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Kay's pov 🤍✨
"Happy birthday baby" the words rang out in my ears repeatedly to the point where it sounded like an echo. It was like I was in some sort of trans or zoned out. But then I felt Key jump out of my arms and that's when I came back to reality.

Key was just about to make his way over to Tayvon so he could do god knows what. "Key, Key, Key CALM DOWN" I say sternly and slowly making sure he understands what I'm saying. Key stopped trying to get pass me but he was still glaring at Tayvon. "Key look at me" I told him trying to get him to chill on Tayvon.

"Keshawn" I stated stressing his name. "Look at me" I breathed taking his face in my hand and gently guiding it towards me. His face grew soft upon making eye contact with me.

"Calm down okay, I got this" I reassured him so quietly it was almost in a whisper. He looked at me, nodded his head, then left. I needed Keshawn to calm down because as much as I wanted to cuss Tayvon out and ask him why the fuck he was here. I didn't want Keshawn to get out of his character or get hurt, even though I know he totally would've whopped Tay's ass. Tayvon just wasn't worth it.

Huh I thought to myself, I guess that's kinda like what he was saying in the car about me. He doesn't care about the other party that's involved he only cares about me. I get it now. After making sure that Key was straight I went outside to talk to Tayvon.

Before I could even open my mouth to get a word out Tayvon started explaining himself. "Look before you say or ask or scream anything at me" he chuckled at that last part. "I came here to talk to you about everything that went down between us" he said.

"Tayvon there is no us" I sighed stressed out. "I know, just listen ma" he stated. "After I acted like a fucking idiot I wanted to apologize for not being more considerate of what might've happened to make you two leave together, my mind just went straight into defense mode" he told me.

"And I know that's not an excuse for me acting the way I did but I'm not trying to make one in the first place, I'm just telling you what it was" he continued on. "You're starting to ramble Tay, you were saying something about an apology" I reminded him starting to get annoyed of this whole conversation.

"Oh my fault" he said. "I wanted to apologize but you wouldn't answer any of my text or calls" he told me. "And I didn't want to just pop up at your house and have you throw a fit, so i just decided to give you space" he explained.

"But then so much time had passed by and I didn't know how to go about talking to you" he stated. "Everything that was popping up in my head, just kept coming up wrong" he confessed. "But then my homeboy told me you was having a big birthday bash, so I figured now was as good a time as any" he concluded.

"So what you thought you could just come here and tell your story and that would make everything okay" I questioned annoyed. "You HURT ME Tayvon" I stated emphasis on the word hurt. "I know Kayla and im sorry" he apologized. "I never meant to hurt you and I know that asking if we could get back together is completely out of the question" he stated.

"But I'm asking if you can forgive me and with time we can be cool again" he admitted. "Look Tay I appreciate you coming here and apologizing but I need time okay I thought I'd never see you again after that night and now you're here asking for forgiveness" I told him.

"I know and I get that it's a lot, but if you decide that you do still want me around just hit me up okay" he replied. "Alright" I mumbled. "Ok happy birthday Kayla and again I'm really sorry" he apologized again hugging me and planting a kiss on my cheek. "Have a goodnight mamas" he said handing me my flowers and gift bag before walking off.

I walked back in the house after Tay left only to see a angry Keshawn sitting at the table. "He gone" Key questioned plainly. "Yep" I answered popping the P. "Aight Kay I'm boutta go I gotta see what's up with Patience" he nonchalantly stated getting up and walking towards the door. "Wait Key I thought you was gone chill with me for a bit" I questioned trying to stall him from leaving. "Ian feeling it no mo Kay" he blandly stated. "Key whats up with you man you weren't just acting like this now after I have one conversation with Tay all of the sudden you wanna leave" I snapped a little bringing up the obvious.

"I'm sorry Kay but after all the fucked up shit you told me he did to you" his said as his face scrunched up in disgust. "You can forgive him if you want but I won't and I damn sure can't promise that I won't try and knock his head off every time I see him" he declared. "Respectfully" he added on. "So you're mad at me for hearing him out" I exclaimed angrily. "Like why does what I do with him have to affect us" I yelled my voice cracking a bit. "Cause I love you Kay" he shouted at me. "And I'm not about to stand Idly by while you get back together with a nigga that treated you like shit" he continued.

"So you're just going to leave me instead" I questioned whimpering a little. "Just like that" I added on. "It's not like that Kayla" he defended. "No it's cool" I sniffled wiping my tears. "Cause it's not like you don't date bitches that literally HATE ME" I sarcastically shouted. "Kayla" he sighed. "I'm not tryna argue with you ma, I'm just annoyed at the fact that he showed up that's all I'll get over it" he cooled caving in. Wow he just let me win just like that hm, guess he is maturing maybe I need to take notes. I'm way too stubborn to just shut up like that in the middle of an argument though.

But I was happy at the fact that he was. Without saying a word I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. "I'm sorry Key, this was not how I wanted to end the night at all" I admitted. "You good Kk" he said in a reassuring tone. "No forreal, I appreciate you being the bigger person just then cause I could never" I thanked him chuckling at the end of what I said.

"You straight Kay, I just didn't wanna argue with you no more" he expressed pulling me more into the hug and holding me tighter. "Same" I agreed. "Well now that we got that sorted out I gotta go Kk" he told me. "Patience?" I questioned. "Yea" he responded. "Aight I'll see you later, love you" I sighed letting go of him so that he could leave.

"Love you too, oh and don't think that just cause I didn't pick a fight with you about Trayvion tonight, that I'm not finna be watching him like a hawk everytime he's around you" he warned me.
"Ughh okay Keshawn and you know goodness well his name is not Trayvion" I stated laughing at Keshawn's error in Tayvon's name.

"Whatever" he shrugged before walking out the door. "Happy birthday mama" he shouted as he walked out the door. "Thank you Pooh, I love you be safe" I shouted from the screen door watching him get in his car. "Love you too" he replied back before getting in his car and pulling off.

Whew Chile what a night I thought to myself as I laid on the couch dozing off.

Excuse any mistakes you might've seen Pooh. I sry 🥲
Whew Chile what a birthday 😅
She definitely gon remember that one. But umm anywho on to these questions👍🏽

Questionss ☁️⚡️
1. Do y'all think that Key and Kayla were getting a lil more ... like close and cozy with each other this chapter?

2. What do you think Patience is gonna do when Key pulls up at her house to "talk" ?

3. Did y'all like the party?
lmao I felt like it was verryy eventful

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