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Later on that night ...

Keshawn's pov 🖤🔑
I pulled up In front of Patience's house and turned the car off. I got out and made my way to her front door. After knocking on the door for a while her sister appeared. "Wassup lex" I greeted bringing her in for a side hug.

"Hey Shawn, she's up in her room but I gotta warn you she's not happy right now" she mentioned letting me in the door. "I know that's why I'm here I gotta talk to her about something" I told her. "Aight" she plainly stated going into the kitchen. "Good luck" she shouted to me.

I went up stairs and walked into the room on the right which was Patience's. As soon as I stepped foot into the room she started yelling at me. "GET OUT KESHAWN" she snapped. I closed the door behind me and walked over to her desk taking a seat across from her.

"bro what the fuck are you doing GET OUTT" she screamed again. I looked at her with a blank expression. "Why the fuck are you just sitting there like that GET THE FUCK OUT KESHAWN" she shouted slapping me. I stared at her blankly again.

She sighed plopping back down into her seat exhausted. "You got all of it out ya system"? I nonchalantly questioned. "Fuck you Keshawn" she bitterly spat. "Not tonight babe we gotta talk" I teased following her previous statement.

"What's up with you Patience, like you don't even act like this so what's goin on" I questioned bluntly. "I don't want to talk to you Keshawn, so why the fuck are you even here like forreal" she asked.

"Cause you my girl fuck you mean why am I here" I exclaimed getting annoyed by her attitude. "Really cause I would've thought Kerra was the way you were all up on her" she snarkily stated mocking Kayla's name. "Cmon man we already talked about this" I sighed.

"Whatever I saw the way you were looking and dancing with her" she scoffed. "Patience it's not like that" I breathed pinching my temple's. "Kayla and I are just mad close I mean she's my best friend what do you expect" I explained truthfully. "BUT" I interjected. "That doesn't mean that I like her or want to be with her" I lied.

Truth be told I do have feelings for Kayla but I would never act on them so it doesn't even matter. And it's no use in telling Patience and ruining a perfectly good relationship.

Especially when I have strong feelings for patience as well. I mean she's my first girlfriend, my first real relationship, and that means something to me. Regardless of my feelings for Kayla. So I'm not about to let anything get in the way of Patience's and I relationship.

"I love you bae" I said picking her chin up so that my eyes could be met with hers. "And I would never do anything to hurt you, you gotta understand that" I restated. "But- but you love Kayla more" she started to whimper.

"No I don't Patience, she's my best friend and you're my girlfriend I love y'all differently but equally" I confessed. "Cmon mama don't cry" I consoled pulling her in for a hug. "I love you baby, forreal" I told her wholeheartedly.

"I love you too" she whispered in my ear before drifting to sleep.


The next morning ...

Kay's pov 🤍⚡️
As I cracked open my eyes the beaming sun from the curtains blinded me. Thus making me scrunch my eyes closed to hide them from the bright sun. I tried to turn on my side and go back to sleep but it was useless.

I grabbed my phone and turned it on only to see that it was five o'clock in the morning. I looked beside me and laying on the other couch was no one other than Ms. Daija Moore herself. I must've passed out last night after Key left and I guess since Daija was too drunk to drive she just fell asleep here too.

Hm I thought to myself, well if I'm up I'm definitely not about to be up by myself. I got up from the couch and headed towards the kitchen. I went in the cabinet and found a frying pan and a baking pan. "Perfect" I whispered to myself.

I walked out of the kitchen and proceeded to wake them up too. I started banging the pans together and shouting. "IAN GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF YALL" I started to yell walking through the front room. "Omg bro shut upp" Daija groaned putting a pillow over her head.

"YALL AINT GON GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF ME" I shouted walking up the stairs and into Tisha's room. "Get outta my houseeee" she whined throwing a pillow at me. I walked back downstairs to see daija sitting up on her phone.

"Goodmorning babes" I sweetly greeted. She respond back by throwing the bird at me. Which I shrugged off going into the kitchen. I heard footsteps thumping down the stairs as I opened the fridge. "Damn Tish you don't got any food in here" I questioned.

"Girl don't ever pull no shit like that again" she demanded pushing me out of the way of the frigerator. "I hope you find some food In there while you pushing people ma'am" I sassed looking on top of the freezer for cereal.

She had Frosted Flakes, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Trix. I grabbed a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch which thankfully was already open. "Pass me the milk" I told Tisha since she was still in the refrigerator. "Get me a bowl too cause it ain't nothing else to eat In here" she sighed.

"Aye daija you want some cereal" Tisha asked peaking her head in the front room. "Yea what kind you got" Daija questioned back looking up from her phone at Ti. "The open kind" Tisha plainly stated pulling her head back in the kitchen.

"Mhmcht yall aggy" she complained walking into the kitchen to see what cereal Tisha was talking about. "Girl Cinnamon Toast Crunch was all you had to say, you know these my favorite cereal" Daija told Ti. "I know I just wanted to see you get up and walk from the couch to the kitchen" Ti picked.

"Deaadd" I said laughing. "Fuck you" Daij said to Tisha. "You'll be aight Pooh you needed to burn those couple of calories" Tisha joked. "Watch it now" Daija warned. "Here" I stated giving them both their bowls of cereal. "Thanks" they said in unison. We all made our way back to the couch and began eating our cereal. "Turn on the tv Tisha" I said to her.

She grabbed the remote and turned the black screen on. And living single started playing. "I can't believe Maxine slept with Kyle after talking all that shit to him" Daija stated before stuffing a spoon full of cereal in her mouth. "Girl I can .. he fine" I admitted laughing which made Daija and Tisha bust out laughing right along with me.

It was moments like this that I lived for. Chilling with my girls on a warm Sunday morning eating cereal, laughing our asses off, and just overall vibing with them. I love these hoes and I wouldn't trade them or the times like this that we share together for anything in the world. They're my best-friends ... my family. "I love y'all" I gushed. "We love you too Kay" they replied back.

Excuse any mistakes babe 💕
Do y'all watch living single, if so what's your favorite episode?
Questionss 🦋☁️
1. What do you think of Key telling Patience he loves her?

2. How do you feel about the bond that Kayla, Tisha, and Daija all have together?

3. And what do you guys think about Keshawn admitting the fact that he likes Kayla but at the same time lying to Patience about his feelings for her?

Let me know your answers in the comments guys. Love y'all 💕 and see you in the next chapter. Xoxo, Niya🤍

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