""Stop copying me...."

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The light sides and Thomas were making a video, or were trying to finish the script for one. They somehow got on a different topic.

"So if it bites you and you die, it's venomous. If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous." Logan said.

"What if it bites you and it dies?" Thomas chirped up.

"That means you're poisonous."

"What if it's biting itself and I die?"

"That's voodoo," Logan said.

"Oh, what if it bites me and someone else dies?" Patton asked.

"That's correlation, not causation."

"What if we bite each other and neither of us die?" Thomas asked.

"That's kinky." Roman and Virgil said simultaneously. They looked at each other.

Suddenly Remus popped up in between Virgil and Roman, "did someone say kinky?"

"Remus no," Roman and Virgil said again simultaneously. They looked at each other again, "Stop copying me. No you. Stop. No you. Stop. I mean it stop." with that they both groaned and sank out.

-time skip-

It was the next day and Patton called everyone down for breakfast, including Remus and Janus. Patton was making plates of pancakes for everyone. Logan was reading a book and drinking breakfast. Janus and Remus were bickering at the table. Roman just walked into the kitchen at the same time Virgil teleported into the kitchen.

"Morning kiddos," Patton said.

"Morning Pat," Roman and Virgil said still simultaneously. They look at each other, Virgil glaring slightly. The two of them sat down, and had plates put in front of them. "Thanks Pat."

"What's with you two talking at the same time?" Remus asked.

"We don't know," the two said.

"It's been happening all week," Logan said, not looking up from his book, and taking a bite of his food.

"HaHa sucks for you." Remus said, he slammed his face into his stack of pancakes, that had syrup, biting them.

-time skip-

It was later in the day now. Logan was in his room reading, Patton was trying to organize his room, Janus were doing something on the other side of the mind space, formerly known as the 'dark side'. Remus, Roman, and Virgil were in the living room watching TV.

"Idiot" Virgil mumbled, referring to a character on the show that was playing.

"I know that was so stupid." Roman said.

They turned to each other "we're not talking at the same time anymore. Dang it. Get out of my head." The two stopped talking, sat back, and kept watching the TV.

-time skip-

The sides were all hung out in the living room of the mindspace. Virgil and Roman kept saying the same thing at the same time, and after the first 10 or 15 minutes the two just stopped talking. Logan then got an idea.

"Virgil, Roman I want to try something. Say a random number that's from 1 to 10." Logan said, and took out a notebook and pencil.

"10" they said at the same time.

"Okay. Say another number. This time in 1 to 20."


"1 to 30."


"Okay now I want the both of you to just say a random word. Any word."






"Hum. I am still not sure why the two of you keep talking at the same time." Logan said looking at the note he had taken.

-time skip-

After a few minutes Logan figured something out. "The two of you have been messing with all of us haven't you." he said.

Roman and Virgil just burst out laughing. Just over a week ago they got bored and decided to mess with the other sides. They were planning to just do it for one day, but then decided to see how long they could keep it going before someone found them out.

"Took you long enough," Roman said between laughs.

"What?" Patton asked.

"They have been messing with us," Logan said. "After studying the things they were saying I found that the words were clues. 'Joke', 'Secret', and 'Deal'." he put quotes around the clue words.

"So for the past week the two of you decided that it would be a funny joke to make a secret deal?" Patton asked.

"Yup." Virgil said.

"I didn't think it would take this long for you guys to figure it out." Roman said.

"Speaking of which, Princey, you owe me the dollar." Virgil said, putting his hand out.

Roman dug in his pocket pulling out the dollar. "Here."

"Thank you." Virgil said taking it and putting it in his pocket.

"Sssso you alsssso held a bet?" Janus asked.

"Yup. Ro said it would take less than 3 days for someone to figure it out. I said at least a week."

"I'm so proud." Remus said.

"What?" Roman and Virgil questioned.

"My brother and best friend are gambling."

"It's not gambling." they said.

"It's close enough to gambling."


(810 words. This probably sucked and made no sense. Sorry.) 

Patton: Kiddo don't say that.  

Roman: You should believe in yourself. 

Me: I'm just saying that this oneshot is probably bad. 

Patton: I will physically fight you! 

Logan: Patton fighting her isn't going to help.

Remus: Gambling sounds fun. We should go do that. What do you all say? 

The other sides: Remus no. 

Remus: Aw come on. What about you M? Wanna go gambling? 

Me: Can't. I'm to young. 

Remus: ugh boring. 

Me: Sorry? 

(896 words now lol)(900)

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