. He grabbed my wrists and roughly pinned me to the nearest wall "you have lost your damn mind how dare you lay your hands on me" he said dangerously low. Now yo if were in another situation I would dripping right now. 

Blessing POV

After my little brother leaves am now watching T.V in the T.V room "where is your sister she can't surely she still be asleep this time" my dad says looking at his watch "Natasha is something, let me go check on her" I say.

I go to her room she is not in bed quite frankly it looks no one slept there "let me check the bathroom" I say to myself before I could reach the handle my phone rings "Justin why would he be calling me" I say to myself .

B: hello

J: hey 

He sounds like he's been crying 

B: are you ok?

J: no, can I please see you now if possible

B: ah sure, let me call an uber

J: thanks bye see you 

B: ok bye 

I quickly run downstairs "why are you running up and down in my house " my mom says "sorry mom I gotta go" I say running out the door I text him "where do I meet you?" he text back at his apartment and he gives me his address, I give the driver the address, he drivers me there "thank you" I say while paying him, I get out and go to the building, I reach his apartment and knock he opens the door with red and puffy eyes.

He just hugs me tight and I do too and then I remember what it was like when I was in his arms, I always felt safe and happy what am I saying I have a boyfriend "what happened" I ask " Selena and I broke up" he says " why" I ask "she says I wasn't it" he says "she wasn't wrong" he says "don't say that you are a good guy" I say 


"I  feel that I never really apo-" he starts "please don't bring it up" I say "you wanna know the real reason she said I wasn't it was because she it caught me looking at a picture of you" he says "so what" I say  "I also told her that I missed you and am still in love with you" he says looks down I laugh and I stopped seeing he wasn't laughing with me "wait your serious"  I say looking at him "wow when did you know this?" I ask " well before we broke up" he says "wow that's a lot coming from someone who cheated on me with my bestfriend" I say " I know I am sorry I was confused and, and don't act innocent when you didn't take long to move on another boy who is my friend" he says " can you blame me I was hurt, the damaged you caused I was and am in love with you and you just broke my heart like it was the easiest thing to do" I say "your in love with me?" He says like a child who's going to McDonald's he's excited. He starts walking towards me he puts his hands on my face closing any space left between us. He leans in and........................

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