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Keshawn pov 🖤
I was laying down chilling when I heard a knock on my door. I knew it wasn't Ray cause he had a key and him and mere were out with their girls on some double date shit. I think he said they were going to the carnival or something. So I just ignored it, I was mad tired and it was probably Jehovah's Witness anyway.

Luh Light Skin ☀️
Open the door or you're not gettin no head 

I immediately jumped up and ran to open the door. "Wassup what you doin hea shordy" I asked. I mean don't get me wrong I wanted the head fasho but how the hell did she get my address and other than topping me off why the fuck was she at my house.

"We were supposed to have a sneaky link today" she told me. "Ohh shit my bad ma I forgot about that" I stated rubbing the back of my neck. I felt bad cause she really drove all the way here for some dick and I didn't even remember that we were supposed to link. In my defense though I didn't think she was serious and I had a lot going on this week.

"It's cool .. just forget it, it was silly for me to come here" she sighed about to walk away. "Nahh cmere ma you good" I reassured her taking her hand and pulling her In the house for a hug. While closing the door behind her.

"You sure cause I don't wanna be a bother or anything like that" she confessed looking up at me. "Nahh you straight, I mean ain't nobody here but us" I said trying to console her.

"Word" she asked smirking at me. "Mhm" I answered. "Bet" she stated grabbing my hand walking me towards the hallway. "Which rooms yours" she questioned. "Middle one" I told her pointing to my room. Just then she pulled me in the room, closed the door behind her and pushed me on the bed.

Kayla's pov✨
"What do you want tayvon" I angrily questioned while he was just standing in the door way looking stupid. "What's up with your tone ma" He asked calmly. "Look I don't got time for this Tay" I sighed. "So Is there something I can help you with" I asked.

"Nah but you can let me in though" he said nonchalantly. "Un Uh" I stated shaking my head getting ready to close the door. "Bet" he murmured putting his hand on the door stopping me from closing it. It caught me off guard so I turned around to see what the hell was wrong with him.

But just then his crazy ass picked me up and threw me over his shoulder walking into my house. "Tayvon Tremani Mills put me the fuck down" I screamed while kicking my feet and punching his back. "Aight Aight chill shordy" he laughed putting me down on the couch. "You good now" he questioned chuckling. I know right now I was supposed to be mad at him but I couldn't help grin a little once I saw his pretty ass smile.

"I'm sorry ma, ion know what I did but I'm sincerely sorry for it" he said putting his hand on his heart. "You promise" I said caving in I couldn't help it he was just so fucking sweet and he did seem genuine. "Yes mamas, now cmere" he assured me. I went over to him and just laid up on him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Now do you wanna tell me why you were upset" he questioned. "You didn't call or text me, hell you could've even sent a smoke signal" I honestly responded. "I just felt like you ghosted me" I confessed. "That's my fault shordy I had a lot of drops I had to make but as soon as I was done I came to see you" he explained. "I would never ghost you Kay" he reassured me caressing my cheek with his finger.

"Forreal" I asked. "Mhmm" he answered leaning down to give me a kiss. ____________________________
Daija's pov 😍❤️
"Ahhh omg mere I'm scared" I screamed as the ride reached the top of the Roller coster. I knew we were about to drop at any minute now. "Cmon Daij you'll be Aight" he said trying to console me. "Here" he stated offering out his hand for me to hold. I took it and then we dropped.

2 hours later

"That was sooo fun y'all" I told the group. "Yea fasho" Ray agreed. He was here with his girlfriend. "Whew that shit was crazy y'all" she sighed. "I know right I'm tired as hell" I said. "Yess girl soon as I get home I'm hitting the bed" she stated. "Definitely, alright y'all bye" I said as we went our separate ways.

Mere and I continued to walk to the car. We we're just talking and laughing about all the fun we had today. "Omg and then I almost threw up, mere I'm never getting on a Roller coster with you again" I laughed reminiscing on the events from earlier.

"Haha now you know damn well nobody told you to eat that funnel cake then get on that ride" he laughed. "That L's on you baby" he told me. We had to walk another ten minutes to find the car since he parked mad far. But the whole time we were just laughing and making fun of each other.

"Hea" he stated opening my door for me. "Thank you Pooh" I gushed. I wasn't trying to catch feelings but damn I couldn't help it. I feel like he lowkey set this up just for me to catch feelings but then again I'm probably overthinking. Either way I had a good ass time I can't wait to tell kay all about it when I get home. I hope she's ok though.

Fifthteen minutes later

We pulled up just outside my house. It looked like the tv was on so I assumed that Kay was still up. "I had a really good time today mere" I told him. "that's good Dee, I had a nice time too" he explained. "I guess I gotta pay you back for gas now" I declared. "Nah shordy you good" he assured me quickly. Which didn't surprise me knowing mere. I grabbed my purse anyways though. I looked in the zip up part and found the forty that he gave me.

"Here you go stink" I said handing him the money. "Dee no" he argued. "Mere yes" I insisted. "Nah shordy" he disagreed. "Cmere let me tell you something" I stated as he leaned in. I leaned in closer and kissed him and while doing that I slid the money in his pocket. Before he realized it I pulled away and got out. "Dee come take it back" he shouted as I walked away from the car and onto the porch. "Goodnight mere" I laughed walking into the house.

Excuse any errors if you spotted a few my bad luv ❤️


Questions 💚🔐
1. What do you guys think of the romance developing between daij and mere 💞

2. Do you think tay was really out making drops or was he doing something else 🧐

3. What's up with Keshawn and patience, are they friends with Benefits now 🤭

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