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Three months later ...
Kay's pov ☁️✨
It's been three months since the whole altercation with Key and Tayvon. Since then so much has happened. Key was suspended for two weeks for fighting and almost killing Tayvon. I helped him out a bit though so that he wouldn't have to make up so much work when he got back.

It was the least I could do since he got caught up with Tayvon cause of me. I still feel guilty and at fault sometimes cause of what happened to Key afterwards. He was nearly expelled and banned from graduation. But thankfully a couple of his teachers vouched for him and said that he really wasn't a bad kid.

So the principal went easy on him. Keshawn always reassures me that it wasn't my fault at all and that he was going to do what he did regardless cause he didn't like the way that Tay was grabbing me. So I try not to beat myself up about it.

After Tayvon was admitted to the hospital he basically disappeared. He didn't come back to school when he was discharged and I never heard from him again. I guess Key really scared the shit out of him.

Ever since the situation with Tay abusing me. Key has kept a close eye on me and practically hasn't let me outta his sight. Basically acting like his old over protective self again. And this time I didn't mind one bit. Instead I cherished it, I was happy and thankful that somebody loved me enough to want to shield me from anything that could hurt me.

I understand why he acts that way now and it doesn't bother me anymore. But speaking of him spending a lot more time with me. It has kind of caused some ... feelings. I mean don't get me wrong I think Key and I have always been attracted to each other a lot more than we'd like to admit.

But it was different now. It was harder to hide the brewing chemistry in between us now. And not only were we always in each other's company now we were always in each other faces. It's like at this point other guys don't even excite me.

Right now we were at the ice cream palace. Building our own ice cream bowl. "Okay let me get vanilla with gummy bears, sprinkles, sour watermelon, and a cherry on top" Key ordered telling the lady what he wanted in his bowl.

"All that sweet stuff you just got" I stated scrunching up my face. "It's gonna be too sugary watch" I warned him. "Whatever Kay" he smacked his lips brushing me off. "Maybe I like my ice cream sugary" he added on.

"Oh so what you gotta sweet tooth now" I questioned not believing him. "It's possible" he shrugged unconvincingly. "You know what else is sweet" I asked him playing around some. "Stop playing Kay" he chuckled dismissing me.

"I'm not" I protested. "I'm just saying if you gotta sweet tooth I might have something sweet for you to eat" I mumbled joking mostly. "Huh" Key said pushing his ear forward trying to make sure he heard me right. "Here you go sir" the lady interrupted giving him his ice cream bowl. "Thank you" He thanked before taking his bowl.

I had already ordered mine so now we were just finding somewhere to sit. We wandered around before deciding on a table in the middle of the parlor. I had a rainbow sherbet ice cream bowl with gummy worms, strawberry's, and whipped cream on top.

We sat down and began eating our frozen treats. I looked over at Key's bowl and it looked so good. Then I glanced up at him eating it and he looked so damn fine. "Bae you look so sexy I just wanna mmm" I thought to myself. "Well thank you mama" he replied licking some of the ice cream off of his lips.

"Oh shit I said that out loud" I exclaimed covering my mouth in embarrassment. Key lowly chuckled at how flustered I was. "I swear I didn't mean stay that audibly" I tried telling him. "You good Kay" he grinned laying his hand on mine to try and calm me down. "Okay thanks" I breathed smiling some at him.

I looked and noticed that he still had some ice cream left in the corner of his mouth. "Oh Key you got something right there" I pointed to the top corner of his lip. He looked down trying to spot where I was talking about so he could wipe it off. "Did I get it" he questioned with the ice cream still on his mouth.

"No it's right there" I drawled out wiping the ice cream off his lip as our eyes got caught in a gaze. Damn man. Key was really a beautiful person and I really loved him. Like loved him, loved him. It was deeper than him just being my best friend.

He knew me better than I knew myself at times. And he could always tell when something wasn't right with me or if I was lying or anxious or scared. He was my person. And I was his. How did I get so lucky like this.

"Is there anything that I could get you guys" the lady cleared her throat asking which somehow knocked us out of our moment and brought us back to reality. "Uhh yea the check please and can we get two to-go containers" he asked gaining back his focus. "Mhm I'll be right back with that for you" she kindly told him.

Key paid for our food and then we left. We walked back to his car and he drove me home.

25 minutes later
We pulled up at my house and he took his seatbelt off getting ready to get out. "What are you doing" I questioned looking at him confused. "I was going to walk you to the door" he answered. "Keshawn I'll be fine" I chuckled at how guarding he was of me.

He then gave me a dumbfounded look like I had said something stupid. "I'm serious Key you can just watch me from the car, the doors literally right there" I explained. "Alright Kay" he sighed letting me go. I opened my door and got ready to leave before he tugged on my hand. "Wait" he said to me with a saddened look on his face like he didn't want me to go.

"Yea" I asked looking back at him. "I love you Kay" he told me with sincerity. "I love you too Key" I replied back giving him a peck on the check. He looked like he wanted to say something more but he just let me go instead. He didn't pull off until I stepped foot in the house. My heart, I thought to myself swooning over him before going upstairs to shower then sleep. What a vibe we have together huh.
Excuse any mistakes Pooh 🤍
Tell me what you guys thought of this chapter and vote if you liked it.
Questions 🥡🥢
1. What do you think of Key and Kay's relationship now?

2. Do you think Tayvon's really gone or will he pop back up?

3. What do you think Keshawn was gonna say.

Thank y'all for reading choices I really hope you guys liked this chapter. Comment and let me know what you guys thought. I'll see you in the next one, Niya outt ✌🏽💚

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