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Kay's pov 🤍✨
2 in a half months later ...

The bell rung notifying us that we could leave and head to our next bell. But In my case it meant that I could leave this tired ass rundown school. Damn it feels good to be a senior.

"Remember to study for your test next class guys" my teacher Mrs.Baldoni hollered to us on the way out. I walked to the exit door in the main hall and waited for TiTi and Daija to arrive. For the past couple of months I've been spending all of my time with them.

If I'm not with them then I'm studying and completing exams for school and if I'm not doing that then you can probably catch me hanging with my brothers Mere, Ray, and Waun. Key and I don't really talk much anymore and he doesn't really come to my house anymore either. But I try not to think too much about it because I'll start to get really angry and hurt.

And I don't want to hold any type of hate, grudge, or anything else towards him. Cause he's still my bestfriend and always will be. I have an abundance of love for Key. It just sucks that we don't talk anymore. But I've been keeping myself preoccupied from thinking too deeply about it. With filling out a bunch of college applications and just hoping that I get an acceptance letter back.

I don't know what I wanna major in yet but I think I'm just going to remain undecided until I get into an actual college. That way when I get there I can experience everything. See what I like and don't like then decide my major.

"Hey girl" Daij greeted running up outta breath. "Wassup babes you good" I questioned chuckling a little at the end. "Yea I just rushed here from Ms.Greenrun's class cause I didn't wanna leave you here waiting on me" she explained.

"Ohh okay well I appreciate it Pooh" I thanked her giggling a little at how out of breath she was. "I'm here, I'm here" TiTi announced also running up towards us. "Damn what's with y'all and running, shit" I asked laughing again.

"Girl my class was all the way on the other side of school" she informed me. "Now did you want me to be late or did you want me to show up on time" she sassed. "You right, you right" I agreed letting her have this one. "Everybody got all they shit ready" I questioned making sure no one left a thing behind.

"Yep" they answered in unison. "Alright let's roll bitches" I said heading for the door. We walked in the parking lot until we spotted my car. Tisha got in the front and Daij got in the back. I started up the engine and pulled out of the school parking lot.

"Aight yall where we going" I questioned having no idea where I was driving. "Uhhh how about Denny's" Daij suggested. "Nahh ion fuck with they eggs, they taste weird" Tisha stated. "Then just don't get the eggs" I drawled out squinting my eyes at her a little bit. I love TiTi don't get me wrong but sometimes she was really slow to me.

"Okay what about Ruby Tuesday's, they got some good lemonades" Daija pointed out. "I fuck with it" I said shrugging my shoulders. "Yea I'm down" TiTi added in agreeing with me.

30 minutes later ...
We pulled up at the restaurant and grabbed our purses out of the car before going in. Once we entered we were greeted by a hostess. "Hello ladies is this all for today" she questioned point at us. "Yea it's just us" Tisha spoke up and answered. "Okay would you guys like a booth or a-" and before the lady could finish her sentence Daija was already answering the question.

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