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Keshawn's pov 🖤🔑
We set up all the decorations and got everything ready for the party. Only thing we need now is the food. The orders are already put in. We just have to wait til the day before the party to pick it up.  After I got done helping the guys set everything up I got ready to leave. "Aight y'all I'm boutta roll out" I told them grabbing my jacket and keys. "Word" Mere questioned. "Yea I'm finna go see my girl" I told him. "I'll talk to y'all tomorrow" I said before heading out. "Aight" they said as I walked out the door.

I got in my car and pulled out of the driveway and started driving to Patience's house.

25 minutes later
After about twenty minutes I pulled up to Patience's house. I got out the car and made my way up to her door. Just as I was about to knock this girl comes out. "Umm can I help you" she says confused. She looks close to my age and a little bit like Patience. "I'm here for Patience" I explained. "Oh you must be Keshawn, I'm Alexis but everybody calls me lex or lexi" she introduced. "Cool cool how do you know Patience again" I asked curiously. "I'm her sister and she's upstairs in her room" she told me pointing to the stairs.

"Oh alright thanks" I Thanked her. "No problem, it was nice meeting you" she said before we parted ways. "You too" I said as I went in the house looking for Patience. I headed up the stairs just like her sister said. And I found Patience in the first room on the right with her door open listening to music. "Wassup bae" I greeted her as I went in for a hug. She flinched. "Shit Keshawn you scared me" she said startled.

"How come you didn't see my tall black ass walk in" I asked her. "I was in my own lil world" she told me. "Per usual" I plainly stated taking off my shoes and getting comfortable beside her in the bed. "Boy don't do me" she defended playfully hitting me. "What are you doing here though I thought you had somewhere to be" she questioned recalling from earlier when I had to leave.

"I missed you damn I can't come see my girl" I stated grabbing her and sitting her on my lap. And just as she started to open her mouth to say something I interrupted her. "And to answer your question I did have some shit to do with the guys but we finished it" I stated abruptly. "Oop okay then" she said pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. "There you go with that silly shit man" I said before laughing at her.

"Whatever Keshawn" she mumbled annoyed trying to get up and leave. "No no no wait" I pouted holding her waist down so that she couldn't leave. "Ughhh what Keshawn cause you always talking shit" she groaned angrily. "I'm sorry mama you know I was just playing with you" I apologized. "Mhm" she blandly hummed trying to stay mad at me. "Cmere" I lowly spoke. She leaned down to my level so now there was only a small space between us. "Look at me" I whispered turning her head towards me. So that now we were facing each other.

"What Ke-" she started to say before I cut her off with my lips colliding into hers. It was a slow sloppy passionate kiss. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance. Which she gladly granted. Then I slipped my tounge in her mouth and flipped us over.
Kayla's pov 🤍✨
After shopping for hours and trying on numerous outfits. I decided to pick out two. One for my actual party and one for when I take pictures. Tisha and Daij ended up finding them something to wear too. After we paid for everything thing we went to Wendy's and had lunch.

TiTi wanted to spend the night so Daija called aunt brittney to see if it was okay. While she was doing that, I was in the kitchen trying to find something to drink. "Damn, it ain't ever shit in here" I mumbled to myself walking back out the kitchen and into the living room.

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