"Thanks, Ro."

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Au- non-binary Virgil, Virgil has ADHD,

Virgil got in a fight and ended up with a bad knee injury. They are now stuck in a cast and crutches. Roman sat next to them, doodled little hearts on their cast to cheer them up. He made jokes, made up little games, and did other little things to keep Virgil entertained.

Virgil laid their head on Roman's shoulder as the two watched a movie. "Thanks, Ro."

"For what?" Roman asked, looking down at Virgil.

"For everything you've done the past few days. For keeping me distracted and all."

Roman smiled at him, "You're welcome, Virge. It was really nothing. I enjoy spending time with you. Plus, it's hard for you to walk, so you're kinda stuck here."

"I still appreciate it," Virgil said quietly as they turned and hugged Roman. "You're the best... I love you..." they mumbled the last part, barely audible, hoping Roman wouldn't hear.

"I love you, too," Roman whispered, hugging Virgil back. 

(164 words.) 

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