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Keshawn's pov 🖤🔑
It's been a little over two months and some change since I last spoke to Kay. I can't lie, I missed her so much and it was low key killing me inside not to be talking to her or be around her.

But I knew that I had to distance my self from her to make this relationship work with Patience. Because it just wouldn't have been fair to Patience if I continued to have my cake and try and eat it too. Truth is I love Kay and I was never going to be able to give Patience 100% of me if I kept being around Kay.

So I had to fall back a little bit. But I still check on her everyday. She just doesn't know it. I always ask the guys about her and they tell me what she's up to, if she's doing good, or needs help with anything. On occasion I stop by pretending to see Daij but really I just want to be in her presence from a far.

Of course she doesn't know this either cause I always kind of just hide out in Daija's room. Daij thinks I should just talk to her and tell her how I feel. But I can't I mean the very thought of it is mortifying and complicated all at the same time.

So I just decided to love her from a distance. It probably sounds a little stalkery to some but I care deeply for Kayla beyond my personal feelings for her. So I was always going to make sure she was straight regardless.

Currently though I was at the mall with Patience shopping. You know just balling out on my girl like a real one should. Since separating my self from Kayla to focus on my relationship I've noticed a couple things about Patience. She's a little clingy and somewhat insecure. Which I have completely no idea why because she's gorgeous and I would never step out on her.

Even though I do have feelings for Kay I wouldn't do that to Patience. I just really hated the whole cheating thing. Like I'll breakup with you before I go and do some grimy shit like that. But Patience is so afraid of me cheating on her that she doesn't even let me breath. Like everywhere I go she gotta go.

That's a lil aggy to me if I'm being honest. But I haven't said anything to her about it cause I'm not trying to have a whole argument with her. "Babe I'm going to go in Victoria Secret for a minute, wait for me right here okay" she told me before quickly leaving and walking into the store.

I sat down on one of the benches in the mall and waited for her to come out. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and started to scroll through Instagram for twenty minutes until these two girls interrupted me. "Excuse me can you take a picture of us please" one of the girls kindly asked.

"Sure" I answered proceeding to grab her phone and take a picture of her and her friend. "Here you go" I said giving her back the phone. "Thank you" she thanked before walking away with the other girl. Soon after they walked away Patience came out with the meanest mug I've ever seen.

And that's saying something considering that I'm literally best friend with Kayla Summers who always has a permanent mug on her face. Shit I'm doing that thing again where I think about Kay even when the situation doesn't have anything to do with her.

"What's wrong shordy" I questioned grabbing her bags for her. "Who were those two girls I just saw you with" she interrogated. "I don't know they just asked me to take a picture of them" i lowly chuckled at her reaction. See what I'm talking about clingy and insecure. "You sure you didn't put your number in her phone instead" she angrily asked.

"No bae calm down, I just took a picture that's all" I reassured her more seriously. "Aight Key" she sighed as I mentally cringed. I didn't like any other female calling me that but Kay. But again I couldn't come out my mouth and just say that shit to her. We continued to walk through the rest of the mall after that shopping for all sorts of things she felt she needed or wanted more so.

Kayla's pov ☁️✨
It had been a coupe of weeks since I first got back in contact with Tay. But soon after that encounter we started texting more and going out together. I was loving every minute of it. We actually didn't do stuff like this when we dated the first time around. He used to just hang out at my house a lot or I'd hang out at his.

But we didn't really start going out on dates til now. Which was a little ironic because we weren't even dating ... just talking and getting reacquainted with each other. I was really enjoying my self with him though and I was starting to think about taking a second shot at us.

I know it might seem like I'm rushing things but if we're in each others company 24/7 and we're going out to restaurants, movies, and golf. Why don't we just get back together. Plus I miss kissing him and being up under him.

Not as an old friend but as his girl. I miss our vibe and I really wanted it back. I don't know what's going on with me cause I'm never like this with any of my ex's but I just feel like with Tayvon it's different. As soon as he hugged me at that gas station I just felt a spark light up again and I've been stuck on him ever since.

I think I should just tell him how I feel in hopes that he feels the same. This wasn't a bad time to do it either. We were currently sitting up together on his couch watching The Vampire Diaries. My head was laying on his shoulder cause the previous position I was in had gotten uncomfortable. He didn't seem to mind one bit though.

"Tay" I murmured a little nervous. "Hm" he answered. "Umm I got something to tell you" I said sitting up to face him. "Aight wassup" he asked pausing the tv. "I hope this doesn't like screw things up between us" I started off.

"If you don't feel the same or you think it's weird just completely forget I said any of this okay, I want us to still be cool after this" I quickly told him all in one breath. "Kay you're rambling" he chuckled looking at me.

Ughh that smile is going to be the death of me. "Just tell me what's going on ma" he calmly expressed resting his hand on my exposed thigh since I had biker shorts on. "Okay" I said inhaling a breath to ease my nerves.

"I usually don't have this problem with any of my ex's cause I just dis em and move on but when we met up again at the gas station and you hugged me it was like this spark that we had came back and you gave me all those feels again" I explained to him.

"And you've been the only constant thing on my mind ever since" I told him. "I guess what I'm trying to say is ... I want you Tay" I admitted. "So wassup" I added on staring at him with a nervous questioning look as I was waiting for his response.

There was a monetary awkward silence between us before he inched closer towards me. Making my breath hitch as he invaded my space more. Staring at my lips hungrily like he wanted to devour them. Just then he glanced up at me and tugged on my chin notifying me to look up at him. As he pulled me in closing the space between us he attached his lips to mine.

He then began to fulfill his hungry and desperate desire to taste my lips. As the kiss consumed me I felt waves of electricity wash over me. Then suddenly the feeling stopped as I opened my eyes and saw that he had pulled away ending the kiss.

"You been mines Kayla, even when we weren't together you've still been my girl ... you'll always be my girl" he stated looking at me with hazy eyes before I grabbed his collar and our lips collided once again.

Excuse any mistakes you saw bby 🤍
Let me know what y'all thought about this chapter. Leave comments I read them and reply AND vote if you liked it!!!

✨🧚🏾‍♀️Questionss 🧚🏾‍♀️✨
1. What do you think about Kay confessing her feelings to Tayvon?

2. Do you think that Key should just break up with Patience since it seems like she doesn't trust him?

3. And what do you think about Keshawn continuously watching over Kay even though they don't talk anymore?

See y'all next chapter xoxo, Niya 💚

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