Pattoncake and Nerdy-Wolverine Make Romano and Virgin Go Camping 2

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(Almost 1000 words.) 

Virgil woke up feeling warm. He then realized he was cuddled into Roman. Roman's arms around him. Virgil sat up rubbing his eyes, he was kinda confused about how he got into the tent. Roman woke up from the movement and looked at Virgil.

"Good morning," Roman said in a husky morning voice, sitting up. Virgil's face pinkened a little at the sound of his voice.

"Morning," Virgil said through a yawn.

"What do you want to do today?" Roman asked, voice still sounding husky.

"I don't know," Virgil shrugged.

"Maybe we can go for a walk in the woods, after breakfast?"


The two took turns changing, then sat by the fire pit, to figure out what they were going to eat.


Roman and Virgil were now walking through the woods. They were talking about random things, well Roman was doing the most talking, but Virgil didn't mind.

"Sorry, I'm rambling," Roman said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's fine. I don't mind," Virgil said quietly. Roman smiled at him.

"Look, flowers," Roman pointed out. Looking over to the side. Virgil looked in the same direction. They walked over.

"Violets and lilies."

"What?" Roman asked, looking over at Virgil.

"They're violets and lilies. Oh, and bellflowers."

"Oh, cool," Roman smiled. He looked at Virgil, who was crouching down, looking at the flowers. Roman saw the way Virgil's pale green eyes shone in the sun. There were golden and metallic green flecks within the pale green.

"There are like 400 to 500 different species of violets," Virgil said. His voice was soft. "And they have been around since Greece." (All the flower facts in this I found on google, I don't remember where sorry.) 

"Wow, Really?" Roman asked, wanting to hear Virgil talk more. He thought his voice was angelic.

"Yeah. Violets were used in food, wine, and medicine." Virgil was sitting down, criss-cross, looking at the flowers, lightly touching one of the violets.

"That's really cool. What do you know about lilies?"

"Well, they bloom in spring and summer. Their petals can be many different colors. Such as white, yellow, orange, red, purple, or pink. Oh yeah, they can actually even have freckles, like that one," Virgil said, pointing at one.

"Woah," Roman breathed, looking at the flower. "What about the bellflowers." He looked up at Virgil.

"Well, there's over 500 bellflower species. Bellflowers represent delicacy and humility. Also, they symbolize everlasting love, affection, and constancy." Virgil ran his hand through his hair, and Roman noticed something. 

'Oh. My. God. He has freckles!' Roman thought. 'So cute.'

"What?" Virgil asked. He noticed Roman looking at him.

"Nothing," Roman smiled at him. "I just didn't know you had freckles."

Virgil blushed, looking away.

Roman put his hand on Virgil's face, making him look at him. "You're cute," he whispered lightly, smiling at the porcelain-skinned boy. Virgil blushed more. Roman chuckled a little. "You're even cuter when you blush."

"Shut up," Virgil mumbled, avoiding eye contact. 

Roman was about to say something, but then it started raining. "Oh gods, that came out of nowhere. Let's go get back to the tent." He grabbed Virgil's hand as the two stood up.

They ran back to camp. They were still holding hands as they got into the tent. They slipped their shoes off, and Virgil took off his dripping hoodie. They put said things by the door of the tent. (they have a decent-sized tent) Their clothes were soaked. It had started pouring really fast.

"Um, our clothes are soaked. We should change so we don't get sick," Roman said.

"How are we going to do that if we can't, like take turns being in here?" Virgil asked.

Roman shrugged. "We can turn away from each other while the other changes."


The two took turns changing, the other looking the opposite way.


They've been sitting in the tent for a while now just talking.

Roman noticed Virgil shivering a little. "Are you cold?" he asked, knowing the answer.

"I'm fine," Virgil said. His arms were wrapped around himself.

"That wasn't the question," Roman chuckled. He grabbed a hoodie out of his bag, handing it to Virgil. "Here. I can see you shivering."

"Thanks," Virgil mumbled, blushing a little, taking the hoodie, putting it on. When he put his arms up pulling it on, his shirt went up a little. The hoodie was like 3 sizes too big.

Roman frowned, "Virgil you really should eat more. It's unhealthy that I can easily see your ribs."

Virgil put his arms around himself. "Sorry," he whispered, looking down. Tears built up in his eyes.

Roman frowned even more. He leaned forward, put his arms around Virgil, pulling him on his lap, holding him in a hug. "Hey, it's okay. Shhh," he said as Virgil started crying a little. He rubbed Virgil's back. "Can I tell you something?" he asked when Virgil calmed down. Virgil pulled back to see his face and nodded. "I really like you."

"Why?" Virgil asked. Tilting his head to the side. He was generally confused. He didn't understand why someone would like him. He didn't even like himself.

"Why?" Roman was kinda confused by the question. "Why not? You're an adorable, feisty, lovable, tiny, emo boy."

"I- um- uh- I-," Virgil sputtered for a minute. After a few seconds of silence, he crossed his arms, "I'm not adorable or lovable."

Roman chuckled. He kissed Virgil's forehead. "Yes, you are."

"Nuuu," Virgil said, blushing. He hid his face in his hands. Roman chuckled, hugging Virgil, and kissed the top of his head.

"You never told me how you fell."

"I- um- maybe, possibly, feel the same," Virgil sputtered out. He was hiding his face in Roman's chest.

"Virgil, will you be my boyfriend?" Roman asked.

"Yes!" Virgil smiled, though Roman couldn't see. He wrapped his arms around Roman. Roman smiled super brightly, tightened his grip on Virgil protectively. 

(993 words.) 

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