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About three to four weeks later ...

Kayla's pov 🤍✨
I don't know what's gotten into him. It's like he's a whole totally different person and everything I knew or thought I knew about him ... switched. "KAYLA" he shouted angrily coming from upstairs.

"Huh" I nervously answered. "Where the fuck are my car keys bro" he questioned with bass in his voice making me fear for what would come next. "AND DONT FUCKING LIE" he demanded yelling in my face and yanking me by the neck of my shirt. "I don't know Tay I swear" I whined terrified.

He aggressively released me from his grip practically throwing me on the couch. "You hid my shit so I would be forced to stay in here with yo hoe ass" he harshly spat pacing back and forth across the living room. He had been like this the last two weeks. I don't know what I did or said but he's been mad aggressive and really cruel as of lately.

Currently though in the particular situation he was upset with me because while we were out at Denny's the waiter flirted with me. He said that I was seeking attention from other men by wearing my whore ass clothes. But all I had on was some tight fitting jeans and a crop top that I paired with a jacket cause it was a little chilly.

He's been really verbally abusive and all the shit he had been saying to me was really starting to stress me out and fuck with my mental state. The first week of him doing this I just left his ass alone and went right back to worrying about myself. But then he popped up everywhere I was pleading and begging me for forgiveness.

It was like I couldn't escape. I threatened to tell my brothers one time but then he chocked me and told me he'd find me and kill me. Needless to say I basically feared for my life at this point. I couldn't get rid of him. And the crazy thing was how quick all of this shit happened within the span of a couple weeks.

But I guess I had to get used to it. Cause there was literally nothing I could think of to prevent it from happening. I learned early on not to try and fight back cause it'll only get worse. "You think you're so fucking smart huh" he mockingly questioned. I didn't say anything, most of the time I just tried to stay quiet and out of the way. I really wanted to just disappear when he got like this truth be told.

But I couldn't so instead I just starting sobbing. Thinking about the bullshit that I had gotten myself into. The sweet charming man I once knew had done a whole 360 and I didn't even know who he was anymore.

WHAT. THE. FUCK. Was all I could think to myself. "BRO SHUT THE FUCK UP" he screamed in my face letting droplets of spit land on me. Unfortunately I couldn't stop and I was crying hysterically even more. Which as you could assume he didn't like.

"KAYLA YOU GOT FIVE SECONDS TO SHUT UP" he stated pacing back and forth aggravated by me. "One" he started to count. I continued to cry, my chest now heaving up and down as I was starting to have a panic attack. "Two" he sternly said sounding even more agitated. SLAP.

Suddenly my face was met with the crisp palm of his hand. Which only caused me to sob more. "Man FUCK THIS SHIT" he yelled storming out. I can't do this anymore.

Omniscient 🔐💚
"Keshawn where are you going" Patience cried out following him to the door. "Out now please let me be damn" He told her trying not to raise his voice even though he was highly irritated at this point.

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