
996 26 13

Daija's pov ❤️🥰
It's four o'clock now so I have to leave in a little while to go meet up with mere. We're just going out to chill but I don't want to leave kay. She's been moping around ever since her and Keshawn fought and on top of that she hasn't heard anything from tayvon either.

"You good Pooh" kay asked glancing up at me. "Yea um I'm ok" I reassured. "Cmon Daij tell me what's up" she stated turning off the tv and sitting up. "I'm good kay" I chuckled trying to convince her I was fine. "Daija" she said firmly. "Alright" I said caving in. "I was supposed to meet up with mere at five today so we could hang out" I confessed.

"Okay it's 4:15 you still got time to shower and get dressed" she said looking at the time on her phone. "No I'm not going" I told her. "Girl what do you mean Mere's cool people's you'll have a good time" she stated. "I know I just.. I don't want to leave you kay" I murmured.

"Daij come here" she consoled bringing me into a hug. "I'll be alright sis now go have fun ok" she reassured me. "Are you sure I don't wanna leave you and your sad like this" I sighed. "Daija im deadass If you don't go and meet up with that boy-" she cautioned. "Okay okay I'm going" I laughed walking up the stairs to take a shower"

Fifteen minutes later

Kayla's pov 🤍
"How do I look" Daij questioned coming downstairs In a black oversized graphic tee, along with some fishnets and her black high top converses. While Her hair was in its natural curly state hanging down by her shoulders.

"Damn girl you look fine as hell" I complemented. "Thanks sis" she said blushing softly. "So what exactly does hanging out mean" I chuckled being nosy. Cause I know she didn't get all dressed up like this just to eat McDonald's and sit in his car.

"He said we're going to the carnival, he calls him self repaying me for dropping him off the other night" she explained. "It's definitely just an excuse to spend time with you" I told her. "That's exactly what I was thinking, but I figured it can't be that bad since he's paying and I'm getting out of the house" she stated. "True, well let me know how it goes when you get back I'll be here" I sighed.

"Kay why don't y'all just make up already, you both know you're not going to stay mad at each other for long" Daij questioned. "I just don't want to deal with key right now" I sighed. "Aight kay Im not trying to pry I was just keeping it real with you but I'll just leave it alone ok Pooh" she said trying to comfort me. "It fine Daij just go out and have a good time" I stated.

"Most definitely" she agreed getting her purse heading for the door. "Oh and don't do anything I wouldn't do" I yelled as she left out.

Ma Otha Half 💕⛓
I won't I promise 😂🤍

After daija left I snuggled up under the covers and had a Martin marathon. I didn't want to stay in the house all day but I really didn't have anything else planned. "Tommy needs to get a job" I said to myself laughing.

*knock,  knock, knock*

"I'm coming" I shouted to the door as I got up from the couch. I looked in the peephole and unlocked the door. "What are you doing here" I stated annoyed.


Hey luvs 💕 so I know today's chapter was mad short but there's a reason for that and you'll see when I post tomorrow's chapter. There's more in store I promise.


So even though this chapter was short I'm still going to do questions cause that's just something I do regularly regardless of the chapter length. Gotta keep y'all on your toes😉

Now with out further ado...

1. Do you think there's something going on between daija and Mere

2. Why won't Kay and Key just make up already 🤔

3. Who's at the door 😳

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