Just An Angst Filled Story With a Fluff-ish Ending

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Trigger warning- angst, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and blood. Maybe more?

(This one-shot is longer than usual, over 900 words.) 

Thomas and the 4 main sides were trying to think of a plane for the next video. However, Roman and Virgil started fighting, and have been for a while.

"... you're- you're a glitch," Roman yelled, instantly regretting it. Everyone went silent as Virgil, instead of responding, sunk out.

"Roman Creativity Sanders!" Patton raised his voice, "How dare you say that! You know how Virgil feels about that word!"

"I know," Roman said looking down, disappointed in himself. "I didn't mean it. It just slipped out."

"You need to apologize to him."

"I know, and I will."

"Virgil looked upset. You should probably give him some time first," Thomas suggested.

"You are probably right," Roman sighed.

-with Virgil-

Virgil sunk down into his room. His breath was starting to quicken. He could feel tears build up in his eyes. He started to scratch at his arms feeling the scars on his arm. He looked at the scars to see that oh so familiar word carved into his arm. The word he himself carved into his arms. His breach quickened even more, and tears fell.

He made his way to his bathroom connected to his room. He grabbed his blade and put it to his arm, carving that word.





He dropped the blade on the counter and fell to the ground crying. He didn't have enough energy to care about the blood seeping from his wrists, or the fact it was getting on his clothes. He tried to fight off his bad thoughts but they kept coming.





'Waste of space.'












After a few minutes of cry on the floor, he reached up and grabbed his blade off of it. He was about to cut his wrists more, but then got an idea. 'What if I put the blade to my throat instead? What if I pushed the blade in as far as I can and just slice?' he thought. He started to raise the blade to his neck, but then there was a knock on the door.

"Virgil, it's Roman. Can we talk?" Virgil heard through the door.

He lowered the blade, "g-go a-away," he responded shakily.

"Virgil please," Roman pled. Virgil tried to stand but he fell because of how shaky he was. "Virgil, what was that noise? Virgil? Virgil, I'm coming in," Roman started to try opening the door. Trying to get in.

Virgil started panicking; he stood up closing the bathroom door locking it, just as Roman got through his bedroom door. "Ro, go away."

"Virgil, what's going on? And why is there blood coming from under the bathroom door?" Roman asked, worriedly. He then heard the sink turn on.

Virgil turned the sink on to try and wash the blood off of his arms. He then realized he had blood on his clothes jacket, so he took it off. He pulled down the sleeves of his long sleeve shirt covering his arms. He grabbed a towel and laid it over the blood on the floor, trying to wipe it up. Then quickly cleaned off his makeup so it was harder to tell he had been crying.


"What do you want, Ro?"

"I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier. I regretted it instantly. I'm sorry it just came out, and I didn't mean it," Roman apologized.

"It's fine Princey. Don't worry about it."

"Virgil can you please come out of there. I'm worried. What's with the blood?" Roman inquired. Virgil checked to make sure he didn't have any more blood on him and opened the door a little. "So the blood?"

"Oh, well, um, I-I, um, well, I fell and cut my arm, and um, yeah," Virgil stammered.

"Oh, are you okay? Let me see your arm," Roman said, reaching for Virgil's arm. Virgil moved his arms behind his back.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

Roman raised his eyebrow, "Virgil are you hiding something?"

"W-what n-n-no. W-what would I be h-hiding?" Virgil stuttered, silently cursing himself, and started panicking. His breath speeded up.

"Hey Virgil, calm down, it's okay," Roman said comfortingly, putting his hand onto Virgil's shoulder. "Virgil in 4... hold 7... out 8... in 4... hold 7... out 8... you're doing so good. One more time. In 4... hold 7... out 8." Once Virgil's breath was close to normal, Roman asked, "Virge, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine."

"Why did you start panicking?"

"Well, um, uh, um."

"Virgil? Can I see your arm?" Roman asked. He started to catch on to what Virgil was panicking about.

"No?" Virgil answered.

-small time skip-

Roman and Virgil were sitting on Virgil's bed. Roman was lightly holding Virgil's arms looking at the cuts on them. "Virge?" Roman whispered.

Virgil looked down avoiding eye contact. "Sorry," he mumbled.

"Hey hey, it's okay," Roman said comfortingly, putting his hand on the side of Virgil's face making him look at him. They looked into each other's eyes. Ro had a strong urge to kiss Virgil, his crush.

After a moment he couldn't hold back anymore and lend forward connecting their lips. After a second of shock, Virgil kissed back. Roman licked Virgil's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Virgil opened his mouth a little, and Roman slipped his tongue in exploring V's mouth. They pulled away after a few minutes, panting a little.

"Hey, Virgil?"


"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Uh. This isn't pity or a joke is it?" Virgil asked skeptically.

Looking into Virgil's eyes Roman said, "no. This is not a joke or pity. I really like you and have for a long time. Virgil, will you please be my boyfriend?"

"Y-yes," Virgil muttered shyly, blushing. Roman smiled and kissed Virgil again this time shorter. Virgil yawned a little.

"Wanna cuddle?" Ro asked.

"Yeah," V answered, leaning into Roman. 

(998 words. I'm sorry for the angst. Most of my one-shots are more fluffy. My next one will be happy. Do you guys want another one-shot or the QnA answers next? If you still have questions, you can also put those in, and I can add them before posting the QnA.) 

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