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Kayla's POV 🤍
We walked around in the parking lot til we arrived at his car. I opened the door and slouched down in the chair. I didn't want to be here with him. Like seriously out of all the people I could've been getting a ride home from it just had to be him. But I guess I could at least hear whatever he had to say.

He started the car and then we were off to my house. It was quiet for a while then he started talking. "I just want to clear up everything between us" he stated glancing over at me with sincere eyes of remorse. "Ok" I answered back letting him know I was listening to what he had to say.

"First I wanna explain why I did what I did back there, cause I can already tell by the look on your face that your not happy with me" he said stopping at a light. "I'm listening" I stated with an attitude. "I know you Kay, I know that when you snap and your anger takes over it's really nothing anybody can do after that" he told me.

"And I saw that you were beginning to loose control when she started talking crazy in your face like that" he recalled from earlier. "So why didn't you get her, you always wait til the last minute to pull me off of her you never push her away from me" I shouted angrily. He was really starting to piss me off cause he's saying the shit that I already know instead of giving me answers.

"Because Kayla, I know she's not going to do nothing I'm not worried bout that hoe she's not my problem" he yelled at me with base in his voice. I know me and key argue a lot but he rarely ever yells at me. He knows I hate it when he does that. It makes me feel like shit, Cause he never yells at me like that unless I'm dead in the wrong but I don't see how the fuck that applies in this situation.

"You are, I care about you not her I look after you cause your mines and I'm not going to let anything happen to you even if that means stopping you from getting you self in some bullshit that could've been easily avoided" he stated firmly. "I know you and I know that once you started beating on shordy you weren't going to stop so I stopped it for you" he explained.

"And I know you don't want me caring about you and shit but I really don't give a fuck what you want to be honest" he bitterly spat referencing our previous argument at my house. "I never said I didn't want you caring about me I said I didn't want you smothering me with your over protectiveness" I screamed at him. Just then he speed up in front of my house and stopped forcibly breaking at the curb.

He aggressively took his seat belt off and turned to me. "That's the same fucking thing Kay" he yelled again. "STOP FUCKING YELLING AT ME KESHAWN" I screamed slapping my hands together with hot tears streaming down my face. "And it's not the same thing, I don't mind you caring about me but your overbearing with it like I can't even have relationships with out you having something to say about it" I snapped.

"Yea cause I know how these niggas are" he stated loudly. "And exactly how are these niggas huh, tell me since you think I'm so naive that I can't see shit with my own eyes" I shouted. "They fucking use you, they think that they can get one over on girls like you so they fuck and leave" he shouted back at me. "Oh yea and what's so different about girls like me that they think they can get get one over" I questioned angrily.

"Your different because your not out here shaking your ass like half of the bitches In this city your not easy, and niggas love that shit they love that they can get a challenge out of you" he said Enraged. At this point I was fuming with anger. I took my seat belt off and leaned in his face.

"Fuck you Key" I said hatefully. "What you mad cause it's true I'm just stating facts, you not like that you don't be out here just fucking anybody and niggas are going to see that as you playing hard to get I'm just telling you the truth" he defended.

"No I get that, I see where your coming from with that one but it's the fact that you think a nigga would only want me for my body and not for me" I stated slapping my fist in the palm of my hand. "And that's your problem key you think that everybody's a dog ass nigga like you so you try to protect me from anybody I come into contact with cause you don't want me to meet anyone horrible like you" I explained.

He just sat there motionless with no expression on his face. Just blank and as he sat there like that I knew I had hit him where it hurt. So I decided to revel in his pain and torment him just a little more. How you ask, oh just by saying three simple, bitter, spiteful words.

"I hate you" I said coldly as i possibly could. I turned to open the door leaving. I got out and walked to porch unlocking the door. I didn't even look back to see if he'd pulled off yet and I'm pretty sure he didn't wait for me to get inside either. I walked in the house to see my aunt Britney sitting on the couch watching tv. When she saw me walk in the door she paused the tv and ran to me asking repeatedly what was wrong.

I couldn't speak, I couldn't form the words to accurately describe what had just happened. So I just sobbed and as I was crying hysterically my aunt just held me. Rubbing my back and telling me that it was ok.

Excuse any mistakes Pooh 🦋

Questions 💕
1. Do you think there's any salvaging their friendship after this.

2. Who's side are you on with this one Kayla's or Keshawn's (both made some valid points in the argument If you ask me) 🤷🏾‍♀️

3. How do you think Keshawn will react to Kayla saying she hates him

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