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Kayla's pov ✨🤍
After that whole shit storm at school went down I got a ride home from Waun. "Thanks waun" I said. "No problem kk, you know I got you" he stated. I reached over and hugged him before getting my bag and leaving. He watched from his car to make sure I got in safe.

My mom wasn't here per usual. I wasn't worried about that though. I was just hoping that Derrick wasn't home. That's my mom's boyfriend he gets drunk and comes home and beats her.

Then every now and then he'd try to come in my room and feel on me. I'd always manage to fight him off and go tell my mom. But when she tried to intervene he'd just start beating on her again. So she just started getting high and now I don't think she cares what he does to me or her.

That's why for the past couple of weeks I've been staying at my cousin Daija's house. We've been thick as thieves since we were kids. So she really like the only female I trust. She more like a sister to me than a cousin. Which is why once I told her what happened she immediately told my aunt and I've been staying with them ever since.

So every since then I just go home and pack my bag for the night or week, depending on if Derrick's home or not. I try not to be caught alone in the same space as him.

Nobody knows about the shit that I go through. Except for Daija since I'm practically living with her. Key doesn't even know. He knows that my mom isn't around a lot. But he doesn't know why so I just let him think she's working or something. The last thing I need is someone's pity. Especially key's I don't know what I'd do if he looked at me like I was broken or something.

I tried not to think about shit like that as I got done packing my bag up. I zipped it up grabbed my jacket and keys and was on my way out the door. As I was walking out I bumped into someone and got startled until I looked and saw who it was.

"Keshawn omg you scared the shit outta me, what are you doing here" I gasped as I held my heart startled. "I came to talk to you about what happened earlier but now I'm more curious about where you're going" he stated in a questioning tone. "I'm spending the night at a friends" I sassed putting my hand on my hip. "Haha that's cute kay" he laughed. What the fuck is funny I thought to myself.

"What's funny keshawn" I groaned with an attitude as I rolled my eyes. "Who you rolling yo eyes at" he said in a semi-aggressive tone as he grabbed my face and made me look at him. I smirked at him as he was kind of turning me on. I think he peeped it too cause he started to chuckle a little and looked down. He let me go and started explaining again.

"I was laughing cause I know all your friends and you don't really have that many Kay" he stated. "Boy shut up you don't know everything just like I don't know everything" I argued. "Damn Kay it's like that you must've really meant what you said earlier bout you not rocking with me no more" he sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck while glancing down.

"Key it's not like tha-" I started to say then got cut off. "Its fine kay I get it I guess, just look me in my eyes and tell me you don't fuck with me and I'll leave no question" he declared with a hint of sadness in his voice. "But if you can't then you gotta let me apologize for earlier, I'll tell you the truth about everything but you gotta do the same Kay I'm done lying to you I don't like us like this" he stated. "Ok" he said in a questioning tone.

In the heat of the moment my head was spinning I was everywhere but also standing here at the same time. I love keshawn so much words couldn't even describe. I know that regardless of what My mouth says he'll know exactly how I feel. I can't lie to him even if I tried so I didn't bother trying to. I did what I always do when I felt like I was powerless in my own life, I just cried.

I cried cause I felt like I truly had no choice. He's not stupid he'll find out either way. There's no way out of this hole that I had dug my self into. A lie that just grew bigger and bigger, a lie that I was ok when really I wasn't. Sadly this time I couldn't escape with that lie. There was no other choice but for me to finally come clean and tell the truth. All I could do after that was hope that he'd remain my best friend and stay by my side.

As I looked up I realized keshawn was holding me in his arms saying it was ok. I didn't even notice it though. "kk-key" I tried to speak but instead I just started sobbing again. "Shhh, it's aight kay it's gonna be fine" he comforted. I glanced up at him as he was wiping my face but suddenly we got caught in a gaze. I wanted to kiss him so bad in that moment but I know I can't. He's really all I got now besides Daija and I don't want to mess that up with some stupid kiss.

I broke the hug and cleared my throat making sure I could speak clearly. But just as I was about to talk I saw a car pull up. "Shit shit shit" I whispered nervously. "Key we need to go NOW" I stated firmly while grabbing his hand and walking to his car. Derrick doesn't know that I've been staying with Daija and he damn sure isn't about to find out now. "What Kay calm down, why you trippin out" key questioned oblivious to what was going on. "look I'll explain once we're in the car and away from here ok" I reassured. "Aight" he agreed simply.

\\Excuse any mistakes//

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