Virgil no-

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"Consuming 85 chocolate bars, 78 cups of coffee, 13 consecutive shots of alcohol, 2 ground cherry pits, or 1.59 gallons of water is enough to kill you," Logan stated.

"Oh. Neat," Virgil said standing up, "hang on, I gotta take a trip to the grocery store."

"Virgil no-"

"Virgil, my Baby Stormcloud, we've talked about this," Roman said, attacking Virgil in a bear hug.

"Ugh. Fiiine," Virgil grond.

"Kiddo, you know we all love you right?" Patton asked.

"...Yeah..." Virgil sighed.

"Good," Roman said. He kissed Virgil softly. "Wanna cuddle and watch Disney movies?" He asked, looking lovingly at Virgil. 

(100 words.) 

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