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Keshawn's pov 🖤
It had been a whole month since me and Kayla last spoke. No texts, calls, or nothing. We'd see each other in the hallway and not speak at all. It's like we're total strangers.

I just think that's crazy though, you can go from talking to someone everyday to not speaking at all. I didn't want this for me and Kayla. But the last time I tried to mend things with Kay. It just ended up getting worse. I love Kay though, the love will always be there I guess the bond just wont.

On a lighter note, I got me a lil vibe now. After that day patience came to my house. I saw her again at a kickback and we've just been talking ever since then. It's wild cause I've never really been in a relationship. I usually just fuck and leave to be honest. But with patience it's different. I don't mind staying around with her.

I'm happy for once in a while. Everything's chill no drama, no struggling to make ends meets, no bullshit. Just good vibes. It did feel a little weird without Kay though. Kind of incomplete.

But I was currently on the way to patience's crib to go pick her up. We're going to a house party. Well us and the rest of the gang, they're meeting us there though.

Kayla's pov 🤍
"KAYLA WHERES MY PURSE" daija shouted from the bedroom. "LOOK IN THE RIGHT HAND CORNER BESIDE MY BED" I yelled back as I continued flat ironing my hair. It had been a whole month since that dreadful day in the car. But a lot of things have changed since then. Like how Tayvon and I are officially dating. I know we were only talking for two months.

But we both decided that we didn't need to go through whole long talking period in our relationship. We were mature enough to know what we wanted. And I honestly think I love him. Even though I've never been in love before I feel like this is it. Wanting to be with somebody every second of everyday. Feelings of despair when there not around and you start to miss them.

Devastation when they're hurt or in pain. I really think I love him y'all.😫 But besides Tayvon and I. TiTi and I have gotten way closer now. After daija first introduced us we didn't see or hear from each other much after that. But I started hitting her up more, just to hang with me when daj couldn't. And we've gradually just been getting closer. She's like my second annoying ass sister whole time.

But unfortunately not everything's been great. Key and I haven't spoken since that day. I'm not even going to try and pretend like I don't miss him or regret what I said. And while yea everything's finally going good for me in life. It's just not the same without him. Like for instance, my birthdays coming up next week and I'm to prideful to ask him to come. But we've also never spent a birthday with out one another. I just don't know what to do.

"Kayla cmon we're gonna be late" daija warned knocking me out of my stressful thoughts. "Alright I'm coming" I told her while grabbing my purse and phone heading out the door. We were currently on our way to a house party. Just me and my girls. Well until tay shows up then it'll be me and my nigga.

Tayvon told me earlier that he's going to be late to the party. Since he still has a couple more drops to make. So he'll probably end up getting there a little while after us. I asked him if he wanted me to wait for him. Cause I really wanted to walk in that party with him. But he told me to go ahead and have a good time and that he'll be there. So that's exactly what I'm going to do. Just have fun with my girls.

I opened the car door getting In the passenger seat. We were on our way to pick up TiTi. Cause we always roll up at the parties together. While we were driving to Tisha's house I got a text.

Ma heart ♥️😫
Ima be later than expected ma

Okay bae long as you get here I'm cool


I exited out of our messages and sighed turning my phone off. "What happened Pooh" Daija asked concerned. "Nothing, Tay just texted me saying he was going to be late" I told her. "Aww sorry sis" she said trying to comfort me. "It's fine ima still have fun regardless" I said excited for the party. "Period" Daija agreed hyping me up more.

We pulled up outside of Tisha's house. I went to our messages to tell her to come out.

Ma good sis 🤞🏽❣️
Come outside hoe we not gone jump you 😂😂

Waaab aight I'm coming out just let
me get my purse

Okay hurry up sis

"She said she coming, she just gotta get her purse" I told Daija. "Okay" Daija responded turning on the radio while we wait for her.

Five minutes later

TiTi finally came out after five minutes of waiting for her. She opened the door on the right side getting in the back seat. "Girl it took you five minutes to find a purse" I stated plainly unamused. "That's my fault Pooh I got caught up texting waun" she apologized. "You good sis, gon head text yo man" I teased a little. "Antwan is not my man" she disagreed. "Then what were you doing texting him for five minutes" I questioned. "Look Kayla, you in my business don't do that" she stated giggling.

"Haha girl Ain't nobody finna play with you" I laughed grabbing the aux cord playing pussy talk by the City Girls.


Ten minutes later

We pulled up at the party ten minutes later. "Aye Daija remember where we parked cause I'm not tryna be walking all around this block to find the car" I stated reminding her. "Aight girl" she answered. We walked through the front door and immediately got hit with the strong smell of weed and liquor. Yep this is going to be one hell of a night.

Excuse any mistakes luv 💞🦋

Questions 💚🔐
1. Do you think Tayvon will and up making it to the party

2. Or will he bail on Kayla and leave her with the girls tonight

3. Will we see patience and key there

Find out in the next chapter of choices. y'all know shit goes down at those house parties 😗
I wouldn't wanna miss it if I were you.

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