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Key's pov 🖤🔑
I had grabbed my jacket and was on my way out the door, til Kay asked me the million dollar question. "Whose Patience" she said in a curious tone. Damn I forgot to tell Kayla about Patience. We had just started back speaking to each other. So it wasn't the first thing on my mind to mention to her.

I wasn't hiding light skin or anything like that I just honestly forgot to tell Kay. Well I guess nows a good time. "She's my lil woot da woot" I said zipping up my jacket. "Haha so like your girlfriend" she asked laughing like I said something funny. "Kinda we haven't made anything official yet, so we just talking for right now" I answered. "But what's funny though" I questioned.

"You nigga, I never thought you would get in a relationship with someone" she stated. "There's a first time for everything" I shrugged opening her door getting ready to leave. "Hold on ima walk you out" she insisted getting her slippers. After Kay put her shoes on we walked down stairs and I told everybody I'd see them later.

She opened the front door and we walked outside to my car. "So am I going to get to meet this Patience" she questioned leaning into the car through the window. "Well I don't know Kay, I never got formally introduced to Tayvon" I said being a little petty. I was going to introduce her to light skin. I just wanted to irk her nerves a bit before I left.

"Okay but you knew about him and he knew about you" she explained making a good point. "And I'm pretty sure shordy don't know about me considering the fact that we weren't on speaking terms for a month and I didn't know about her" she added on. "Aight Kk calm down I was going to introduce you anyway I just wanted to fuck with you before I left" I admitted laughing.

"Fuck you Key" she stated looking somewhat annoyed. "I can't do that baby I'm a taken man" I teased irritating her more. "Bye Keshawn" she sighed with a grin appearing on her face as she walked away. "I love you Kay" I shouted from the car. "Love you too Key" she yelled back before walking into the house. Now on the way to Patience.

Kayla's pov 🤍✨
I walked back in the house and was on my way up stairs til I was stopped by Daija. "Hey Kay wait a minute" she gently spoke getting up and coming over to me. "Yea Daij" I stated as she stood in front of me. "I forgot to do something" she said before bringing me into a warm, long, affectionate hug I didn't know I needed. Without releasing me from her arms she said. "I went upstairs earlier to get my blanket and I overheard you and Key talking outside the door" she told me.

"I wasn't trying to ease drop babe but I heard everything" she said in a soft tone. I feel asleep last night before Daija got home so I never got to tell her what happened. "I'm so sorry that, that happened to you sis you don't deserve that bullshit" she consoled. "Thank you Daij, I really needed this .. I love you Pooh" I sighed getting emotional.

"No need to thank me stink I'll always be here for you" she calmly spoke breaking the hug. "Oh and TiTi texted me and told me to tell you that, the next time you don't answer your phone she's going to beat your ass" she laughed reading the text message from her phone. "And that you need to get dressed, she's taking you shopping for your birthday fit" she stated putting her phone back in her pocket.

"How long ago did she text you that" I questioned nervously. "About fifteen minutes" Daij said nonchalantly. "Oh shit let me go" I stated rushing up the stairs to get dressed.


Key's pov 🖤🔑
I pulled up fifteen minutes later in front of Patience's house. I got out my phone and opened our messages.

Patience 💚

Come open the door ma

                               Aight I'm coming

Just as I received that text I opened the car door and got out walking to her porch. She opened the door and greeted me with a hug. "I missed you bae" she gushed closing the door behind me as I walked in. "I missed you more ma" I lowly spoke as I leaned down and kissed her lips.

"Why you take so long to get here stink it felt like I was waiting on you forever" she frowned. "Kayla was asking hella questions" I chuckled remembering the conversation I had with her. "Who the fuck is Kayla" Patience snapped as her face scrunched up waiting for an answer. "Kay's just my best friend" I nonchalantly stated. "Nah ion trust that best friend shit" Patience argued.

"No it's not like that I swear, I've know Kayla since I was thirteen" I defended. "And when I say she's my best friend I mean just that, my best friend" I repeated putting emphasize on the word best friend the second time. "We've never kissed, fucked, none of that" I explained to her. "Shit knowing Kay she'd probably slap the shit outta me if I ever tried some shit like that, especially being that I gotta girl" I admitted gently grabbing her hand and grinning at her.

"Cmon baby, you can't be mad at me" I pleaded trying to convince her not to be upset with me. "Okay but if she even think about flirting with you ima raise hell" she warned. "Kay's not like that I promise" I told her. "She actually really wants to meet you" I confessed. "Oh forreal" she questioned sounding intrigued. "Mhm, that's what we were talking about before I left there to come see you" I remembered. "She wants me to introduce you to her" I continued. "Oh well set something up then" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Let me find out yo best friend cool, ima take her from you" she declared. "Haha you wish" I chuckled as we laid down on the couch. Starting the movie.
So how did you guys like this chapter? Let me know in the comments. ❤️


Questions 😚✨
1. Were Kayla and Patience's reactions of each other what you expected or assumed them to be?

2. Do you guys like Daija and Kayla's sister relationship?

3. What do you think Kay's gonna pick out to be her birthday fit?

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