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Kayla pov 🤍
Keshawn pulled up outside my house and turned the car off. We sat in silence for a minute just staring out into space. Then I broke down out of nowhere. I guess everything I was trying to hold in got the best of me.

All I know is once I started crying I couldn't stop. "I'm so sorry Key, I'm sorry for everything I didn't mean it I-" I started to say before I was cut off by Key wrapping his arms around me. "It's fine Kay I know you didn't mean it ma you don't gotta explain yourself" he said consoling me.

"I'm sorry too okay" he stated pulling away making me look up at him. "Mhm" I hummed nodding my head. "I mean it Kayla, I'm sorry I don't ever wanna go that long with out talking to you ever again" he told me sniffling. "Are you crying too Key" I asked not wanting to pull away from the hug. "Nahh I got allergies" he denied clearing his throat.

"It's okay if you were best I won't tell anybody" I softly spoke giggling. "Haha aight Kay cmon let me walk you to the door before Ms.Brittney come out here yelling at me" he chuckled opening his door and getting out of the car. "Okay" I agreed getting out and following behind him to my front door.

"Be ready by eight tomorrow or I'm leaving you here" he warned me. "Haha alright Key, goodnight I love you" I said bringing him into a warm embrace. "I love you too, night Kayla" he repeated back to me before we parted ways and he pulled off.

Tayvon's pov 🪐
I was just arriving at Kay's house to apologize for standing her up. When I saw Keshawn's car pull off and Kay walk in the house. I felt bad for leaving her at the party by her self but it doesn't look like she was by her self at all.

What were they doing together. I thought they weren't cool anymore, and where's Daija and Tisha I thought they all went to the party together. It's something off about this whole situation I just can't put my finger on it. Did she sleep with him? I wondered to myself. Man I'm tripping Kayla's not even like that.

Let me just go ask her what happened. I thought to myself as I got out the car and headed to her door. I'm definitely just being paranoid. I'm sure it's a perfect explanation for all of this. At least I hope it is.

Kayla's pov 🤍
When I got in the house nobody was there. So I took a shower and got dressed in some comfortable shorts and a tee. While I was getting dressed I heard my phone go off. So I went to go see who had texted me. It was two messages one from my aunt brittney and one from Daij.

Mom Dukes 💞🧸
I gotta work another late shift tonight There's food in the fridge if you get hungry love you ❤️

Okay and love you more💞

I exited out of our text messages and opened Daija's too see what she was talking about.

Ma Otha Half ⛓💕
Mere's giving me a ride home I'll see you at the house.

Aight Pooh

I was texting her back when I heard a knock at the door. So I went downstairs to see who it was. I wasn't expecting anyone since aunt brittney had to work late and Daija just said she was on her way home. It made me a little scared and nervous since I was all alone and I couldn't imagine why someone would be knocking on my door at ten thirty at night. So I went to the kitchen and grabbed a big knife just to be safe. I walked slowly to the door and looked in the peephole. To my surprise it was just Tay's crook ass.

So I opened the door and sat the knife down on the table beside the door. "What do you want Tayvon" I sighed annoyed. "Fuck you got a knife for" he questioned alarmed a little bit. "Don't fucking worry bout it" I angrily said glowering at him. "Are you gonna get to the point of why your here or what" I questioned irritated by his presence.

"Look I get that your mad and all that but you needa chill on the attitude ma" he calmly stated. "Tayvon Ive had a really fucked up night and I don't have time to deal with your bullshit so can you just tell me what the fuck you want so you can leave" I said as nicely as I possibly could.

"It couldn't have been that bad you left with ole boy" he stated being petty. "Your a dickhead you know that" I stated trying to slam the door in his face but being stopped by his foot in the door. "Nah tell me what you were doing with him" he demanded. "Nigga FUCK YOU I don't gotta tell you shit" I screamed.

"Oh forreal" he questioned. "Yes bum you weren't there then so why do you give a fuck what I was doing with him" I argued back. "I mean you couldn't have cared that much or else you would've been there" I told him stating my point. "Man don't give me that shit, you knew where I was and what I was doing" he yelled. "So it's not like I was cheating, unlike you" he continued. "Nigga what, so that's why your here cause you think I cheated on you" I questioned looking at him like he was stupid.

"Well it wasn't at first but now it is, so... did you" he asked emphasizing the last part. "Nahh I was about to get raped though, you know at the party you left me at by myself" I stated closing and locking the door before he could stop me. "Wait Kay I'm sorry, open the door Kay, cmon ma I didn't know I'm sorry" he shouted banging on the door. Tears started to stream down my face as I walked away from the door and up the stairs to my room.

Sorry I took so long to update luvs💓. Online school has really been kicking my ass lately but Ima try to update more regularly. Now on to these questions 😽

Questions 💞
1. Where was Tayvon at when he was supposed to be with Kay 🤷🏾‍♀️

2. Are you guys happy about Kayla and Keshawn's friendship reuniting 💚

3. Are Kayla and Tayvon over 😬

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