27 💚

791 27 12

Kay's pov 🤍🍯
I was in the middle of a very vivid dream with toosii fine ass when my stupid alarm went off. Causing me to stir in my sleep and eventually wake up. When I woke up I rubbed my eyes and squinted before realizing there were people in my room.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAYLA" they all shouted in unison. I sat up and smiled from ear to ear. When I was completely aware of my surroundings and saw that it was my whole family and the gang.

Aww I fucking love them I thought to myself. I jumped out of bed and went to hug them all at once. "Thank y'all" I gushed. "Are you crying Kay" Tisha asked as a small tear slipped from my eye and feel on her shoulder.

"What no" I lied wiping my face and sniffling some. "Awee yes you are best what's wrong" Key cooed in concern. "Nothing I just .. I just love y'all so fuc- so freaking much" I stuttered catching my self before I swore in front of my aunt.

"And I'm soo luck and blessed to have you guys as my family" I continued. "Awee we love you too Kay" Daij replied. "And we're the ones that couldn't be more blessed or lucky to have you in our lives" my aunt brittney gushed.

"As a best friend" Key added. "As a sister" Ti and Daij said in unison. "As a ace, a homie, and a lil sister" Mere, Ray, and Waun all stated one after the other. "And as an extraordinary niece and daughter" my aunt Brittney softly spoke gazing at me proudly. And after she said that I really had to try and hold back my tears. Because ever since that shit went down with my mother and her boyfriend.

Aunt Brittney has really taken me in and been a mom to me. She's taken care of me, fed me, let me live in her house. And has been there for me emotionally as well. Like even though she works hella hours she still finds time for Daija and I.

Shit she's even there for Tisha too when she needs it.  I love my aunt Brittney so much cause she's just the most overall caring person I've ever met in my life. She's done so much shit for me and she'll never understand how grateful I am for her.

"Aight aight that's enough of that sappy stuff" Tisha said breaking the silence with a chuckle. "Aight y'all help her get ready" my aunt directed Daija and Tisha. "Yes ma'am" they answered agreeing. "And boys, you all know what you have to do right" she questioned them.

"Yes Ms.Brittney" they all said in unison. "Okay let's go then cmon now" she stated clapping her hands together and leaving the room. And with that everybody started dispersing and going to do as they were told.

But I was so confused as to what was going on. "What are we getting ready for" I questioned cluelessly. "It's a surprise" Daij said with excitement in her voice making me intrigued. "Cmon girl we finna Cinderella yo ass" TiTi shouted from inside my closet. "Yea she's right we need to hurry up and get you ready if your going make you hair and make up appointment on time" she stated.

"Oh uh okay" I responded still oblivious to what was going on but just proceeding to go with it.  "Okay let's go" Daija rushed pushing me into the closet with Tisha.
Keshawn's pov 🖤🔑
Ms.Brittney had previously told us what she wanted us to do before we went in Kayla's room and told her happy birthday. So after everybody got done talking and hugging she asked us if we were clear on what she wanted us to do and we said yea. So after that Mere, Ray, Waun and I all got in my car and went to Tisha's house.

Ms.Brittney wanted us to basically take all the food out and set the trays up and shit. Because earlier this morning the caterers just dropped off the food and dipped. The trays were all of Kayla's favorite foods. Macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, baked turkey wings and a bunch of other shit that her fat ass likes. So after looking over at all the food we all quickly washed our hands and began unwrapping the trays and platters of food.

25 minutes later
About twenty minutes later we were almost finished unpacking and setting up all the food. But in the middle of setting up the deviled eggs my phone vibrated. So I took my gloves off and stepped to the side to see what was going on. I opened my phone and it was a missed call and a text from Patience. She was really mad at me on Thursday cause I had hung up on her and was "ignoring her" as she put it. But once I explained everything to her she eased up a little.

She still had a lil attitude though but that wasn't anything I couldn't fix. By the time that I got ready to leave her house the next morning she was hugging and kissing all over me as I was walking out the door. So I was kinda confused as to why she was currently texting and calling me. I told her where I was going to be and what I was doing. She said she wanted to come to the party and meet Kay. I was like say less cause Kay really wanted to meet her too.

But she knows that the party doesn't start for another hour and a half. So I went to our messages and read the text to see what she was talking about.

Patience 💚
Bae how long is it going to take you to set up
I want you to help me get ready

I won't be that long baby
We boutta finish up in a min

Ughhh aight babe
Hurry up tho

After texting her back and reading the message she sent I closed out of our messages and tucked my phone back in my pocket. I went back in the kitchen to help the guys finish up. As I was putting my gloves back on Ray walked up to me.

"Girl problems huh" he stated in a teasing manner. "Man shut up" I sighed smacking my lips already annoyed by his statement.
This is going to be a long day I thought to myself.
Excuse any mistakes you might've seen luv 💙
Heyy y'all 💕💕. So I know that this chapter is short but I made it that way for a reason. Cause there's a lott that happens next chapter so stay tuned. Cause this was just the build up before the boil over.

Questionsss 😽❤️
1. What's up with Patience always texting Key every second of the day. Do y'all think she's clingy or is it just me? lol 😂

2. How do you think Kayla's gonna look for her party?

3. Do you think Patience coming to the party is a good idea?

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