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Kayla's pov ☁️✨
"Alright babes were all done" the hair stylist said motioning for the makeup artist to give me the mirror so I could see how I look. "Oh my god yess" I gasped hyped up.

 "Oh my god yess" I gasped hyped up

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Her outfit and makeup/hair ^^^

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Her outfit and makeup/hair ^^^


"Y'all did that" I exclaimed admiring my hair and makeup. "Haha Thank you sis" Chanel the makeup artist thanked. "Well your aunt already paid for everything ahead of time so now we're just waiting for your boyfriend to pick you up" Tanya the hair stylist stated.

"My who to pick me up" I questioned confused as fuck. Umm what boyfriend ma'am I thought to myself. Just as she had opened her mouth to explain the front door chimes and someone walked in. "Oh there he is right now" she said pointing to Keshawn who had stopped in his tracks once he laid eyes on me. I walked over to him feeling nervous and confused cause of his reaction to me.

He had a blank yet shocked look on his face like he didn't know what to say. "What, do I look bad" I questioned feeling uneasy because of how he was staring at me. "You look" he said before pausing and just staring at me again. "Omg I must look a hot mess" I said panicking. His reaction was really making me scared and nervous. "Gorgeous" he said breathily. "Key forreal stop playing, why would you scare me like that" I scolded while pushing him.

"I-I I'm sorry Kay I didn't mean to I just didnt have any words" he stuttered explaining himself. "Aww thanks Key" I gushed hugging him. "Aight cmon before you make us late" he stated throwing an arm over me as we walked out the door. "Late for what why won't you guys tell me anything" I complained. "You'll see when you get there Kay" he alluded vaguely. "Ughhh can we at least stop for Chick-fil-A" I whined. "No Kayla" he chuckled. "They'll be food where we're going" he told me.

Twenty minutes later
We pulled up outside of an apartment building. It looked familiar but it was dark so I couldn't really tell. But I had some small idea of where we were. "Is this TiTi's house" I questioned. "Yea I need to stop here and get my charger before we go to the place" he stated. "Okay" I answered. "Let me just text her real quick and tell her to open the door" he said getting out of the car. After about five minutes he came around on my side and opened my door. "Come on Kay she said the door's unlocked" he told me.

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