Road Trip

761 19 18

Au- Human

Roman and Virgil decided to go on a road trip. Right now they were in the car. Roman was driving, and Virgil was in the passenger seat. Roman was wearing a red t-shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of red high-tops with gold chains/zipper. Virgil was wearing Roman's red hoodie, ripped purple pants, and a pair of Cheshire cat high-tops. 

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Roman looked over and smiled lightly seeing Virgil looking out the window half asleep

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Roman looked over and smiled lightly seeing Virgil looking out the window half asleep. He reached one of his hands over, grabbed Virgil's hand, and squeezed it lightly.

"You can sleep, Stormcloud." Roman said lightly, rubbing Virgil's hand with his thumb.

"Mmh." Virgil looked over at Roman, "If you have to stay up *yawn* I should stay up." he mumbled sleepily.

"Aww don't worry Stormcloud. Get some rest."

"*yawn* Fine" Virgil muttered quietly. He snuggled onto Roman's hoodie.

-time skip-

It started to storm, a little bit after Virgil went to sleep. Virgil was slowly walking up.

"Mmh." Virgil groaned, and rubbed his eyes.

"Hey Stormcloud," Roman said softly.

"Hi Ro-Ro," Virgil mumbled sleepily, looking over to Roman.

"How was your nap?"

"Good. How long was I asleep?" Virgil asked sitting up straighter (gayer).

"About an hour and a half." Roman answered. Virgil nodded.

"Ooh rain" Virgil said quietly looking out the window. "I like the rain."

Roman chuckled lightly, "I know you do. We met while you were walking in the rain. I saw you standing on the sidewalk, when I looked outside of the window while I was closing my parents coffee shop. I invited you in so you could get out of the rain-"

"Even though you weren't supposed to let anyone in after it closed." Virgil cut him off.

"Yup. and you told me you enjoyed the rain. I convinced you to come inside because you were dripping wet. We talked for a while until it stopped raining and I offered to drive you home."

"I said no, because I didn't want you to know my address. In case you were actually a murderer. Which after I met your brother I knew out of the two of you he would be the murderer."

Roman chuckled, "yeah."

-time skip (a few minutes)-

"Hey can we pull over? I want to stand in the rain." Virgil asked, looking at Roman with pleading eyes.

"Virgil, we're in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?"

"...yesh..." Virgil answered in a somewhat childish voice, innocently blinking.

"You're ridiculous," Roman said with a laugh. "We're almost to the next stop."

"Okie I can wait." Virgil responded. Roman just rolled his eyes a little with a chuckle. 

(482 words. Two in one day wow. This is probably shit. Most of my posts are probably shut, too.)

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